Seminar Check List

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Seminar checklist


Presenter booked and confirmed Refreshments (tea/coffee, chilled water bottles; glasses

Seminar equipment Microphone Data / Overhead projector and screen aptop !"tension lead and do#ble adaptor

Presentation material PowerPoint presentation loaded to $D or directl% onto laptop &ack#p of presentation on disk/flash drive (j#st in case' $lient hando#t packs, incl#ding( PowerPoint slide hando#ts )eedback form Pen/ *ote pads Promotional items (incentive gifts' &ig +hite &oard +ater bottles

Day of seminar ,en#e visited d#ring the da% to check for #ne"pected problems $atering - meals, l#nches, tea and coffee breaks etc.; /eating arranged !"tra chairs available in a nearb% room (j#st in case' Refreshments arranged and set #p $onference stationer%;

Schedule for Seminars

Schedule for Seminars 0ntrod#ction !ngaging 1#dience Refreshments (tea/coffee, chilled water; glasses' &reakfast !ngaging 1#dience #nch !ngaging 1#dience 7ea &reak !ngaging 1#dience 35(53 - 35(63 32(53 - 34( 26 22(33 to 22(43

Menu for Breakfast

Breakfast 0dli Poha 8pma 7ea/$offee Lunch P#ri/Roti 4 /abji Dal Rice $haas Papad

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