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CASE NO. 4 Influencing: Power, Politics, Networking and Negotiation QUES IONS !


Q.1) Present a summary of the case highlighting the main features of the company, situation and Thomas Greens performance up till now? Q.2) sing the ! sources of power e"plain and #ustify which power sources $hannon %c&onald, 'ran( &a)is and Thomas green are e"erting on each other and why? Q.*) +y utili,ing the - power tactics e"plain and #ustify which power tactics currently 'ran( &a)is is using on Thomas Green to influence him and which power tactics currently Thomas Green is using to influence 'ran( &a)is and $hannon %c&onald? .n your opinion, which power tactics Thomas Green should use to e"ert control o)er /oth 'ran( &a)is and $hannon %c&onald? Q.0) 1ccording to the positi)e )iew of politics which out of the * positi)e political /eha)iors Thomas Green is using and which ones he is currently lagging /ehind? Q.2) 3hich unethical political /eha)iors are currently /eing used /y Thomas Green, 'ran( &a)is and $hannon %c&onald? 4"plain and #ustify? 1re these unethical political /eha)iors effecti)e for each one of them? 3hy or why not? Q.5) 6onsidering the organi,ational and indi)idual causes of political /eha)ior, which indi)idual and which out of the organi,ational factors are promoting politics in the organi,ation? 4"plain and 7ustify with reference to the case. Q.!) 8as Thomas Green used networ(ing tactic to /e effecti)e in this organi,ation? 9ecommend to Thomas green how can he utili,e the networ(ing process to help him impro)e his performance in the current position and impro)e his relations with his immediate /oss? Q.:) 3hat are the possi/le underlying agendas of 'ran( &a)is and $hannon %c&onald?

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