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Sample SPED lesson plan

IEP goals are imbedded in the lesson plan for the general classroom. SPED references are bolded.

Bellarmine Lesson Plan Template

*ame Age+(rade "evel ,nd grade+- years old *umber of Students ,1 "esson "ength 1 hour "esson *umber and 'itle Date .a/or 0ontent .ath Sub/ect Does )rder .atter2 3nit 'itle (refer to curricular maps)

Initial Preparation for Lesson Plan (Before)

School and district factors School information should include appropriate standardized tests and school planning goals as well as additional relevant data

Assistance Place a beside the phrase that describes the types of help available to you instructional assistant resource teachers parent volunteers classroom teacher peer (student) tutors other (please specify)

Student Diversity and Differences Indicate the number of students in each category below !nglish "earners 'itle I # with I!Ps (ifted 4 # with $%& modifications )ther 1

Describe specific language4 cultural and+or achievement+developmental level differences that impact instruction in your class

There are four students in this class with IEPs. 1. Two students have a Developmental Delay (DD and are receivin! specially desi!ned instruction (SDI to address these behavioral !oals" follow directions#classroom rules$ raise hand$ wait turn$ accept correction in an appropriate manner and stay on tas% when reinforcement#feedbac% is delayed. They each have point sheets to increase these behaviors &'( of the time. They are offered specific rewards#conse)uences for demonstratin! these behaviors. *. +ne student has +,I (+ther ,ealth Impairment and is receivin! specially desi!ned instruction to be!in a tas% with no more than * prompts$ wor% independently on assi!ned tas%s without disturbin! others when feedbac%#reinforcement is delayed &'( of the time. -. +ne student has a .ild .ental Disability (..D and is receivin! specially desi!ned instruction to increase %nowled!e of basic number and measurement concepts. ,is benchmar%s include place value$ basic math facts$ and effective use of calculators /. 0or this lesson$ the SPED students re)uire the followin! specially desi!ned instruction" a. 1ain attention usin! visual and non2verbal si!nals before !ivin! directions. b. .odel#rehearse e3pectations for wor%in! in a lar!e !roup settin!. c. 4olor codin! for place value and use of calculator to confirm accurate calculations.
Implications for Instruction Describe other classroom conditions (if any) that have implications for teaching and what might be observed in your classroom

This class convenes ri!ht after lunch and restroom brea%. Students need a few minutes of )uiet time and#or structured 5calmin! activity before be!innin! the math lesson. Prior to the lesson$ we will en!a!e in a 6 minute model#rehearse of the 4,7.PS e3pectations (posted on the white board for todays lesson. Durin! the lesson I will !ain attention usin! 487SS attention si!nal before introducin! any new ideas and !ivin! directions.
0onte5t for lesson 16 !5plain how this lesson relates to the unit of study or your broad goals for teaching the topic This lesson will focus on the students prior knowledge of grouping combinations of numbers they already know in order to add two or more numbers. Then, we will discuss whether reordering three addends results in the same total: If order matters when addends are reordered, do we always get the same total !tudents will then determine if order matters for subtraction as well. "e will de#elop a generali$ation about reordering of numbers for addition and subtraction. ,6 Describe the students7 prior 8nowledge of the content of the lesson !tudents in this math class ha#e a wide #ariety of background knowledge for mathematics. !ome are unfamiliar with functional math skills including money, time, etc. %thers demonstrate aptitude with math reasoning skills applicable to this lesson. Standards and "earning )b/ective(s) )9 "earning 'arget(s) &

16 "ist the *ational and+or State standards that align to this lesson 'Insert ()*!E math standards+

P82P2P92S2S.E.1 (Pro!ram of Studies" S%ills and 4oncepts a :sin! politeness$ sharin! and other positive social interaction s%ills b wor%in! and playin! collaboratively in lar!e and small !roups c usin! appropriate means to e3press needs$ wants and feelin!s practicin! attentive listenin! s%ills that build and maintain healthy relationships
,6 *umber and list each ob/ective or learning target for this lesson a. !tudents will use known combinations to add two or more numbers. b. !tudents will determine whether reordering three addends using the commutati#e property results in the same total and whether this rule would apply to subtraction. c. Students with IEPS will demonstrate tar!eted behaviors in the lar!e !roup settin! and use of color codin! for place value and calculators . *ote )b/ectives+targets are to be student oriented4 observable4 measurable4 varied in comple5ity and specify the content 8nowledge and+or s8ills that students will demonstrate at the end of this lesson :6 0onnect your lesson ob/ectives+learning targets to appropriate *ational and+or State curricular standards6 3se no more than two or three connections4 e5plain the way(s) that each ob/ective+target is related to *ational and+or State curricular standards6 a. !tudents will understand that meanings of and relationships among operations pro#ide tools necessary to sol#e realistic problems encountered in e#eryday life 6 b. !tudents will e,plore and use of properties of numbers for written and mental computation -e.g., . / 0 / 1 could be mentally regrouped as . / 1 / 0 using the commutati#e property of addition2.

c. Students will demonstrate social interaction s%ills as defined by IEP !oals.

Assessment Plan 3sing the tabular format below4 describe the way each learning ob/ective+target will be assessed formatively to determine student progress and the way you will modify instruction when necessary6 Describe any summative assessment to be used as a part of this lesson6 Include copies of the assessment instruments and scoring criteria or rubrics6
Objective / Assessment Organizer

Objective Number Objective #

Type of Assessment

Description of Assessment

Blooms Cognitive Level

Adaptations and/or Accommodations For example, di##erentiated reada)ility, guided notes, assistive technology, extra time #or two students with *E%+s

(nowledge Formative OR For example, Extended Summative Response, Short Answer, Comprehension Multiple Choice, True False, Matching, Exit Slip, Anticipatory Application Guide, ocument !ased "uestion, Student Sel#$ Analysis Assessment, %er#ormance %ro&ects, %resentations, 'arm$ ups

Synthesis Evaluation Student Activity Book pp.1-2Students will find the numbe of cubes used in e!ch p oblem !nd !dd the numbe s in !t le!st two Comprehension Formative diffe ent o de s. "hey will !lso Objective # 1 & 2 e#pl!in how to ch!n$e the o de Application of the numbe s !nd the effect on Analysis the solution to the !ddition o subt !ction p oblem. Evaluation

epeated directions! verbal praise! private redirection! pro"imity control! prompts/cues! vertical display of problems and e"tended time# 'oint s$eets! re,ards/conse-uences! s$ortened assignment! color pencils! calculators#

Objective #%

Anecdotal c$ec%list for )(' *oals and &'(D students to monitor Benc$mar%s! Formative targeted be$aviors in t$e large group setting and use 'rogress +onitoring of mat$ supports Data

9esources4 media and technology Include copies of the specific instructional materials used in the lesson6 "ist e;uipment needed for the lesson6 If appropriate4 list technology resources for the lesson including hardware4 software and Internet 39"s4 and be sure to cite the sources used to develop this lesson6 Note: If internet resources were used to develop this lesson cite those specific websites and/or materials in this section. 1. !mart 4oard &. )onnecting cubes 3. 5ath In#estigations -!tudent *cti#ity 4ook pp. 16&2


Lesson Implementation (D ring)

Procedures 3sing time intervals for the lesson4 ma8e a chronological list of your procedures including

Approaches to activate students prior knowledge Students role in each lesson Formative assessment(s) administered throughout the lesson Strategies within the lesson that demonstrate differentiated instruction4 cultural responsiveness4 and ,1 st
0entury "earning S8ills (0ritical 'hin8ing4 0ommunication4 0ollaboration4 and 0reativity)

Description of student-to-student and/or student-to-teacher interactions Students use of technolog to achieve learning o!"ectives Accommodations to ena!le all students to achieve learning o!"ectives

Review grouping com)inations o# num)ers they already ,now in order to add two or more num)ers "uic, as, . answer relay )etween ta)les with choral responses using pro)lems )elow- Check for understanding

(verbal responses or call on to answer) with students who need review from previous lesson and/or SPE students!
*ntroducing Multiple Addend %ro)lems$ /0 minutes 1/230$42556 Show students the three cu)e towers and call attention to the #ollowing story pro)lem- 1written on Smart !oard6 .

7a,e is )uilding with cu)es- 8e has a tower o# 4 green cu)es, a tower o# 0 )lue cu)es, and a tower o# 9 yellow cu)es8ow many connecting cu)es does he have: As, several students to retell the story in their own words- Give students time to thin, a)out an answer- As, students to descri)e how they solved the pro)lem- Some students will add the num)ers in order 14;0;96 and others will add the num)ers in a di##erent order 10;4;96 14;9;06 Record strategies on the Smart !oard, rearranging the towers each time to re#lect the order in which they were added'rite the original order o# the num)ers to show how the di##erent strategies compare to the original order-

&/780 0/3819 &/7/3819

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7/38: :/&819


Say2 There were many di##erent ways that you solved this pro)lem, )ut * notice that you all got the same answer- 'e agree that 7a,e has ten cu)es, )ut * wonder why it wor,s- Some o# you started with 4 green cu)es, then added the 0 )lue cu)es to get <, and then added the 9 yellow cu)es- Some o# you started with the 0 )lue cu)es, then added the 4 green cu)es to get <, and then added the 9 yellow cu)es- Some o# you started with the 4 green cu)es, then added the 9 yellow cu)es, and then added the 0 )lue cu)es- =ou changed the order o# the num)ers around and added them together, and you still got the same answer- 'hy do you thin, that is:

Provide vertical displa" for SPE student and draw green lines for #ones$ place and red lines for #tens$ place as a reminder of place value!

%ro)lems a)out Com)ining Three Groups$ 40 minutes 14255$42406 As,2 o we all agree that you can add 4;0;9 in any order and it will still e>ual /5: As,2 o you thin, this would )e true #or other num)ers: Thin, a)out this >uestion as you wor, on the next set o# pro)lems Students wor, individually on Student Activity !oo, pages /$4- Explain that they should solve each pro)lem in two di##erent orders, and chec, their wor, with a partner once they are complete- 1Give each student 45 connecting cu)es6 %rovide vertical display #or S%E student and draw green lines #or ?ones@ place and red lines #or ?tens@ place as a reminder o# place value- A#ter completion o# 4 pro)lems, prompt student to use calculator to con#irm answers Say2 Remem)er that you need to try adding the num)ers in two di##erent orders and see i# you get the same answer- 'hile you@re wor,ing, thin, a)out whether you can change the order o# the num)ers you are adding without changing the totaloes it wor, all o# the time or only some o# the time: 'hy do you thin, so: 1critical thin,ing6 oes Arder Matter: $ 45 minutes 14240$42306 7

iscuss the #irst pro)lem is student activity )oo,- Ma,e three cu)e towers represent B green, 9 )lue, and 3 yellow cu)es8old the green and )lue cu)es together in one hand and the yellow cu)es in the otherAs,2 id anyone solve the pro)lem )y #irst #inding the num)er o# green and )lue cu)es and then adding the yellow: id you #ind 7a,e used /9 cu)es: 'rite B;9;3C/9 on the Smart !oard As,2 id anyone solve the pro)lem )y #irst #inding the num)er o# green and yellow cu)es and then adding the )lue: id you #ind 7a,e used /9 cu)es: 'rite B;3;9C/9 on the Smart !oard- *# you notice the answer is the same and the order o# the num)ers that were added didn@t matteriscuss the rest o# the >uestionsSay2 For all o# these pro)lems, you can change the order o# the num)ers and you get the same answer- o you thin, that@s true only #or these num)ers, or is it true #or other num)ers: 1critical thin,ing6 As,2 Can we change the order that we su)tract num)ers the same as we do when we add num)ers: 1Ex2 D$4$3C4, 3$D$ 4C::6 1Ex2 E$/$9C0, 9$/$EC::6 The largest num)er has to )e #irst in order to su)tractSay2 'hen you are adding num)ers the order does not matter )ecause you are not changing the total- 'hen su)tracting num)ers the largest num)er has to )e #irst, you will not get the same answer when you change the order-

Provide vertical displa" for SPE student and draw green lines for #ones$ place and red lines for #tens$ place as a reminder of place value! %sk him to e&plain place value and toda"$s concepts! Review work and provide specific corrective feedback! 'elp him complete one additional problem before ending the lesson! %t the end of lesson( mark SPE students$ point sheets for targeted behaviors! )uickl" review their progress toward achieving their dail" rewards( provide verbal praise( corrective feedback and review an" conse*uences -

Lesson !eflection (After)

"esson Analysis and 9eflection A*A"<=! A*D !>A"3A'! <)39 "!SS)* I..!DIA'!"< ?)"")@I*( 0).P"!'I)* )? 'A! "!SS)*6 16 !stablish the levels of student performance for each learning ob/ective+target6 Attach rubrics or criteria used in this determination6 ,6 (o bac8 to each learning ob/ective+target6 Identify specific accomplishments or problems that the groups of students demonstrated for each learning ob/ective+target6 "earning )b/ective+"earning 'arget # Identify Students Below 0riteria Identify Students that .et 0riteria

:6 9eflect on the following a6 Identify patterns or trends in student performance levels6 b6 (roup students based on student performance levels6 This lesson went very well based on the assessments I gathered. Our learning objectives were to use known combinations to add two or more numbers, determine whether reordering three addends using the commutative property results in the same total and whether this rule would apply to subtraction. The students developed a generalization about reordering of numbers for addition and subtraction and determined order doesnt matter when you are adding numbers we always get the same total because the 1

numbers stay the same. Order does matter for subtraction because the bigger number has to be first because we cant subtract a larger number from a smaller number. This lesson went well and most students had mastered the idea of when its appropriate to reorder numbers. !ourteen students correctly answered all "uestions on the assessment. !our students answered # out of $ correctly. Two students answered % out of $ correctly. The students were also expected to work appropriately in the large group setting.

CHAMPS really helped! The students with IEP s did !ery well in this lesson" only student re#uired !er$al re%inders to raise his hand &or help. Six students 'one with an IEP( re#uired extended ti%e to co%plete the assign%ent . Overall, I think the skill that was taught was performed
proficiently by the majority of the students. &6 Planning the ne5t lesson a6 ?or each category of students4 plan specific differentiated instructional activities to move all students forward6 b6 Design corrective activities for reteaching the learning ob/ective(s)+target(s) for students who did not meet the learning ob/ective(s)+target(s)6 c6 Design enrichment activities to e5tend learning for students who did meet the learning ob/ective(s)+target(s)6 Student (roup 0orrective+Intervention Activity !nrichment+!5tension Activity

$6 Describe the way(s) you plan to report or plan to communicate learning results to students and parents6 C6 @hat new professional learning and resources can help you increase your instructional effectiveness2

Overall the lesson went as planned. To extend this lesson I would challenge students who are confident that order doesnt matter when adding numbers to think about how the would convince someone else that it would work for an numbers. The could also investigate whether this is true for all numbers no matter how man numbers are being added and for larger numbers. I would also make more of a conscious effort to connect these ob!ectives to students real life. "e could talk about how we add numbers in different orders when we go to the store or let them come up with wa s in how we would use this in the real world. I added this assessment

plan for my third objective for IEP progress monitoring.

0ollow !iven directions and classroom rules 4ontinue wor%in! on tas%#assi!nme nts ;aised hand 9or%s independently on assi!ned tas%s without disruptin! or disturbin! others. :sed color code template and pencils for place value :sed calculator to confirm calculations


SPED Student <1 SPED Student <* SPED Student <SPED Student </

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