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Idaho and Danielson Standards

Astrid Ferrell

What are Standards?

O Something considered by an authority or

by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model. O A rule or principal that is used as a basis for judgment: They tried to establish standards
for a new philosophical approach

Dictionary Citation

Who or What is Danielson?

O Danielson Framework is a tool used for

evaluation of a teacher O Charlotte Danielson- an acclaimed educator

that continues to improve the language of the Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument in response to feedback from the field.

What does this mean for you and me?

O Idaho Standards
All teachers
O Danielson Framework The framework for

candidates are expected to meet the Idaho Core Teachers Standards and the standards specific to their discipline areas at the acceptable level or above.- Idaho
Core Teacher Standards

teaching identifies those aspects of a teachers responsibilities that have been documented through empirical studies and theoretical research as promoting improved student learning.- Danielson
Framework Introduction

The Relationships
O Idaho Core Teachers Standards are

based on INTASC (Interstate New Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium) O Danielson Framework Domains are based on CCSS Working with both of these models the student and teacher benefit.

Relationships Continued
Idaho Standard INTASC Standard Danielson Framework

1. Knowledge of Subject Matter 7. Instructional Planning Skills

4. Knowledge of Subject Matter

1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy.

Idaho Standard
2. Knowledge of Human Development 3. Modifying Instruction for Individual Needs 4. Multiple instructional Strategies.

INTASC Standard
1. Learner Development 2. Learning Differences 8. Instructional Strategies

Danielson Framework
1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students 1c. Setting Instructional Outcomes 3b. Using Questions and Discussions 3c. Techniques

Idaho Standards

INTASC Standards

Danielson Framework 2a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport 2b. Establishing a Culture for Learning 2c. Managing Classroom Procedures 2d. Managing Student Behavior 2e. Organizing Physical Space

5. Classroom 3. Learning Motivation and Environments Management Skills 6. Communication in the Classroom

Idaho Standards 9. Professional Commitment and Responsibility 10. Partnerships

INTASC Standards 9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice 10. Leadership and Collaboration

Danielson Standards 4a. Reflecting on Teaching 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records 4c. Communicating with families 4d. Participating in a Professional Community 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally

To Note
Using both the Idaho Core Teacher Standards that are based on INTASC and the Danielson Framework the hope it that teacher candidates, current teachers, and school leaders are being fully prepared to take on the task of teaching our nations greatest treasure , our children.

O These standards that have been laid out

in their briefest forms are merely a guide. More information can be found at:
Idaho Core Teacher Standards The Framework for Teaching

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