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________________________________________________________________________________ _____ G r a n d T h e f t A u t o : V i c e C i t y ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ ReadMe.txt Thank you for purchasing Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

This ReadMe contains last minute information and troubleshooting tips. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ CONTENTS __________ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS INSTALLATION GENERAL INFORMATION CONFIGURATION PC SPECIFIC EXTRAS KNOWN ISSUES DRIVERS CONTACT INFORMATION

________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 1) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ________________________ Grand Theft Auto: Vice City uses Microsoft DirectX 9.0. Supported Operating Systems are: Windows Windows Windows Windows Windows 98 98 Second Edition Millennium 2000 Professional (Workstation) plus Service Pack 3 XP (Home and Professional) plus Service Pack 1

The following operating systems are NOT supported: Windows 95 (any version) Windows NT (any version) Minimum Hardware Requirements 800 MHz Intel Pentium III or 800 MHz AMD Athlon or 1.2GHz Intel Celeron or 1.2 GHz AMD Duron processor 128 MB of RAM 8 speed CD / DVD drive 915 MB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression)

32 MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce" or better) Sound Card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers Keyboard Mouse Recommended Hardware Requirements Intel Pentium IV or AMD Athlon XP processor 256(+) MB of RAM 16 speed CD / DVD drive 1.55 GB of free hard disk space (+ 635 MB if video card does NOT support DirectX Texture Compression) 64(+) MB video card with DirectX 9.0 compatible drivers ("GeForce 3" / "Radeon 8500" or better with DirectX Texture Compression support) DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card with surround sound Gamepad (USB or Joystick Port) Keyboard Mouse ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 2) INSTALLATION _________________ Insert Grand Theft Auto: Vice City disc one ("INSTALL" disc) into the CD / DVD drive. If you have Autoplay enabled then the setup routine will automaticall y launch. If you do not have Autoplay enabled, then use Explorer to navigate Grand Theft Auto: Vice City disc one, and manually launch setup.exe 2000 / XP User Accounts: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City requires to be installed, and run for the first time , with a user account that has ADMINISTRATOR privileges. On the first run of the g ame, we decide whether or not to use DirectX Texture Compression, and then if necessa ry un-compress the games textures to your Hard Disk. For more information on ADMINISTRATOR user accounts, see your Windows 2000 / XP manual. Footprint: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City requires approximately 915 MB of hard disk space if you choose not to install the radio stations to your hard disk. If you copy the Radi o Stations to your hard disk then you will need to have approximately 1.55 GB of f ree space. If the video card in your computer does not support DirectX Texture Compression, then this means an EXTRA 635 MB is required for the un-compressed t extures. Radio Stations: During Installation, we offer the user the option to copy the Radio Station file s from the "PLAY" disc to your hard disk. On some machines this will provide a performa nce benefit, though you will need to weigh up the benefits, as on slower machines it

is preferable to have the Radio Stations being played from a device on a separate I DE channel. Note that whether you copy the Radio Stations to hard disk or not, the game still requires the "PLAY" disc to be in your CD / DVD disk at all times. Save Games: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City uses the "My Documents" directory of the currently logged in user to store the "GTA VICE CITY USER FILES" directory. This is where we store your save games, individual settings files and gameplay statistics. This w as chosen to allow each user on a Windows 2000 or Windows XP system to have their o wn set of saves, configurations and statistics. Un-installation: When Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is uninstalled, we do not delete the "MP3", "SK INS" and "GTA VICE CITY USER FILES" directories. It is up to the user to remove these manually. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 3) GENERAL INFORMATION ________________________ DirectX: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City requires Microsoft DirectX 9.0 to run. As a conseque nce we recommend that the video and sound drivers installed are also DirectX 9.0 com pliant. DirectX Texture Compression: Where available, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City will use DirectX Texture Compressio n. If the video card does NOT offer DirectX Texture Compression, then we require an EXTRA 635 MB of hard disk space to create the un-compressed textures (over and a bove the 915 MB minimum install / 1.55 GB maximum install). Windows XP: We recommend manufacturer distributed drivers for Windows XP (i.e. drivers that expose the user controls for changing settings on the particular piece of hardware), in stead of the default drivers installed by Microsoft as part of the machine setup proce ss. Memory: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City requires at least 128 MB of memory to run. In most c ases on a computer with 128 MB of Ram, disk swapping will occur. For optimal performa nce at least 256 MB is recommended.

Running Applications: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City has been designed to take best advantage of the avai lable machine it is running upon, therefore we recommend that you close down all appli cations before running Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. We do not support the use of CD emul ators, and as such these programs will be closed down when run in the background. Video Memory: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City requires a video card with at least 32 MB of video m emory to run. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City will refuse to run if launched on a machine with less than 32 MB of video memory. Intel Celeron and AMD Duron Processors: These processors play slower than their direct MHz equivalent Pentium III and AM D Athlon, as a consequence we recommend 1.2 GHz as the base speed for these proces sors. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 4) CONFIGURATION __________________ Sound Provider: The first time you launch Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, we auto-detect the best s ound provider for your available Sound Card. You can also manually select alternative s. Providers which are not compatible with your Sound Card will not be selectable. MP3 Volume Boost: This setting allows you to assign an additional boost in the volume that your av ailable MP3 files are played back with. This will only be selectable if the game detects the presence of MP3 files in the MP3 directory. Dynamic Acoustic Modeling: Turning off Dynamic Acoustic Modeling in the Sound Options will give a small per formance gain. Screen Resolution: Selecting lower Screen Resolutions in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City display setup will allow faster gameplay on lower end machines. Also, using 16 bit color, instead o f 32 bit color, will help in these circumstances. Frame Limit: We do not suggest disabling the "Frame Limit" in the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City display Setup page, as this will lead to a more "variable" rate of playback. VSYNC:

We recommend that you make sure you have set your video card to VSYNC ON in your video card advanced options (from Control Panel/Display Properties). ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 5) PC SPECIFIC EXTRAS _______________________ Skins: The appearance of Tommy can be altered or changed by editing inside a paint prog ram a skin file. Skin files need to be 24 bit un-compressed bitmaps of size 256 * 25 6. An example file is provided in your "SKINS" directory called "TEXTURE_GUIDE.JPG" . When applied, the skins will only affect Tommy's street outfit, and only in-game , not in cut-scenes. MP3 Radio Station files: We have provided the ability to play the users own music files instead of the Radio Stations. Simply place your MP3 files into your "Grand Theft Auto Vice Cit y/MP3" directory, and then use the "change station" key to cycle to the MP3 radio stati on. Use the MP3 boost volume control to add extra amplification to your MP3 music fi les to equalize the volume relative to the Radio Stations and Sound Effects. Stat Saving: During a game, you can output the detailed list of your in-game accomplishments from the STATS menu. On this menu pressing "S" will output a "STATS.TXT" file and a " STATS.HTML" file to the "GTA VICE CITY USER FILES" directory of the currently logged in user . Standard / Classic mode: Standard mode allows for the control of Tommy with Keyboard and Mouse; Classic m ode is similar to the control system employed in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City on the PlayStation2 using a control pad. Mouse Steering: In Standard mode, there is an option to allow you to use your mouse to steer veh icles. This is not available in Classic mode. Replays: The last 30 seconds of gameplay is available as a replay to play back at any tim e. To use a replay:F1 - Replay the last 30 seconds of gameplay. F2 - Save the last 30 seconds of gameplay as a file. F3 - Recall and show the last saved replay file. ________________________________________________________________________________

_____ 6) KNOWN ISSUES _________________ Windows 98 Installation On some Windows 98 machines, there can be problems with the Installshield versio n that we use. This can be caused by an invalid "OLEAUT32.DLL" file. Often this file is an updated version to the one that is installed during the machine setup routine. T his problem usually manifests itself as an error message when you re-boot your machi ne after DirectX 9.0 setup. This error message is often of the form:Error number: 0x80070725 Description: Incompatible version of the RPC stub To correct this problem, un-install Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (If the "Start B ar" and "Add/Remove Programs" un-install shortcuts do not work, then un-install by launc hing the setup routine from the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City "INSTALL" disc - this is one of the symptoms of this DCOM error). Once you have un-installed Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, perform the following procedure to fix your DCOM installation, then you will be able to install Grand Theft Auto: Vice City correctly. We are sorry that we cannot redistribute this file, but the Microsoft EULA for this file prevents us doing t his. Instructions to correct this problem (From Microsoft Installshield Support) 1) Download to your Desktop, but do not run, the Distributed Component Object Mo del (DCOM) file. Windows 98: 2) Select Start > Shutdown 3) Select Restart in MS-DOS mode. 4) At the command prompt c:\WINDOWS, enter the following commands on separate li nes as shown. Windows automatically restarts. CD c:\windows\system rename oleaut32.dll oleaut32.old exit 5) Ignore the error message: "A required .DLL file, C:\windows\system\oleaut32.d ll, was not found." This error message appears because the file was renamed in st ep 4. 6) Log in as you normally would.

7) Double-click the file you downloaded to your Desktop in step 1. Click Yes to the dialog that opens. The dcom.exe file installs a new oleaut32.dll file. 8) After DCOM has been installed, select Start > Restart. More information on this problem, and DCOM: S3 Pro Savage, Savage 4 and Savage 2000 video cards: We found these video cards have missing texture problems in 16 bit color which a re cured in 32 bit color, so we suggest using these video cards in 32 bit color. 3dfx Voodoo 5 video cards: While Grand Theft Auto: Vice City does run on Voodoo 5 video cards, the age of t he drivers means that there are minor visual artifacts that cannot be corrected, an d so we do not support this chipset, or previous 3dfx chipsets. Matrox surround gaming: We have not implemented any support for Matrox Surround Gaming / 3 monitor mode. Please use single monitor mode on Matrox Parhelia video cards. Matrox G550 and G400 video cards: Minor graphic corruptions in the distance while playing Grand Theft Auto: Vice C ity and during the intro movie. ATI Rage 128 video cards: Minor graphic corruptions during the intro movie. SIS 315 video cards: Minor graphic corruptions during the intro movie. Motherboard based sound chips: We have found certain motherboard based sound chipsets do not report having a hardware sound buffer, and crash with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. We found that running Microsoft's "DXDIAG" and performing the sound tests, will present the us er with an error message saying that a hardware buffer is not supported, and would you like to use a software buffer. Selecting a software buffer will allow this sound chipset to work with Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Hard disk de-fragmentation: If you are experiencing short, periodic slowdowns whilst driving, Grand Theft Au to: Vice City may be having trouble retrieving data at a fast enough rate from your hard disk. It is recommended that you run your systems De-fragmentation utility regul arly to allow optimum performance.

Changing hardware / re-initialization: Changing either your video card or soundcard may mean that you get Grand Theft A uto: Vice City into an "invalid" settings state for the particular hardware. If you c hange hardware, to prevent having to un-install and re-install Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, perform the following:Video card:- delete from the "Grand Theft Auto Vice City/models" directory the file s "TXD.DIR" and "TXD.IMG" (if they exist) - delete from the "Grand Theft Auto Vice City/data" directory the file "CAPS.DAT" - delete from the "Documents and Settings/Current logged-in User/ My Documents/GTA Vice City User Files" directory the "GTA_VC.SET" file . Sound Card:- delete from the "Documents and Settings/Current logged-in User/ My Documents/GTA Vice City User Files" directory the "GTA_VC.SET" file . ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 7) DRIVERS ____________ Video Drivers: We recommend using the latest available Video drivers for your video card. Where available use the video chipset manufacturers "Reference" drivers in preference to video card manufacturer customized drivers or Microsoft WHQL certified drivers. This means for nVidia based cards Detonator 4 series drivers, and for ATI based cards Catalyst 3 series drivers. Below for convenience are common video card manufacturer's websites. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City may not support some or all video cards by a particular manufacturer. Inclusion of a manufacturer in this list does not mean there are any assurances of compati bility. 3Dlabs Asus ATI Creative Labs Guillemot Hercules Intel Leadtek Matrox nVidia S3 Graphics Sis VIA VideoLogic

Motherboard Chipset Drivers: Please ensure your motherboard chipset drivers are updated to the latest availab le versions. Also ensure you are using the correct IDE drivers for your Chipset / O perating System combination. We have noted better performance with the use of the "Intel Application Accelerator" on Intel 800 series chipsets. Intel VIA nVidia SIS ALI

________________________________________________________________________________ _____ 8) CONTACT INFORMATION ________________________ For news, hints, and the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City community, check out For Technical Support:United States: Web : Email: Phone: 410-933-9191 Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm EST. United Kingdom: Post: Take 2 Interactive Technical Support Unit A, Sovereign Park Brenda Road Hartlepool TS25 1NN Telephone: Fax: Email: Web Site: (0870) 1242222 / calls charged at the UK national rate (7 days a week from 8am to 10pm (GMT) excluding bank holidays) (01429) 233677

If necessary, you may be asked by Technical Support to obtain an analysis of you r machine to help troubleshoot problems. Forward this file to Technical Support on ly when requested to do so. To perform an analysis:Using Explorer, locate the "Grand Theft Auto Vice City" main directory, and righ t

click on "GTA-VC.EXE", then select the option "Launch Analysis". This will creat e the file "AnalysisLog.sr0" in the root directory of hard disk C: ________________________________________________________________________________ _____ This software and documentation Copyright (c) 2003 Rockstar Games. ________________________________________________________________________________ _____

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