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1. 2. 3. 4.

Explain the tool geometry and Nomenclatures in ASA system used in metal cutting. ? Explain the types of chip generated in metal cutting with neat sketch. ? Derive the expression for the Force system in urning process. ? Define the chip thickness ratio and derive the mathematical relationship to calculate the shear angle in metal cutting. ? Explain the aylor!s tool life e"uation with the application and limitation of it. ?

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6. 7. 8.

#hat are the applications of $erchant circle diagram.? Draw and write% down the steps used in the circle and also give the angle relationship e"uation &y the $erchant. 'ow many types of tool material used to manufacture the cutting tool explain with example? Define the press working terminology and the list out the various types of operation that can &e performed on the $echanical (resses and explain any one in detail. ? #hat are the important considerations during the design of )igs and fixture explain in detail. ? 9 #hat is principle of location? Explain the Six (oints *ocation of a +ectangular 9 ,lock with sketch. ? ---


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