Artist Statement

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Jeanna Jerde

Artist Statement

Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. -Henry Ward Beecher

My artwork is a reflection of my truest self; of my breathing soul; of my deepest thoughts. I do not attempt to hide this reality but have rather learned to embrace it. I create that which I believe needs to created. These are the concepts and questions that shake me to the core: How can I find meaning? How do I feel connected? How should I live? I aim to create the truest, deepest depiction of my meditation on these spiritual and philosophical questions. My artwork is physical, visual evidence- an artifact- of this meditation and reflection.

My work is often a meditation on the connection between humanity and nature. In addition to exploring life, death, and the afterlife, my work in correspondence with this theme also includes social commentary on the environmental crisis and animal ethics. Another theme of my art is introspective and analyzes the connection between outer and inner self. These pieces investigate human psychology and our reactions to societal constructs. Lastly, in my pieces, I also investigate the close relationships between people. Im interested in the different types of bonds that strengthen relationships and the ways that those bonds are formed. Overall, I attempt to convey a message of empathy and compassion throughout my work; compassion and empathy for ones self, for other people, and for other species. I search for solutions, structure, and harmony in a world that I find oftentimes to be chaotic and overwhelming. My message is to reflect and focus on true, deep connections instead of obsessing over disconnections or differences. I believe this reflection could create a more peaceful existence not only for humanity but also for the other species that inhabit this earth. .

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