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A Blue Plaque to our Founder Dr Robert Richardson Newell was placed at the site of his residence, 29 Head St, unveiled by Alderman Dr Chris Hall. A replacement for the purloined Plaque to Dr William A. Maybury (1842-12924) GP at East Hill, was unveiled by the Mayor, Cllr C Arnold. The Minutes books (1907-2007) of the now defunct North East Essex BMA Division are deposited with the Essex University Library, and its chain of office, restored by Mr John Eddy, is now part of our Memorabilia. Five mounted and framed pen and ink drawings of surgical instruments by RAMC Corp McGill, are now displayed in the Iceni Centre. A visit to the Essex University Library was organised to view our historical Medical Books in August.

Five etched glass panels which had been in the Childrens Ward at the ECH since 1957, were refurbished by Kent & Blaxill and installed in the new Childrens Unit . A five minute pictorial DVD based on the Colchesters Caring Past exhibition is being developed by John Grice, which it is hoped GPs will utilise in waiting rooms and public areas. I am happy accept old medical instruments and old medical books.

Dr F.F.CASALE Archivist

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