Portfolio Reflection Sheet Math 3

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Portfolio Reflection Sheet Math

Name: Lance Stosiak Date: 3/28/14 Hour: 1st

Check one: Academic Achievement Personal Time Management Teamwork 1. Aside from the grade that you received, what makes this item one of your best in math? It is one of my best because I showed all of my work to prove that I knew it.

2. What math concepts or skill development does this item show? This shows that I know about shapes and how to find the angles of the shapes. 3. Are there parts of this item that show you have especially good math skills? Which parts yes. The extra credit problem because it took a lot of thinking and time to figure the problem out. 4. This item shows that you are getting better at It shows that I am getting better at knowing about angles and how you can find them in shapes. 5. If you did this over again, what would you change or do differently? I would have asked him questions on the ones that I was confused on.

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