Creative Story

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Luke Walker 2/17/14 Mrs. Raymond ENGL 1101 The First Mate There once lived an old fisherman named Charles Walton. He lived in a secluded cottage on the outskirts of a small fishing town in New England. Ever since he could remember, Charles had been a Cod fisherman. He had woken up early in the morning every day for nearly 40 years strolled down to the harbor and took his vessel out and returned. Charles was somewhat of a Hermit and did not know hardly anyone in town. All of the others ship in town were brand new and sported large crews. Well Charles still used the same boat he did when he started fishing as a young man. The Whiskey Skies was a 32 foot craft modeled a pale blue color and the glass in cabin was cracked from debris from Hugo in the years past. The Whiskey Skies had no crew, well not at least since the great tragedy that occurred in the past. Ever since Charles had refused to take on any help. Charles who was nearly 60 years in age was getting to old and feeble to operate the ship by himself, but still would rather die than retire and stay put on the mainland. Charles was a simple soul, who seemed to be in tuned with the ways of the ocean and gave the impression that he contained sixth sense that made him very successful at his job, considering his age. Well Charles became too feeble to run his outfit himself and finally swallowed his pride and began the search for a mate. Well he strolled into town and found that his ways were too old fashioned for all of the high-tech young blokes with their GPS depth-finders and arrangement of toys. Charles desired a mate with a certain grit, whom possessed knowledge and maturity


beyond his years. Finally one day, a younger fellow approached Charles at the dock of the Whiskey Skies. This young man was the son of a man Charles new a long time ago, a man who Charles use to work with. And at the sight of this young man Charles became overwhelmed with guilt and grief. The young man asked if he could come aboard as Charles put on his best poker face and reluctantly murmured, I reckon. The young man looked up Charles and said Sir, I dont know who you are, but my mother said I should come see you., the hell she do that for? retorted Charles. Well she said there are some things that I needed to learn, and you are the one to teach me. Charles snorted. After a minute of thought Charles responded that chum isnt goin to cut itself, pull up a stool and a knife and let me tell you about your father. Charles had finally found his first mate.

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