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Company Name: Field: $enerated by Date: Period: Company A Field A )o*r +ame 01-Apr-0& 1':(1: & "ime#one: "reen#i$% Mean Time

01-Mar- 00! 00:00 to 01-May- 00! 00:00

Field Uptime Report

Field Summary: Average % Uptime: 99.82 % Total Oil Deferred: Sorted by: Comments: Comments entered by the person ho !enerated the report. '().(( S"* De%erred &il

# uptime for the field over the period of the report. Deferred oil for the field over the period of the report. Deferred oil is a product of oil production and down time. In addition the wells may be sorted by Oil production! $ptime! "urrent status.

+ell Name

,stimated 1ast Per-ent Communi-ation Do ntime

0- ( 0-(0 0-00 01-Apr- 00& 01-Apr- 00& 01-Apr- 00&

&il Produ-tion .S"*/d0

De%erred &il Current Status .S"*0


.ell A .ell / .ell C

!1 -0 '0-0 '10-0

&,-0 !'-0 0-0 0o 0o 1nta2e 3re44*re

The table above is a list of wells sorted by decreasing order of the selected parameter. Last communication is the timestamp of the latest Average Amps value. Oil Production is the average oil production over the period of report. Oil production data is provided by operator by way of production test. Deferred oil calculations are based on oil production. If no test data for Oil Flow ate can be found for the selected period! then the latest test data available before the selected period is used. "urrent status reflects the well status at the time the report was run. eason for shutdown. This will be populated only if the well is down. This information

Dis-laimer Noti-e:
T%i4 information i4 pre4ented #it%o*t #arranty- S$%l*mberger a44*me4 no liability for advi$e or re$ommendation4 made ba4ed on t%i4 information- T%e re4*lt4 given are e4timate4 ba4ed on $al$*lation4 prod*$ed by a $omp*ter model in$l*ding vario*4 a44*mption4 on t%e #ell5 re4ervoir and treatment5 and depend on inp*t data provided by t%e Operator and e4timate4 a4 to *n2no#n data- T%e information pre4ented i4 S$%l*mberger64 be4t e4timate of t%e a$t*al re4*lt4 t%at may be a$%ieved and 4%o*ld be *4ed for $ompari4on p*rpo4e4 rat%er t%an a4 ab4ol*te val*e4-

01-Apr-0& 1':(1: &

Field A-Field Uptime 7eport

3age 1 of 1

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