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Luke Walker February 10, 2014 Mrs. Raymond ENGL 1102 WP#4: Time Machine If I could choose to back to any historical event, I would travel back to the drafting of constitution. I believe this is important for this form of government has served the United States for 225 years. When those men those wrote this document they knowingly made an effective flexible system that allowed for the growth and prosperity of our great nation. Apart from the scuffle over the size of the federal government, these men set aside personal interest and created a government they knew would serve the nation. I would love to have been in the room and been around all of the great American political philosophers. I am mainly interested in the mind of Benjamin Franklin, because of his incredible rationality. This man refused to allow for his own self-interest and unselfishly looked out for the needs of the public. It amazes me that he did not recognize with a political party throughout it his political career and simply honored the good from both federalists and anti-federalists. He quite intrigues me because he was regarded as both as a flirt and a renaissance man. He had gained respect from the scientific, social and even the political community. I believe that this room in Philadelphia, during the Constitutional Convention in 1789 would be my first destination in my time machine because, I would find it incredible to meet all the great American political masterminds of the 18th century. Who would know now that they would have drafted a document that would withstand the sands of time?

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