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BECQUEREL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH Erika Chacon Santiago Rendon Topic: Global Warming Activity: Summary Crop Pests

on the Move Due to Climate Change A new study finds that many crop pests and pathogens are spreading, thanks to changing weather Junior A 02-01-14

The Irish 1840s irish potato plague was caused by the pest called oomycet wich looks similiar as amushroom.Now days this pest and a lot of them are extending through lands and causing some condiderable economic losses.

A studio was published on the Nature Climate Change wich shows mathematicly the expansin of pests on crops forom theNorth Hemisphere .one important fact that was mentioned by ont of the authors of the article ,Sarah Gurr,was that omycets and fungs that causes diseases in farms are moving 6,43 kilometers a year,wich affects mainlyb to the platations of the most important nourishments in the worlds daily diet like rice and wheath.

an important challenge for Gurr and her team was the recolectation of infoermation because the richiest countries tend to repot more incidents of pests and pathogen agents tan undeveloped countries.So they had to consider facts like the quantitiy of land used for farming, to get the best results possible.

Lynne Boddy,a fung ecologist from Exeter university,based on her investigation wich reveals that fungs are changing influenced by climate evolution , have mentioned fungs are very important for ecosystems and huge changes are in

BECQUEREL HIGH SCHOOL ENGLISH Erika Chacon Santiago Rendon Topic: Global Warming Activity: Summary Junior A 02-01-14

proccess that son will afect the worlds food supplies.and the cultivation of transgenics wont be a effective solution because some of the wont resist al the types of blights..

List of References

Ogburn ,Stephanie Paige.( Tuesday, September 3, 2013). Crop Pests on the Move Due to Climate Change.Scientific American. .Retrieved on December 23,2013 from :

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