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Easter Day 2014 8:30am Easter Story (and the same to you) 3 1-2 So if youre serious about i!

in" this ne# resurre$tion ife #ith %hrist& a$t i'e it( )ursue the thin"s o!er #hi$h %hrist *resides( Dont shuff e a on"& eyes to the "round& absorbed #ith the thin"s ri"ht in front of you( +oo' u*& and be a ert to #hat is "oin" on around %hrist,thats #here the a$tion is( See thin"s from his *ers*e$ti!e( 3-4 -our o d ife is dead( -our ne# ife& #hi$h is your rea ife,e!en thou"h in!isib e to s*e$tators,is #ith %hrist in .od( /e is your ife( 0hen %hrist (your rea ife& remember) sho#s u* a"ain on this earth& you sho# u*& too,the rea you& the " orious you( 1ean#hi e& be $ontent #ith obs$urity& i'e %hrist( %o ossians 3:3 -our ife is hidden #ith %hrist in .od( 2 found myse f #onderin" this mornin" #hen a$tua y did 3esus rise from the dead 4 #e are to d by different sour$es #hen the tomb #as dis$o!ered em*ty and #e are to d #hen the $on!i$tion of resurre$tion be"an to "ras* the dis$i* es but #hen did he rise5 2t o$$urs to me that for a #hi e& and it must ha!e seemed a $osmi$ moment& this "reat& $o ossa & transformin" a$t #as 'e*t a se$ret unti they $ame and sa#& $ame and e6*erien$ed& $ame and to d( 1aybe& sometimes& our e6*erien$e of resurre$ted ife is a too #e hidden7 #e try to fo o# )au s instru$tion and 8see' the thin"s that are abo!e #here %hrist is seated at the ri"ht hand of .od9 but its a too diffi$u t& a se$ret sometimes too #e dis"uised( 0e for"et& #e o!er oo'& #e $hoose to i"nore or #e resist 4 and #hi e this does not a ter the truth one :ot or titt e& one iota& it sure y affe$ts our e6*erien$e( ;or a #hi e the identity of the resurre$ted %hrist #as someho# a se$ret 'e*t from 1ary 4 her tears& her e6*e$tations a $ombined to 'ee* him hidden but that 81ary9 re!ea ed the se$ret and sudden y a hea!en brea's oose( 0e $ome& you and 2 $ome& this Easter mornin" #ith our i!es thirst for this ne#& fresh& !i"orous& e6uberant ife to be re!ea ed( 0ait a itt e& maybe $ry a itt e and a #i be re!ea ed and ne# resurre$tion ife #i in!ade your today& your days and that fina day( < e uia& %hrist is risen

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