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St. Patricks Alumni Association (SPAN), Secunderabad.

The school celebrates every year the Nostalgia Day on the first Sunday of January. During this time an eminent person will be invited to speak to them. Mr. Jayaprakashnarayan, !S an illustrious alumnus of !"# was the chief guest during the nostalgia day during which he spoke of he need to raise $uestions about what is going in and around our institutions and how we are moulding the students entrusted to our care, to meet the demands of the city, state, country and the world at large. %e even drew our attention to the fact that when &'' schools across the country were reviewed it was found that $uite a number of students even in class ( were not able to correctly write a few sentences even in their mother tongue. Some of them were not even able to write the alphabets of four categories correctly. They were unable even to multipy or devide tripple or even double digits. f this is the state of affairs what is the future of our country) *hat sort of leaders could we produce in such circumstnces) St +atrick,s %igh school conducts -r. Devasia memorial .asket ball Tournament in the memory of its first Jesuit pricipal every year for three days in the month of /ctobert0November. During this time $uite a number of boys as well as girls teams participate in this tournament. t is soely orgnised by the !lumni of the school. They also invite an eminent alumnus of the school to inaugurate the tournaments and another one to give away the pri1es. This year 23 schools from the city participated. The alumni organises motivation talks for the students at different levels. Some of the past students organise health camps and distribute free medicines to the needy and deserving students. !part from this the alumni also organises #areer 4uidance for the #lass 5 students.

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