Portfolio Cover Letter Resume References

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}aime N.

611S New Yoik Avenue
Nashville, TN S72u9
Apiil 2u, 2u14
Beai Spoit Inuustiy Piofessional,
I woulu like to officially ueclaie my inteiest in a position within the spoit inuustiy. The
position is best suiteu foi a canuiuate with uemonstiateu auministiative, manageiial anu
oiganizational skills. I unueistanu the impoitance of auministiation, management anu
oiganization as they peitain to a position of this magnituue anu I am qualifieu foi this
position baseu on my acauemic achievements, piofessional expeiiences, anu
communication anu inteipeisonal skills.
Ny acauemic achievements anu expeiiences thus fai have pioviueu me a founuation in the
fielu of spoit auministiation anu I aspiie to leain moie thiough positive, hanus-on
oppoitunities. I have uevelopeu auministiative anu oiganizational skills necessaiy foi
success in this position in a piofessional spoit inuustiy thiough my expeiience inteining
with the Nashville Pieuatois Youth Bockey anu Fan Bevelopment uepaitment. I spent a
yeai woiking at vanueibilt 0niveisity with INu College as the leau intein wheie I gaineu
valuable knowleuge anu uevelopeu skills in coipoiate sponsoiship activation anu
fulfillment. This past football season, I manageu a gioup of ten inteins uuiing seven home
football games with multiple events ieaching ovei 1,uuu guests. Fuitheimoie, I believe my
communication anu inteipeisonal skills aie a gieat fit foi the iesponsibilities noteu in a
position of this calibei. I am veiy eagei to woik in the spoit inuustiy in a piofession
utilizing my bioau skill set
Thank you foi ieviewing my application package. I can be contacteu via telephone at
71S.891.S9uS oi thiough electionic mail at jaime.athenspop.belmont.euu if you have any
}aime N. Athens
!"#$% '( )*+%,-
611S New Yoik Avenue Nashville, TN S72u9
Cell: 71S.891.S9uS
Email: jaime.athenspop.belmont.euu
5%6$7,* 0,#8%9-#*:, Nashville, TN August 2u12-piesent
Puisuing Nastei of Spoit Auministiation
Expecteu uiauuation: Nay 2u14
17,;79<#" 0,#8%9-#*:, Nequon, WI August 2uu7-Becembei 2u11
Bacheloi of Aits
Najoi: Physical Euucation
Ninoi: Bealth Euucation, Coaching, Auaptive P.E.
Summa Cum Lauue
Licensuie, K-12
=>4?.@@34')A .B=.>3.'1.
A#6 @C79*- );"<%$: }anuaiy 2u14-piesent
!"#$%&## (&)&*+,-&%. /++01$%2.+0
! Conuuct spoits classes, camps anu biithuay paities using a piofessional cuiiiculum foi
chiluien ages 2-6 at multiple facilities.
! Launch, manage anu giow ievenue stieams incluuing camps, instiuctional leagues, spoits-
themeu paities anu uaycaie eniichment piogiams.
! Piomote the piogiams thiough community involvement.
! Establish ielationships with local youth spoits oiganizations to iuentify ievenue anu co-
maiketing oppoitunities.
! Peifoim auministiative uuties such as iegistiations anu answeiing all customei inquiiies
via email anu phone.
'"-+8#66% =9%<"*79- August 2u1S-}anuaiy 2u14
3+".4 5206&.$%7 2%1 82% (&)&*+,-&%. 9%.&0%
! Piepaie anu execute giassioots youth hockey uevelopment initiatives such as uet 0ut Anu
Leain, Bockey Rules anu Kius Club.
! Bevelop content foi website featuies of youth community appeaiances as well as inventoiy
of games, gioup nights anu inteiactive games.
! Assist effoits foi membei ieciuitment anu ietention foi Kius Club anu suppoit monthly
membei events.
! Cooiuinate appeaiance calenuai foi Bockey Rules school uemonstiations.
/DE7D* F%<#" Nay-August 2u1S
! Activate spoits maiketing at little league baseball touinaments.
! Inteiact with youth at Woilu Seiies events, laige baseball touinaments anu piofessional
! Belp company's ieach goals with face-to-face inteiaction with theii piouuct oi piomotion.
! Nanage tiavel aiiangements foi a gioup of eight while tiaveling acioss the countiy thiough
communication with heau offices.
}aime N. Athens 2 | P a g e
G",<%9H#6* 3FI @C79*- F"9J%*#,EK Nashville, TN
8++.:2** ;2-& (2< =&21 9%.&0% August-Novembei 2u1S
! 0iganize anu manage sponsoiship events locateu vanueibilt Stauium uuiing home games as
well as on-fielu sponsoiship piomotions.
! Ensuieu sponsois weie happy anu equippeu with eveiything they neeu uuiing theii time at
the vanueibilt Football facilities.
! Nanage the uistiibution anu oiganization of piogiam sales on game uays.
9%.&0% Novembei 2u12-Nay 2u1S
! Events planning anu activation.
! 0puate anu maintain contiact books anu fulfillment scheuules via Niciosoft Excel.
! Cieate iauio sciipts foi the TN Lotteiy Bope Scholais anu Region's Bank Scholai Athletes.
! Nanage game piogiam sales anu staff foi vanueibilt basketball events.
! Piepaie ienewal piesentation uecks anu pioposal contiacts.
! Assist in the cieation of piint publications such as vanueibilt Baseball iostei caiu.
.6$L77< .6%$%,*"9: @;+776K New Beilin, WI Febiuaiy 2u12-}une 2u12
>4<#$?2* @1"?2.$+% A&2?4&0
! Implementeu a vast vaiiety of instiuctional stiategies to meet the neeus of a laige spectium
of leaining styles anu abilities.
! Besigneu lesson anu unit plans that aligneu with the six NASPE stanuaius, which alloweu foi
uiffeientiateu instiuction foi a wiue vaiiety of skill levels.
! Assesseu elementaiy stuuents in the Piesiuent's Challenge Fitness Tests.
2+% '%M* A%8%6 29"#,#,E =97E9"$K Eagle Rivei, WI }une 2uu7-August 2u12
B+?6&< 9%#.0"?.+0 (Summeis 0nly)
! Facilitateu anu taught hockey funuamental skills to boys anu giils, ages five thiough
! Collaboiateu with colleagues on the uaily activities anu lesson plans.
! Pioviueu uiffeientiateu instiuction to each inuiviuual stuuent at camp.
F#6L"DJ%% !9( )<$#9"6-K Nilwaukee, WI Septembei 2u11-Naich 2u12
CDE ;$0*F# G##$#.2%. /+2?4
! 0iganizeu piactice anu game stiuctuie foi twenty female athletes.
! Assisteu with oiganizing game scheuules anu tiavel aiiangements.
! Auvocateu anu uiscusseu playeis with piospective college coaches.
! SAN Society, Belmont 0niveisity, August 2u12-piesent
o SAN Leaueiship Team, vice Piesiuent, 2u1S-piesent
! LEuACY Young Leaueis, }anuaiy 2u1S-piesent
! Women's Bockey, Concoiuia 0niveisity, Nequon, WI 2uu7-2u11
o Team Captain, 2uu8-2u11
! Alpha Chi Bonois Club, Concoiuia 0niveisity, Nequon, WI, 2uu7-2u11
! Ameiican Reu Cioss Fiist Aiu anu C.P.R.A.E.B., 0ctobei 2u11-piesent
! Ameiican Reu Cioss Lifeguaiu Ceitification, 0ctobei 2u11-piesent
! 0SA Bockey Level S Ceitifieu Coach, Becembei 2u11-piesent
G4A0'2..> .B=.>3.'1.@
! Waiting foi Wishes Event, Nashville, TN, Apiil 2, 2u1S
! SEC Nen's Basketball Touinament FanFaie, Nashville, TN, Naich 2u1S
! 0vC Basketball Touinament, Nashville, TN, Naich 2u1S
}aime N. Athens S | P a g e
!"#$% '( )*+%,-
611S New Yoik Avenue Nashville, TN S72u9
Cell: 71S.891.S9uS
Email: jaime.athenspop.belmont.euu
}eff Nillei
vanueibilt INu Spoits Naiketing
ueneial Nanagei
26u1 }ess Neely Biive
Nashville, TN S7212
Anuee Boiman
Nashville Pieuatois
Biiectoi of Youth Naiketing anu Fan Bevelopment
Su1 Bioauway
Nashville, TN S72uS
Amy Bakei, PhB
Belmont 0niveisity
Spoit Auministiation, Piogiam Biiectoi
19uu Belmont Boulevaiu
Nashville, TN S7212

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