English Assignment

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Its Saturday, 21st of July. I took the opportunity to glare at the digital alarm clock on my study desk.

Its 7.00 a.m. I woke up, had a bath and went downstairs to have some breakfast with my wife. Wow! Love you my dear! The noodles soup was outstanding! You always know how to cheer up our life. After reakfast! I watched television on .00 a.m. There was news a out some teenagers died due to overdose drug. They died while watching some over noised concert. Adolescence these days! I wonder what were in their mind! when they misused such dangerous drugs. "rugs are supposed to e use only for medication. They are not for entertainment. I pity them. I hope my two children will never e like them. It is !.00 a.m. I went to visit my nei"hbour, #r. $im. I rought along some fruits for him. Lim is among of my est friend! we have een friends since we were in secondary school! ut he lives alone. #is wife died last year ecause of reast cancer. They never had children. #is relatives live very far away. 10.%0 a.m. already& I made a promise with $ily, to take her to the mall . We have een planning a surprise birthday present for 'am, my younger son. #e loves animals. $o! we went to the pet shop to uy a pet cat. %y wife was against this idea at first ut Lily is a smooth talker. Lily was taking too much time to select the cat. &ortunately! the shop has the 'things she wanted. 1.00 p.m. I had lunch with $ily at the mall food court . We had chicken chops with lack pepper sauce. Lily is never too picky when it came to food. $he ate anything edi le. #a!#a!#a! I wonder from whom she had this trait. We arrived home safely at %.00 p.m. I was very tired and decided to take a nap. (.)* p.m. +am woke me up. #e asked me to send him and his sister to %unicipal $wimming ,ool. I had a ath and changed my clothes. $tarted the car and sent them as planned. I forgot. They had swimmin" lesson on (.00 p.m. It ended at -.)* p.m. We went home at 7.00 p.m. I took bath, then watched television for some news. .n .00 p.m. I and my family had dinner. %y wife pasta was awesome. .%0 p.m. I revised some lessons and did some assi"nments for my /achelor $tudies. Woa! 11.00 p.m. As usual! I tugged Lily and +am for their edtime. After that! I went surfing for some information over the internet and sent some mails to friends. "o some logging as well. 12.00 p.m. I shut down the note ook and went to bed.

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