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High Quality Three-Piece Silicone Spatula and Brush Set, Now Available E clusively on A!

a"on#ca April 18, 2014 Mississauga, ON ohmygodiloveit has produced a three-piece silicone spatula and rush set! "he set consists o# a silicone spoon, silicone spatula and silicone rush! $t%s the per#ect addition to any &itchen, 'hether #or a novice a&er or an e(perienced che#! "he red, green and yello' &itchen instruments are constructed #rom high )uality and eco-#riendly silicone that is 100* #ood grade approved! Although the product is heat resistant up #or +00 degrees, it is so#t to the touch, #le(i le, dura le and easy to clean! $t%s also light'eight, easy to #acilitate and small in si,e, ma&ing storage easy! Although this set has only een availa le on Ama,on #or #our months, it has earned a #ive-star rating! One user commented that the silicone rush is o# good )uality that it%s per#ect #or 'or&ing 'ith egg yol&s! Ohmygodiloveit%s product is no' availa le #or purchase on Ama,on!ca- it costs .14!//! "he spatula set can e gi#t-'rapped and shipped in one day #or an additional #ee! All orders are shipped y Ama,on! 0ictured1 ohmygodiloveit%s three-piece silicone spatula and rush set- no' availa le on Ama,on!ca!

Media 2ontact1 3OA 4nterprises, 552 3oslyn O Alleyne, O'ner 68+4 "rela'ny 2ircle, Mississauga, ON, 5+N 784 9417:8+;/0;; <e site1 http1=='''!ohmygodiloveit!com in#o>ohmygodiloveit!com

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