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Department of Biomedical Engineering JIS College of Engineering, Kalyani Achievements of faculty: Academic 1. Dr.

Meghamala Dutta Received Best paper award in N3CD, 2013 2. Dr. Meghamala Dutta Received r!"ect grant #r!m $%C&', 2013 3. Dr. Meghamala ( )elected N!minee Chairman, *endri+a ,id+ala+a )angathan under M-RD, 2013 .. Dr. *ara/i 0angul+ Received h.D award #r!m 1adavpur 2niversit+. 3. Dr. *ara/i 0angul+ Reviewer, %C4NC'(201.. 5. )!uvi6 Das 'nr!lled #!r h.D #r!m 2niversit+ !# Calcutta. E tra Curricular Dr! Kara"i #anguly 1. )ecured 1st !siti!n in 100m 7lat Race in $nnual )p!rts 1%)C' in 2013 2. )ecured 3rd !siti!n in -itting the &arget in $nnual )p!rts Da+ 2013 3. )ecured 3rd !siti!n in Balance Race in $nnual )p!rts 201. Achievements of student: 1. Ms. )a+anti )engupta Received /est paper award in N3CD, 2013 2. Deepneha Dutta, Ruchira Ra6shit, Bhaswati Mallic6 8 )amhita Bhattachar+a 9uali#ied #!r the Nati!nal :evel 0'& 'ntrance ';aminati!n, 2013. 3. $r!ma Mu6her"ee, )u/ir *ar, allavi *umari, $+an Chattere"ee and )ucharita )ar6ar BM' 2nd <ear received 3rd !siti!n in C!llege De/ate C!mpetiti!n, 2013 .. allavi *umari !# BM' 2nd <ear received 2nd ri=e in a De/ate C!mpetiti!n !rgani=ed /+ >!men, 1%)C', 2013 3. $runima 1ana !# BM' 2nd +ear received 1st pri=e in Chess C!mpetiti!n, 2013 5. $r!ma Mu6her"ee !# BM' 2nd <ear student received 1st p!siti!n in discuss thr!w and 3rd p!siti!n in sh!rt put thr!w, 201. Student Development $rogramme: 1. 2. 3. .. Nati!nal )eminar !n $dvancement in Bi!materials and Bi!mechanics ?N)$BB(2013@ Nati!nal )eminar !n $pplicati!n !# 'ngineering in Medical )cience ?N)$'M)(2013@ &echnical )6ill Devel!pment r!gram under '$ &'A% 4rientati!n r!gram and :ectures /+ 'minent $cademicians and %ndustr+ ers!nnel in 1st <ear %nducti!n r!gram in 2013 3. )!#t )6ill Devel!pment r!grams thr!ugh British C!uncil in 2013 5. %ndustrial &raining #!r 2(3wee6s underta6en /+ 2 nd and 3rd +ear students in Related -!spital ?CMR%, R&%%C), $MR% h!spitals@ and -ealthcare %ndustries? 0' -ealthcare, )iemens etc.@

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