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Predict what will happen to allied strength and confidence when American soldiers join WWI.

WWI Wilson, War, & Peace

Chapter 10 Section 3

Understand how the US military contributed to the Allied victory Describe the aims of the 14 points Analyze the decision made at the Paris Peace Conference Explain why the US Senate refused to ratify the treaty ending WWI

The US enters the game late and thus has a decided advantage over their foes. What has been a bloody, bloody war, US revitalizes Allied spirits and pushes to victory. Using the technology of her allies, the US is a formidable force and breaks the stalemate. After the war the fighting continues in Paris.

America gives Allies the Edge

US is very diverse How can they raise an army Will it be any good

Convoy US tactic against Unrestricted Sub Warfare

Immediate impact German subs fail to bypass US warships Supplies heavily guarded by warships

Russian Revolution
Start of their civil war allows Germany to focus on Western Front Czar Nicholas II over thrown (People are starving and millions die due to WWI Vladimir Lenin (communist radical) ends war with Germany (Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) and assumes control of what will become the Soviet Union

Convoy System
A system to protect troops & weapons from u-boats
Surround ships w/small destroyers Merchant ship loss declined by 50%

America gives Allies the Edge

US hits the Western Front
Commander John J. Pershing (not chasing Pancho Villa anymore) German counterattacks futile Germans exhausted US troops take on more responsibility German offensive bend Allied lines but never break them Germany weakened after every failure

American Troops = Doughboys = Success

2nd Battle of the Marne, Battle of Cantiguy, Chateau Thierry, Belleau Wood, Neuse Argonne, & Saint Mihiel Alvin York (and 16 US soldiers) armed with a rifle and a pistol helped take down an entire German position Can you say Congressional Medal of Honor Please see page 303

Doughboy? Are they saying we are fat?

The Button Theory: Coat buttons looked like dough dumplings The Pipe Clay Theory: Clay polish for belts & shoes turned dough looking when wet The Adobe Theory: Stirred up so much dust when marching they resembled a ball of dough.
Moving on



Nope, Try again

American Heroes
African Americans faced discrimination 369th earns Croix de Guerre (African Americans)
French Award for bravery

1.3 Millions fought 50,000 died 230,000 wounded

African Americans in the War

Though many African American fought in the war, they still did not receive equal treatment. Most cooked and cleaned but some did fight in segregated regiments

Harlem Hell Fighters

The War Ends

US, Britain, French, & Italy subdue the Central Powers
Men just gave up no way they were going to win November 11, 1918 surrendered in a railway car

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Allied Central Civilian Deaths in Millions

Allied troops (millions)

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Troops Killed or Missing
12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Troops Ki l l ed or Mi ssi ng Troops Mobi l i zed Germany Austri aHungary

Russia Britain France Italy US Troops Mobilized

Central Powers (millions)

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Russia Britain France Italy US Germany Austria-Hungary

Percentage of Deaths

What to do?
This is your task 4 groups Think back on all the things that have happened in WWI. You are now sitting at the Paris Peace Conference Outline at least 7 things you think should be done. Please do not be short sighted.
How do you avoid further wars? What should we do to Germany?

You have 10 minutes to make your list of demands As a class you have 5 minutes to make one final list of 10 thing you would like done. No arguing just come up with a consensus

What Wilson wanted to happened

President Wilsons 14 Points were his ideas to end all war. These are a summary of his ideas for world peace. Are they realistic or
End Secret alliances

based on idealism?

Freedom of the seas. Free trade. Reduce weapons Austria-Hungary ethnic groups could decide on their future Restore Russia Restore & Protect Belgium Restore France (end Alsace Lorraine debate Adjust Italys Boundaries

Adjust colonies to recognize views of colonized people Redraw boundaries of Balkan States Divide Ottoman Empire Formation of new countries with selfgovernment as a goal. (Democracy) A league of nations to guarantee peace among nations. (Collective Security)

Wilsons Foreign Policy

Obsessed with New World Order US promote democracy around the world End war through cooperation Should be based on honesty and unselfishness Treaty of Versailles kept him from realizing his dream
Major points for Wilson
League of Nations No secret alliances End Imperialism Reduce arms Article 10 (you will see later)

Open diplomacy or no secret treaties. Freedom of the seas.

Not included Not included Not included Germany disarmed and forced to pay reparations of $33 million Germany divided into colonies given to Allied victors. New countries form democracies based on ethnic groups Organization of larger nations to maintain world peace

Removal of tariff and other economic barriers or free trade.

Reduction of land and weapons

International control of colonies, with selfgovernment as the goal.

Self-determination of ethnic groups to decide in which country they wish to live. A general association of nations to guarantee peace and the independence of all nations.

League of Nations

Things to remember.

Describe reception President Wilsons peace plan received from the allies.
Allies sought revenge on Germany. Wilsons was forced to compromise his 14 points to get the League of Nations.

Of Wilsons 14 points how many did he actually get through the Treaty of Versailles?
One The League of Nations

League of Nations

President of Princeton Democrat Believed in the League of Nations as the only way to end all war Would only accept his ideas and not Congresss

Graduate of Harvard Republican Believed League of Nations would take away Congresss power to declare war Made additions to the League of Nations, Wilson would not accept them

The Members of the League undertake to respect and preserve as against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression, the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.

Problems Senator Lodge Had With LON

Power of Congress to declare war Get US involved in a war with no self-interest How would it effect the Monroe Doctrine Policy? Will the LON guarantee a just and lasting peace? Goes against our policy of no foreign alliances

What does Lodge mean

How could the League of Nations cause the US its ability to declare war?
If there is any conflict with a member of the League of Nations it is the duty of other members to protect said member. This could pull the US into many wars which have no meaning or gain for the US. Ironically, Wilson wanted to build an entire group of nations, including the losers, to work together and share, basically play nice. As you will see Wilsons work goes awry and many countries are disappointed by the Treaty of Versailles. Two in particular are Germany, who had to pay to fix Europe (they had no money after the war, so we pay with the thought that Britain & France would help) and Italy who was promised more land and received nothing. Causing more friction and eventually WWII

Without the assistance of the of the United States the League of Nations was doomed to failure It does fail!.

Europe Prior to WWI

New Countries
Czechoslovakia Austria Hungary Yugoslavia Poland Lithuania Finland Latvia Estonia Turkey Iraq

1. Of Wilsons 14 Points how many were used? 2. How will Germany and Italy feel after the Treaty of Versailles is unveiled? 3. How did the US curtail unrestricted submarine warfare? 4. Why was the US such a force when they entered the war? 5. Why did the US not join the League of Nations? 6. What was Wilsons ultimate goal when writing his 14 Points?

Of Wilsons 14 Points how many were used?


How will Germany and Italy feel after the Treaty of Versailles is unveiled?
Betrayed and angry

How did the US curtail unrestricted submarine warfare?

The Convoy system

Why was the US such a force when they entered the war?
They were not tired They had not been fighting for 3 years They fought with a purpose that most other countries had long forgotten

Why did the US not join the League of Nations?

Afraid they would b pulled into wars they had nothing to do with

What was Wilsons ultimate goal when writing his 14 Points?

Obsessed with New World Order US promote democracy around the world End war trough cooperation Should be based on honesty and unselfishness

Next time
Please read Chapter 10 section 4

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