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Lesson Objective(s): What do you want students to know and be able to do?
Students will understand how scientists use patterns to classify living things. They will know the accepted versions of classification over time. They will know how to use the term phylogeny and clad.

Assessment (Traditional/Authentic): How will you know if students have mastered essential learning?
Assessment later in the week. Evaluation of discussion discussion.

Ways to Gain/Maintain Attention (Primacy): How will you gain and maintain students attention? Consider need, novelty, meaning, or emotion.
Meaning (connect to real life) Emotion (challenge)

Content Chunks: How will you divide and teach the content to engage students brains? Lesson Segment 1: Focus Question Activities: Students will discuss "What characteristics do people use to classify things? Why?" This
conversation should lead to how we use observation to classify everything we see. It makes it easier for people to look at ideas if they have organization. (5 min)

Lesson Segment 2: Make a zoo Activities: Students will work in their tables to design a zoo. They will be given a list of animals and determine
which ones they would place where. (15 min). We will then compare their ideas to a real zoo map (10 min).

Lesson Segment 3: Classification of living things See-Think-Wonder Activities: I will display an image of the Five Kingdom model of classification (3 min) followed by the 3 Domain
model (3 min), Linnaean model (3 min) and lastly them side by side for comparison (3 min). We will then hold a class discussion on how they each categorized living things and which model is used most today.

Brain-Compatible Strategies: Which will you use to deliver content? (Check all strategies to be used.)
Drawing/Artwork Field Trips Games Brainstorming/Discussion Humor and Celebration Technology Visualization Graphic Organizers Mnemonic Devices Movement Music/Rhythm/Rhyme/Rap Metaphors/Analogies/Similes Writing/Reflection Manipulatives/Models Project/Problem-based Instruction Storytelling Roleplay/Drama/Pantomime/Charade Work Study/Action Research Visuals Reciprocal teaching/Cooperative Learning/Peer Coaching

HOMEWORK: watch crash course evolution is a thing

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