Infancy and Toddlerhood Ece497 Week 2

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Infancy and Toddlerhood

I love both infancy and toddlerhood; I am drawn to both age groups. I believe the infancy age group is extremely important and everything that happens in their life will affect them for the rest of their lives. I also believe that toddlerhood age group is an extremely important age group as well. Both of the age groups have very critical needs and I believe that I can give them the love, support and tools that they need to grow and develop. I love the fact that both of these age groups are just learning and they are eager to do more and more every day. I believe that these age groups are the foundational building blocks that help define who they will become. I believe that in the infancy age group might propose few challenges because this age group is about physical contact, love, eating and diaper changes. I love being able to nurture and bond with infants in my care. I am a parent and I understand how much infants learn and how this is just the beginning for them to development and meet all the milestones and needs. Development is generally

divided into three broad categories: physical development, cognitive development, and social emotional development (Berk, 2000) (Grisham-Brown 2009). Infants most important factor is security, it is important that infants up to age eight months is to remain in a stable and secure environment with caregivers that they are able to bond with and feel safe with. When infants are nine month to eighteen months and this is a time when determining identity and learning to become independent. There are four broad theoretical perspectives that guide practice in early childhood development: behaviorism and social learning theory, cognitive-developmental theory, sociocultural theory, and ecological systems theory (Grisham-Brown 2009). The researched I believe that I will benefit from is from several theorists; B.F. Skinner who theory is about childrens behavior can be affected by both re-enforcers and punishments, Piagets theory is about children learning through stages, Vygotskys theory is childrens development is determined by their culture, and Bronfenbrenners theory is childrens development is affected by the different aspects of their environment every one of these are critical in childrens development. There will always be times when children will not quite fit and adjustments to their care and learning will have to take place. I believe however as long as you remember that every child is different and able to learn and is able to feel loved and secure and have the opportunity to develop who they are. I believe that children need to have a choice, which their learning needs to be a more hands on and lees of teacher directed this is using the constructivist theory approach. It is also important to stay connected with the families of the children you are caring for, because a childs life away from school has a huge impact on their developmental needs. It is important to stay up to date on the developmental theories because every child is different and one theory may not work and you need to know what theory will help the child and the family.

Physical developmental milestones

The growth of children is rapid during the first two years of their lives, physical change takes place and new abilities are developed. In order for a baby four to six months old are able to be reach for things successfully and they have postural control either alone or with help. Babies
reflexes are a part of their physical development and they are automatic behaviors such as sucking, rooting, and grasping, During

the first year, physical development mainly involves the infant coordinating motor skills (Ruffin). Babies usually begin to sit up by themselves at about six months.

Language developmental milestones

The first 3 years of life, when the brain is developing and maturing, is the most intensive period for acquiring speech and language skill ( Childrens development of speech and language skills vary from child to child however they still all follow a natural timetable. Between four and six months babies will begin to babble, laugh, or even squeal purposefully. Babies are beginning to understand a variety of words and begin saying simple words like mama and dada.

Cognitive developmental milestones

Babies have grown accustomed to specific sleeping and eating patterns. Babies just a few weeks old realize he/she can make things happen. Also babies are able to make recognition between the actions created and what will come next. Babies want to explore their food.

Atypical development
Sometimes atypical child development can be the result of teratogens' harmful agents in the environment ( typical two years old is able to understand between 500 and 700 words and is speaking over 500 words. An example of atypical is a two year old that is not speaking or understanding a large variety of words. Also babies should be sitting by ten months; if not there might be a need for concern to discuss with your doctor.

Strategy that families can use to influence their childs learning and development
Relationships are at the very heart of early learning and development. Through their early interactions babies learn to feel secure, to communicate, and to enjoy being with people. As they grow and develop, toddlers and young children love to play, to chat, to watch, and to be with others. Children build relationships, communicate, express love and affection, play together, learn, and have their needs met through contact with others ( Babies learn by doing thing repeatedly over and over, games like peak a -boo is a great teaching tool. It is also important to have age appropriate toys and only a few because to many and not age appropriate can overload the baby and make the baby fussy.

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