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Warm Up

What are some of the words you think of when you hear the word Test?

knees please clapping

Objective Today
Critical Thinking

Group Discussions
Be Polite! Things I want to hear: It sounds like what youre saying is So it sounds like I think _____, while you think _____. Is that correct?

After a lot of use, the treads on a bikes tires wears down. Most people believe that this is because the friction generated between the tire and pavement wear down the treads of the tire. A scientist, however, suspects that there is a different reason. He believes that the treads wear down due to chemicals found on the road and in rainwater. How could he best test whether his theory is correct? A) Ride a bike a lot during spring rain storms B) Place chemicals from pavement and rain water on a bikes tires without riding the bike C) Determine whether chemicals from the pavement also are in the bikes frame D) Determine whether the bikes frame is made of rust-resistant materials E) Determine the number of miles that a bike tire can be used on a wet road before wearing down.

Why does your group believe that this is the correct answer? What is the variable that you want to test?

FERMI Question
A question that you cannot know the exact answer to. AKA an estimation question Example: How many piano tuners are there in the city of New York?

Piano Tuners Example

Piano Tuners Example

Guess: 12 Million People in NYC Maybe 1% own pianos. => 120,000 Pianos A Piano Tuner, to keep in business, needs to service 500 pianos each. => 120,000/500 = 240 Piano Tuners

FERMI Question
How tall is this building? Each person come up with an answer. Remain silent for 2 minutes. Dont just come up with an answer, build up slowly. Why do you think that this is the correct answer? Discuss with your group.

FERMI Question
How tall is the Comcast building (tallest building in Philadelphia)? Quiet for 3 minutes. Same as before, build it up slowly. Why do you think that this is the correct answer? Discuss with your group.

End of Class/Homework
Handout with Keystone practice questions on it.

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