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Hammond, 2014

Comparative In-Class Essay

For this assignment, you will choose 2 characters that we have discussed in class (or 1 of the 2 may come from a source outside of class if you are feeling ambitious), and write a 5 or 6-paragraph comparative inclass essay that will examine both the similarities and differences between the two characters. The ultimate goal of your essay is to make some kind of statement about the antihero character, in general.

A basic overview

A comparative essay is going to be organized a little bit differently than the other essay(s) you have written in this class in that you must present TWO sets of information and evidence for each idea you present, since you must discuss your ideas in the context of both characters.

So, the thing about comparative essays is


So the first choice you need to make is, will you write about an Antihero and a Villain? Antihero and a Hero? Antihero and an Antihero? The second choice you will need to make is, do the Similarities outweigh the differences? Differences outweigh the similarities? Note: Making a Similarities vs. Differences chart will be extremely useful here! Note: The term outweigh does not necessarily mean in number it might mean in importance This is the question that will determine the overall direction of your essay, and therefore, your thesis. For example, if the similarities outweigh the differences, you will need to examine these similarities further and decide what the fact that these similarities are occurring say about the antihero character in general. It isnt enough to simply state the similarities and differences you have to show me that you are able to think critically by explaining their significance. Depending on whether the similarities outweigh the differences or vice versa, your essay will be organized something like this: Similarities outweigh the differences Similarities = 2-3 points/2-3 paragraphs Differences = 1-2 points/1-2 paragraphs Differences outweigh the similarities Differences = 2-3 points/2-3 paragraphs Similarities = 1-2 points/1-2 paragraphs

Note: USUALLY 1 point = 1 piece of evidence (one quotation or paraphrase from the text), HOWEVER, since this is a comparative essay (in which you are discussing 2 characters), you will need 2 pieces of evidence for each point

Heres how the essay is gonna go down:

You will be given 1 full class period (65 minutes) to complete your essay. You will be given class time prior to the date of the in-class essay to choose your characters, build your thesis, search for evidence to support your thesis, and discuss your ideas You may not bring a fully-written essay into class this would defeat the purpose However, you may bring o Your Antihero Trading Card set (complete with traits & page #s) o Your essay outline (which will be done in class ahead of time) o Any essay-writing handouts Ms. Kendall or myself have given you

Ms. Hammond, 2014 INTRODUCTION

Okay, so your introduction should include these things, likely in this order 1. Intriguing first sentence/fetching first line (hook your reader) 2. Name of both texts and characters discussed in the essay 3. An explanation of the context and significance of the essay a. This will be a statement about the anti-hero in general 4. A specific 2-part thesis contains: a. Whether the 2 items you are discussing are ultimately similar or different b. A roadmap of each piece of evidence that supports this To develop your thesis, answer the following questions: 1. Are my characters ultimately similar or different? 2. How will I prove this? (3 pieces of evidence for each character) 3. What is the significance of this information?


Block (A-A-B-B) 5 paragraphs, total P1: All points about Item A P2: All points about Item B + 1 paragraph outlining the opposing argument Alternating (A-B-A-B-A-B) 6 paragraphs, total P1: First point about Item A,B P2: Second point about Item A,B P3: Third point about Item A, B + 1 paragraph outlining the opposing argument SIDEBAR: Remember how I said we need to discuss the opposing view so as to avoid bias? In addition to the paragraphs discussing similarities OR differences, include 1 (or 2) discussing the opposite.

Lets look at an example, shall we?

So the first choice you need to make is, will you write about an Antihero and an Antihero (V & Tyler Durden) Similarities Act as a mentor to their students Seek freedom from dominant society A little bit crazy (mentally unstable) See root of enslavement as fear Seek freedom in form of rebirth Strong, aggressive, violent males Rebel via organized chaos Show some disregard for human life Differences V rebels against government, T rebels against society V has troubled past, Given no indication of Ts past V seeks revenge, T seeks empowerment V has real student, T has a mental disease V inspires Evey to lead, T inspires himself to end up in an institution (very different endings to each)

Ms. Hammond, 2014

The second choice you will need to make is, do the Similarities outweigh the differences My thesis might read something like this Though V from V for Vendetta and Tyler Durden from Fight Club rebel against different targets, they share the same goal, which is to seek freedom from the dominant society. Both characters seek this freedom through recognizing that the root of their enslavement is fear, conquering this fear through rebirth, the actively acting upon their goal by means of anarchy. *Note: Your antiheroes statement and your thesis can be combined to form your intro The significance of my essay topic will be a general statement about antiheroes and might read something like this Several minor differences may exist between various antihero characters, but what ultimately defines these characters as antiheroes is their common goal to rebel against, and seek freedom from a dominant, oppressive society. Introduction Checklist: Similarities and differences are included in thesis Similarities outweigh differences (this is demonstrated by my placement of the similarities at the end of my thesis, in order to place emphasis on them) Significance of similarities is explained (suggest that antiheroes common goal is to rebel against, and seek freedom from a dominant, oppressive society) Body Overview: Introduction Paragraph: The antihero character has become a fixture in our modern society, making appearances almost everywhere from novels, to television shows. It is no wonder then, that these characters display a wide range of personality traits, some similar, and others quite different. Several minor differences may exist between various antihero characters, but what ultimately defines these characters as antiheroes is their common goal to rebel against the dominant, oppressive society. Though V from V for Vendetta and Tyler Durden from Fight Club rebel against different targets, they share the same goal, which is to seek freedom from the dominant society. Both characters seek this freedom through recognizing that the root of their enslavement is fear, conquering this fear through rebirth, the actively acting upon their goal by means of anarchy. Body Paragraphs: Block (A-A-B-B) 3 paragraphs, total P1: Differences: V & Tyler (target of rebellion) P2: Similarities: V (root of enslavement, rebirth, anarchy) P3: Similarities: Tyler (root of enslavement, rebirth, anarchy) OR Alternating (A-B-A-B-A-B) 4 paragraphs, total P1: Differences: V & Tyler (target of rebellion) P2: Similarity 1: Root of enslavement (V, Tyler) P3: Similarity 2: Rebirth (V, Tyler) P4: Similarity 3: Anarchy (V, Tyler)

Ms. Hammond, 2014

Conclusion Paragraph: The films V for Vendetta and Fight Club provide excellent examples of the modern antihero. Both Tyler Durden and V seek freedom from the societies presented in the films, and both go about doing this by identifying fear as the source of their oppression, and defeating this fear through rebirth and rebellion. The actions and interests of V and Tyler Durden demonstrate that while antiheroes choose different specific targets throughout history, their goal is the same: to rebel against oppression and seek freedom from the dominant society. Perhaps it is this rebellious behaviour that we, as viewers, all feel but are too afraid to express, that has us so drawn to film and literature that place the antihero at center-stage. Conclusion Checklist: Reinstate your thesis (using different words than in the intro, of course) Summarize the arguments made in each individual paragraph Explain why your essay topic is worth talking about (Why is it relevant? What larger comment does it make upon the antihero in general?)

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