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NUMBERS TO 1 000 000

OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1 The number 590 013 written in words is A five hundred ninety and thirteen. B fifty nine hundred and thirteen. C five hundred ninety thousand and thirteen. D five hundred nine thousand and thirteen. Which digit has the place value of ten thousands in the number 63 !0"# A 3 C 6 B D ! ______ $ 3% 9!3$ 3% !!3$ 3% "!3 The missing number is A 33 0!3 C 33 93! B 33 1!3 D 33 993 Which of the following is arranged in ascending order# A "00 "0"$ "0" "00$ ""0 000$ 1"" "00 B ""0 "0"$ "00 000$ "0" "00$ 1"" "00 C 1"" "00$ """ 000$ "0" "00$ "00 "0" D 1"" "00$ "00 "0"$ "0" "00$ ""0 000 &ound off the sum of 1 " 03"$ 115 31%$ 1%0 !51 and 3 %03 to the nearest thousand. A 3!6 000 C 390 000 B 3!" 000 D 00 000 3 %5! ' 61" 9" ( A 610 6 5 B 6%0 "55 D "00 %00 ) !0 %15 ( A "%0 095 B 691 9!5 D C 6%0 "65 9 3 %9" C 6%0 095 619 9!5

*n which of the following numbers does digit % have the largest digit value# A %6 105 C 60 9%3 B 59% 061 D "15 % !

The value of digit 6 in the number 560 3"0 is A 60 C 6 000 B 600 D 60 000 Which of the following numbers when rounded off to the nearest hundred thousand becomes 600 000# A 5 " 1!% C 651 6%3 B 55! "9 D 663 0%5 + factory produced % " 600 bulbs in ,ay. *n -une$ it produced ! 500 more bulbs. .ow many bulbs did the factory produce in the two months# A %56 100 C 503 "00 B 9% "00 D 5!0 %00 What is the remainder when 3%! %0 is divided by 50# A 10 C 30 B %0 D 0 %5 ( 196 000 16 What is the missing number in the bo/# A 90 C 61 %50 B 1% %50 D 306 %50






Which of the following multiplications gives the largest product# A 3 1!3 00 C 3% 000 B 19 9 000 D 60 5 000 0ivide 63% 56% by 6. A 15 %" B 16 %" 0ivide 1 million by 60. A 1 666 remainder B 1 666 remainder 0 C 16 666 remainder D 16 666 remainder 0 1olve % 600 9 . &ound off the answer to the nearest thousand. A 5 !00 C 5 900 B 5 !50 D 6 000 + factory produced 56% 500 rulers. Two months later$ 1! 60% rulers were unsold. .ow many rulers were sold# A 5 3 !9! C 5!1 10% B 553 60 D 5!1 "16 C D 105 %" 106 %"






+ shop has 5 % 000 shirts in yellow$ blue$ green$ blac2 and red. *f the number of shirts of each colour is the same$ find the number of shirts in red. A 10! 500 C 10! 300 B 10! 00 D 10! %00 1%0 000 pac2ets of chocolate mil2 are shared e3ually among % schools. .ow many pac2ets of chocolate mil2 do ! schools get# A %0 000 C 0 000 B 30 000 D 50 000


SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 1 Write 4nine hundred twenty5three thousand si/ hundred6 in numerals.

The diagram shows an abacus.

What number does the abacus represent#

1tate the place value of digit " in the number "3 950.

7artition the number 560 "9% .

"19 35 ' 6"1 ' 1 59! (

8ind the difference between 600 000 and 5 000.

%%5 5 30 (

"0 hundreds 9 tens (

1%0 %9% 3 6 (


What is the remainder when %6% 1!0 is divided by 30#

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