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Transportation and Assignment Problems Transportation problem First check total supply = 60+80+40 = 180 = total demand Let

Xij = number of units from plant i (= 1, ,!" to customer j (= 1, ,!,4" #a$ z = 800X11 + %00X1 + &00X1! + 00X14 + &00X 1 + 00X + 100X ! + !00X 4 + 600X!1 + 400X! + !00X!! + &00X!4 s't' X11 + X1 + X1! + X14 = 60 X 1 + X + X ! + X 4 = 80 X!1 + X! + X!! + X!4 = 40 X11 + X 1 + X!1 = 40 X1 + X + X! = 60 X1! + X ! + X!! 0 X14 + X 4 + X!4 0 (redundant) with Xij 0 Assignment problem

Let Xij = assi(nee i (= 1, ,!,4" to be assi(ned to task j (= 1, ,!,4"' #in z = 14(!&X11 + 41X1 + %X1! + 40X14" + 1 (4%X 1 + 4&X + ! X ! + &1X 4" + 1!(!)X!1 + &6X! + !6X!! + 4!X!4" + 1&(! X41 + &1X4 + &X4! + 46X44" s't' X11 + X1 + X1! + X14 = 1 (as supply" X1+X +X!+X4=1 X!1 + X! + X!! + X!4 = 1 X41 + X4 + X4! + X44 = 1 X11 + X 1 + X!1 + X41 = 1 (as demand" X1 + X + X! + X4 = 1 X1! + X ! + X!! + X4! = 1 X14 + X 4 + X!4 + X44 = 1 *ith Xij 0 Question 10

+econsider ,uestion &' -o* distribution centers 1, , and ! must recei.e e$actly 10, 0, and !0 unit per *eek, respecti.ely' For administrati.e con.enience, mana(ement has decided that each distribution center *ill be supplied totally by a sin(le plant, so that one plant *ill supply one distribution center and the other plant *ill supply the other t*o distribution centers' /he choice of these assi(nments of plants to distribution centers is to be made solely on the basis of minimi0in( total shippin( cost' Formulate and sol.e a linear pro(ram for this problem' First check total no' of plants = 4 1 total no' of centers = ! 2 because each plant is capable of supplyin( t*o centres' Let Xij = plant i (= 1 3, 4" to be assi(ned to center j (= 1, ,!"'

#in z = 80010X11 + %00 0X1 + 400!0X1! + 60010X 1 + 800 0X + &00!0X ! = 8000X11 + 14,000X1 + 1 ,000X1! + 6000X 1 + 16,000X + 1&,000X ! s't' X11 + X1 + X1! X1+X +X! X11 + X 1 = 1 X1 + X = 1 X1! + X ! = 1 *ith Xij 0

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