2360 Final Project Research

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Pham 1

Stephanie Pham COMM 2360 R. Stahl April 19, 2014 Disney Princesses and Popular Culture It is undenia le that the !alt "isne# $%rp%rati%n pla#s a hu&e r%le in t%da#'s p%pular $ulture(a presen$e spannin& pre)i%us de$ades sin$e the $%mpan# *as +%unded in 1923. "isne# m%)ies and pr%du$ts ha)e lar&el# impa$ted #%un&er &enerati%ns and shaped identities %+ the #%uth. One parti$ular staple %+ "isne# is the "isne# Prin$esses, a +ran$hise $%)erin& m%)ies, t%#s, pr%du$ts, media, et$. ,hese prin$esses are the r%le m%dels %+ #%un& $hildren -&irls in parti$ular. *h% $%nsume the m%)ies, s% it is imp%rtant t% resear$h the e++e$t "isne# p%ssesses in shapin& the #%uth's identities and per$epti%ns %+ &ender r%les as *ell as the %)erall impa$t %n s%$iet#. ,he e/istin& resear$h %n "isne# prin$esses is )ast in the +ield %+ $%mmuni$ati%ns and m%st %+ it e/amines the $hara$teristi$s dem%nstrated # the "isne# prin$esses. 0rid&et !helan, in her arti$le 1P%*er t% the Prin$ess2 "isne# and the Creati%n %+ the 20th Centur# Prin$ess 3arrati)e1, dis$usses h%* the prin$ess narrati)e *as de)el%ped # "isne#. Alth%u&h prin$esses ha)e een a staple thr%u&h%ut the %d# %+ $hildren's literature e)en e+%re !alt "isne#'s time, "isne# ultimatel# de+ined the prin$ess narrati)e as s%$iet# 4n%*s it t%da#. ,he mantle %+ prin$essh%%d *as sh%uldered # "isne# in the *%rld +irst +eature5len&th animated +ilm, Snow White and the Seven "*ar+s -1936.. ,he +ilm heralded an era %+ +air#5tale animati%n that *%uld $han&e the pu li$'s )ie* %+ +air# tales +%re)er -23.. 7r%m then %n, "isne# held a ti&ht m%n%p%l# %)er the prin$ess narrati)e. C%ntinuin& the prin$ess m%)ies, Cinderella -1980. and Sleeping Beauty (1989. $%ntinued the le&a$# *ith their prin$esses $%ntinuin& t%

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$%n+%rm t% s%$ietal $%n)enti%ns re&ardin& *%men and their pla$e in s%$iet#. 7%r e/ample, Sn%* !hite and Sleepin& *ere %th in death5li4e $%mas and had t% e res$ued +r%m a male prin$e. Cinderella, in a sense, *as res$ued +r%m a s%$iall# ina$ti)e state %+ p%)ert# and ser)itude. !ith these three +ilms, "isne# s%lidi+ied the pa$4a&in& %+ prin$essh%%d and $%ntemp%rar# $%n$epts %+ ideal &irlh%%d. ,he se$%nd *a)e %+ "isne# Prin$ess +ilms in$luded Little Mermaid -1999., Beauty and the Beast -1991., Aladdin -1992., and Mulan -1999.. Alth%u&h the +ilms *ere part %+ the prin$ess $ate&%r#, it *asn't until 2000 that "isne# e/e$uti)es $reated the "isne# Prin$ess rand, *here all the main $hara$ters %+ the +ilms appeared t%&ether %n pr%du$ts. !helan $%ntinues her dis$ussi%n # n%tin& the :ualities %+ prin$esses )ersus their male $%unterparts in the m%)ies2 1Prin$eh%%d remains lin4ed *ith n%ti%ns %+ p%*er, +reed%m, and e/pl%rati%n, as e/empli+ied # "isne# her%es li4e Aladdin, Sim a, and ,ar;an, *hereas prin$essh%%d is n%* ri&idl# %und t% $%n$epts li4e duti+ulness, sel+5sa$ri+i$e, and desire +%r and su ser)ien$e t% males(all $hara$ter traits shared # %th +irst5 and se$%nd5*a)e "isne# prin$esses -26.1. !helan ar&ues that this n%ti%n lea)es #%un& &irls *ith a limited $h%i$e in r%le m%dels(prin$esses *h%se li)es depend %n their r%manti$ in)%l)ement *ith men2 1<%un& &irls d% n%t aspire t% e li4e "isne# prin$es. ,he *%rld ar%und them tells them that the# are prin$esses, and s% prin$esses the# aspire t% e -29.1. "isne# attempted t% e pr%&ressi)e in 2009 *ith the +ilm The Princess and the Frog *here the main $hara$ter *as n%t %nl# 0la$4, ut her &%al *as t% uild and %perate her %*n restaurant -a de)iati%n +r%m the marria&e=r%man$e pl%tline.. >%*e)er, the pl%t re)%l)es ar%und her s4ill as a $%%4, *hi$h su&&ests that her %nl# desire in li+e is t% remain in the 4it$hen. "isapp%intin&l#, the +ilm did n%t &r%ss as mu$h m%ne# as "isne# e/e$uti)es h%ped, *hi$h

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indi$ates that the p%*er %+ "isne# prin$esses l%%ms lar&e %)er the prin$ess narrati)e e)en t% the p%int that "isne#'s %*n e++%rts t% $%n+%rm t% a seemin&l# m%re pr%&ressi)e and +eminist5+riendl# audien$e s%meh%* +ails -32.. An%ther arti$le # ?n&land, "es$artes, and C%llier5Mee4, 1@ender R%le P%rtra#al and the "isne# Prin$esses,1 +urther dis$usses h%* prin$e and prin$ess $hara$ters di++er in their depi$ti%n %+ traditi%nall# mas$uline and +eminine $hara$teristi$s. C%ntent $%din& anal#ses %+ all "isne# Prin$ess +ilms sh%* that all m%)ies p%rtra# s%me stere%t#pi$al representati%ns %+ &ender, in$ludin& the re$ent Princess and the Frog! ,he resear$hers assert that "isne# and its prin$ess phen%men%n are a p%*er+ul in+luen$e %n $hildren's media and pr%du$t $%nsumerism *hi$h $%ntri utes t% an idea %+ &irlh%%d de+ined # the $%nsumpti%n %+ "isne#'s messa&es and pr%du$ts -888.. In additi%n, the auth%rs p%int %ut that "isne# als% has a str%n& internati%nal presen$e, in+errin& that there imp%rtant impli$ati%ns +%r &ender r%le p%rtra#al in $hildren's media ar%und the *%rld. In this stud#, all "isne# Prin$ess m%)ies *ere )ie*ed and $%ded *ith parti$ular attenti%n t% the prin$ess, prin$e, and the res$ue s$enes in ea$h +ilm. ,he resear$hers %perated ased %n the assumpti%n that the $%nstru$ti)ist appr%a$h and $ulti)ati%n the%r# su&&est that &ender r%le p%rtra#als in+luen$e $hildren's elie+s and ideas a %ut &ender, s%$ial eha)i%r, and s%$ial n%rms. ,% +urther ela %rate, the $%nstru$ti)ist appr%a$h sa#s that $hildren de)el%p elie+s a %ut the *%rld ased %n interpretati%ns %+ % ser)ati%ns and e/perien$es. ,hus, )ie*in& stere%t#ped depi$ti%ns %+ &ender r%les *ill in+luen$e $hildren's ideas a %ut &ender. M%re%)er, $ulti)ati%n the%r# asserts that e/p%sure t% tele)isi%n helps de)el%p $%n$epts re&ardin& s%$ial eha)i%r and n%rms. ,here+%re, media in+luen$es a $hild's s%$iali;ati%n pr%$ess and the &endered in+%rmati%n $hildren )ie* ma# ha)e a dire$t e++e$t %n their understandin& %+ &ender and eha)i%r. !ith the

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str%n& mar4etin& p%*er %+ "isne#, m%re e/p%sure %+ these messa&es are ass%$iated *ith str%n&er e++e$ts %n &ender s%$iali;ati%n. ,he stud# e/amined displa#s %+ mas$uline and +eminine $hara$teristi$s and re)ealed the +%ll%*in&2 -1. the +irst three prin$esses are +re:uentl# sh%*n d%in& d%mesti$ *%r4 and as a *a# t% &ain l%)e, -2. prin$esses e/hi itin& mas$uline traits su$h as independen$e *ere alm%st al*a#s %)erp%*ered # the end # their desire +%r a r%manti$ relati%nship. In additi%n t% the the%r#5 ased and sin&le5stud# arti$les a)aila le, there are a num er %+ ethn%&raphi$ studies $%ndu$ted %n the impli$ati%ns %+ "isne# messa&es in #%un& $hildren. Aaren !%hl*end auth%rs t*% separate arti$les as part %+ the same ethn%&raphi$ stud# she $%ndu$ted in a 4inder&arten $lass %)er the $%urse %+ three m%nths. In the +irst arti$le, 1"amsels in "is$%urse2 @irls C%nsumin& and Pr%du$in& Identit# ,e/ts ,hr%u&h "isne# Prin$ess Pla#1, !%hl*end's stud# empl%#s mediated dis$%urse anal#sis t% e/amine $hildren's )ide%taped *ritin& and pla# intera$ti%ns *ith prin$ess d%lls and st%ries in a 4inder&arten $lassr%%m. In this %ne, she +%$uses %n #%un& &irls *h% are a)id "isne# Prin$ess +ans and h%* the# address &endered identities and dis$%urses atta$hed t% the p%pular +ilms. ,he the%reti$al +%undati%n is that identit# messa&es $ir$ulate thr%u&h mer$handise surr%undin& #%un& $%nsumers as the# dress in, sleep %n, athe in eat +r%m, and pla# *ith $%mmer$ial &%%ds de$%rated *ith p%pular $ulture ima&es, print and l%&%s, immersin& $hildren in pr%du$ts that in)ite identi+i$ati%n *ith +amiliar $hara$ters and $%mmuni$ate &endered e/pe$tati%ns a %ut *hat $hildren sh%uld u#, h%* the# sh%uld pla# and *h% the# sh%uld e -86.. ,he per)asi)e a ilit# %+ pr%du$ts ass%$iated *ith "isne# Prin$ess +ilms lurs the line et*een pla# and realit#, *hi$h all%*s them t% li)e in $hara$ter alm%st +ull time. !%hl*end n%tes that t%#s are arti+a$ts *ith a $%mmer$iall# pr%du$ed identit#. "urin& pla#time *ith these t%#s, $hildren $%mmit s%$iall# and em%ti%nall# t% a dualisti$ m%del %+ male

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and +emale r%les as the# a$ti)el# $%nstru$t and per+%rm &ender in their +antas# pla# and st%r#tellin& %+ the "isne# Prin$ess d%lls. She als% e/plains that "isne# prin$esses adhere t% a $%mm%n set %+ +eminine eaut# n%rm2 an h%ur&lass5shaped %d#, &l%ss# hair, l%n&5lashed e#es, and a heart5shaped +a$e. !ith this emphasi;ed +emininit# depi$ted in "isne# d%lls, it la els &irls as % Be$ts %+ displa# and %#s as su Be$ts *ith p%*er a$r%ss all the "isne# +ilms, *hi$h are $%nsumed and repla#ed repeatedl# # &irls. ,he "isne# Prin$ess rand identit# is a pers%na that is +riendl#, al*a#s eauti+ul, sel+ sa$ri+i$in&, pers%n *h% ne)er l%ses si&ht %+ her &%al2 t% attra$t the her%. ,his $reates a distilled h#per +eminine pers%na and a set %+ narr%* eaut# ideals +%r #%un& &irls. In her se$%nd arti$le, 1,he 0%#s !h% !%uld 0e Prin$ess2 Pla#in& !ith @ender Identit# Interte/ts in "isne# Prin$ess ,ransmedia,1 she +%$uses %n t*% 4inder&arten %#s in the same $lassr%%m as the# pla# *ith their +a)%rite "isne# Prin$ess d%lls t% see h%* the# ne&%tiated &ender identit# la#ers &i)en t% them in the $%mmer$ial st%r#lines. As earl# $hildh%%d is e$%me m%re situated in an in$reasin&l# $%mmer$iali;ed and &l% ali;ed te/tual lands$ape, it's imp%rtant t% e/amine h%* #%un& $hildren ne&%tiate identit# la#ers as the# intera$t *ith the $%mmer$iali;ed pr%du$ts. !%hl*end dis$%)ers in her % ser)ati%n that $hildren's pla# is trans+%rmati)e as the# t*% %#s trans&ressed the $%mmer$iall# &i)en st%r#lines %+ their d%lls and $reated their %*n st%ries *ith the "isne# d%lls. ,his indi$ates that perhaps $hildren d% n%t simpl# a$$ept $%mmer$iali;ed $%ntent, ut als% $reate their %*n. ,hese %#s pretended t% e "isne# Prin$esses and m%)ed al%n& identit# la#ers t% +un$ti%n in a +antas# *%rld %+ their $reati%n, su&&estin& that it mi&ht e a di++erent $ase +%r %#s. ,hese arti$les and %ther e/istin& resear$h %n "isne# hi&hli&hts its m%numental impa$t %n s%$iet# at lar&e and %n #%un& $hildren in parti$ular as the# are tar&et audien$e %+ the $%rp%rati%n.

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Alth%u&h "isne#'s +%$us mi&ht e primaril# %n its mar4etin& % Be$ti)es and %tt%m line +inan$iall#, a side e++e$t is its p%*er+ul in+luen$e %n the minds %+ $%nsumers and shapin& per$epti%ns and elie+s %+ the #%uth. ,his means that m%re resear$h sh%uld e $%ndu$ted t% e/pl%re h%* lastin& and si&ni+i$ant the e++e$ts are %n $hildren in t%da#'s s%$iet# as *ell as +uture &enerati%ns.

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!%r4s Cited ?n&land, "a*n, Cara "es$artes, and Melissa C%llier5Mee4. 1@ender R%le P%rtra#al And the "isne# Prin$esses.1 Se" #oles 64. 6=9 -2011.. 8885866. Academic Search Compete! !e . 19 Apr. 2014. !helan, 0rid&et. 1P%*er ,% ,he Prin$ess2 "isne# And ,he Creati%n %+ the 20,h Centur# Prin$ess 3arrati)e.1 $nterdisciplinary %umanities 29.1 -2012.2 21534. Academic Search Complete! !e . 19 Apr. 2014. !%hl*end, Aaren ?. 1"amsels in "is$%urse2 @irls C%nsumin& And Pr%du$in& Identit# ,e/ts ,hr%u&h "isne# Prin$ess Pla#.1 #eading #esearch &uarterly 44.1 -2009.2 86593. Academic Search Complete! !e . 19. Apr. 2014 !%hl*end, Aaren ?. 1,he 0%#s !h% !%uld 0e Prin$esses2 Pla#in& !ith @ender Identities Interte/ts in "isne# Prin$ess ,ransmedia.1 'ender ( )ducation 24.6 -2012.. 8935610. Academic Search Complete! !e . 20 Apr. 2014.

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