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IEP Components

Present Level of Performance

Summary of current data outlining strengths, concerns, impact on performance in the general curriculum Behavior, vision, hearing, ELL, AT Addresses PLP concerns Measurable and can be reasonable attained in one year

Special Considerations Annual goals

Benchmarks/ Short Term Objectives

Sub-skills or concepts required to achieve annual goal

Materials, methods, techniques designed to meet the unique needs of the student Services provided to ensure success in in the general program The extent to which the student will participate with nondisabled students in the regular class and extracurricular activities Amount of time, duration, location and service provider for specially designed instruction

Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Supplementary Aids and Services (SAS)

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and General Education

Special Education Services

IEP - other components

Related Services Transition

those transportation and developmental, supportive, or corrective services which are needed by a student with a disability to benefit from special education. Examples: Speech, OT, PT, special buses

Included in IEP; occurs in year of 16th birthday or earlier Student centered process of structuring course work and other educational experiences to prepare the student for transition from school to adult life.

Extended School Year

current skill level which, without continued instruction, would be lost or would require an inordinate time to regain as compared to similar age peers who are not disabled and who experience the same lapse in instruction.

ongoing process of collecting and analyzing data to determine student progress toward specific skills or general outcomes and to make instructional decisions.

Use data from Our Students or from your field placement.

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