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Luke Walker 2/17/14 Mrs. Raymond ENGL 1101 The First Mate There once lived an old fisherman named Charles Walton. He lived in a secluded cottage on the outskirts of a small fishing town in New England. Ever since he could remember, Charles had been a Cod fisherman. He had woken up early in the morning every day for nearly 40 years strolled down to the harbor and took his vessel out and returned. Charles was somewhat of a Hermit and did not know hardly anyone in town. All of the others ship in town were brand new and sported large crews. Well Charles still used the same boat he did when he started fishing as a young man. The Whiskey Skies was a 32 foot craft modeled a pale blue color and the glass in cabin was cracked from debris from Hugo in the years past. The Whiskey Skies had no crew, well not at least since the great tragedy that occurred in the past.

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