Construct 1: Planning of Procedures For Investigations or Experiments

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Construct For Assessment Planning Investigation or Experiment Part 1 Instruments A Performance Indicator (PI) Investigative Scientific Experiment PI 1 PI 2 PI 3 PI 4 State t"e inference corresponding to t"e situation or o#servation State t"e corresponding "$pot"esis in %"ic" its validit$ can #e tested& State t"e aim of t"e experiment or investigation t"at can verif$ t"e "$pot"esis stated& State t"e 'anipulated (aria#le('()) t"e esponding (aria#le( ()and t"e fixed varia#le PI 1 State t"e list of all t"e apparatus) materials and,or ot"er re-uirements& to o#tain data) information and. or o#servations from t"e experiment or activit$& +escri#e t"e arrangement of t"e apparatus or dra% and la#eled diagram t"at is functional State completel$ t"e procedures of t"e experiment or t"e steps of t"e activit$& State "o% data) information and. or o#servations are recorded (if applica#le) B Performance Indicator (PI) Non Investigative Scientific Experiment Score

Practical eport Pro!ect

Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance& Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least *PIs correctl$& Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least 1PI correctl$&

PI 1 PI 2 PI 3

Part *

PI 4

State t"e list of all apparatus and materials used to o#tain at least one set of '( and ( data& +escri#e t"e arrangement of t"e apparatus or dra% and la#eled diagram t"at is functional State completel$ t"e experimental procedures) including t"e met"od of controlling '( in t"e appropriate range and to measure t"e corresponding ( S"o% t"e ta#le %it" t"eir varia#les and corresponding units or correct o#servations&

PI 2

Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance& Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least * PIs correctl$& Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least I PI correctl$& / Note0 Student %"o does not gives an$ response or una#le to ac"ieve an$ PI %ill #e mar1ed 234&

PI 3

PI 4

C5NS6 7C6 Il0 CA Construct For Assessment Carr$ out experiment or investigation

3IN8 576 IN(ES6I8A6I5N 5 E9PE I'EN6 B Performance Indicator (Pt) Non Investigative Scientific Experiment PI 1 Arrange and set up t"e apparatus) materials and,or e-uipment according to procedures or stated met"od correctl$ and functional PI 2 :andle t"e apparatus) materials and,or e-uipment according to procedures or stated met"od correctl$& PI 3 ecord readings using t"e correct met"od and tec"ni-ue and,or a#le to s1etc" %"at is o#served.

Instruments PI 1 eport (during experiment) PI 2

A Performance Indicator (Pt) Investigative Scientific Experiment Arrange and set up t"e apparatus) materials and,or e-uipment according to procedures or stated met"od correctl$ and functional :andle t"e apparatus) materials and,or e-uipment according to procedures or stated met"od correctl$& ecord readings using t"e correct met"od and tec"ni-ue

Score Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least * PIs correctl$ Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least 1 PI correctl$ Note0 Student %"o does not give an$ response or una#le to ac"ieve an$ PI %ill #e mar1ed43;&

PI 3

C5NS6 7C6 III0 C5<<EC6 AN+ Construct For Assessment Collect and record investigative or experimental data

EC5 + IN(ES6I8A6E 5 E9PE I'EN6A< +A6A B Performance Indicator (PI) Non Investigative Scientific Experiment PI 1 ecord measurements or s1etc" %"at is o#served from experiment or activit$ PI 2 ecord measurements or s1etc" %"at is o#served from t"e experiment or activit$ correctl$ and accuratel$& PI 3 ecord calculated values %it" t"e correct units or s1etc",dra% full$ la#eled diagrams& PI 4 ecord o#servations in different situations& (if applica#le) Scrapbook PI 1 S"o% information related to t"e assignment PI 2 S"o% various information sufficientl$ PI 3 Classif$ information In meaningful se-uence PI 4 8ive #rief explanations

Instruments PI 1 Practical report Pro!ect PI 2

A Performance Indicator (PI) Investigative Scientific Experiment Construct a ta#le consisting of ro%s and columns %it" t"e correct p"$sical -uantities and ecord all readings for manipulated varia#le %it" appropriate decimal places and consistent& ecord t"e readings for responding varia#le %it" appropriate decimal places and consistent& ecord all t"e calculated secondar$ data %it" appropriate decimal places) consistent and in correct units (if applica#le)

Score Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least * PIs correctl$ Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least 1 PI correctl$ Note0 Student %"o does not give an$ response or una#le to ac"ieve an$ PI %ill #e mar1ed43;&

PI 3

PI 4

Or (others) PI 1 8ive clear explanation for collected information suc" as data and diagram dra%n or s1etc"ed& PI 2 State t"e conclusion of t"e experiment correctl$ and %"ic" correspond %it" to t"e information and o#servation& PI 3 State t"e steps to improving t"e results of t"e experiment or t"e activit$ carried out& C5NS6 7C6 I(0 IN6E P E6 6:E +A6A AN+ +5 6:E C5NC<7SI5N Construct For Assessment Interpret t"e data and do t"e conclusion A Performance Indicator (PI) Investigative Scientific Experiment PI 1 Practical report Pro!ect PI 2 PI 3 State t"e title of t"e grap" and dra% t"e grap" axis %it" correct unit) %"ic" is ( at $=axis and '( at x=axis 6"e grap" scale is uniform) not odd scale and at least four points transfer correctl$& 6"e most suita#le and smoot" line %it" t"e line pattern matc"ing %it" t"e experiment and si>e of t"e grap" at least ?@A of t"e grap" paper& S"o% "o% to determine t"e gradient of t"e grap" %it" dra%ing t"e triangle and state t"e value of t"e grap" gradient (if applica#le) +etermine t"e value t"roug" extrapolation or interpolation;s of t"e grap" (if applica#le) B Performance Indicator (PI) Non Investigative Scientific Experiment PI 1 PI 1 State t"e title of t"e grap" and la#el #ot" grap" axis %it" correct unit (if applica#le) PI 2 6"e grap" scale is uniform) not odd scale and at least four point transfer correctl$ PI 3 Pattern of t"e grap" suita#le %it" t"e experiment %it" smoot" line or curve and si>e of t"e grap" at least ?@ A of t"e grap" paper PI 4 S"o% "o% to determine t"e gradient of t"e grap" %it" dra%ing t"e triangle and state t"e value of t"e grap" gradient (if applica#le)


Score Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least * PIs correctl$ Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least 1 PI correctl$ Note0 Student %"o does not give an$ response or una#le to ac"ieve an$ PI %ill #e mar1ed 3;&

PI 4

PI 5

PI 6 PI 7

State t"e suita#le conclusion State t"e met"od to increase t"e consistenc$ of t"e experiment result (if applica#le)

PI 5 +etermine t"e value t"roug" extrapolation or interpolation;s of t"e grap" (if applica#le) PI 6 State t"e suita#le conclusion PI 7 State t"e met"od to increase t"e consistenc$ of t"e experiment result (if applica#le) Or (Calculation) PI 1 +o t"e correct calculation to gain information needed PI 2 State t"e ans%er %it" t"e correct unit and num#ers of decimal places PI 3 S"o% t"e a#ilit$ to do t"e correct conclusion PI 4 State t"e met"od to increase t"e consistenc$ of t"e experiment result (if applica#le) Or (Calculation) PI 1 8ive clear explanation to t"e information collected li1e data) diagram %"ic" dra%ing clearl$ to t"e s1etc" diagram& PI 2 State t"e summar$ or conclusion %"ic" relevant to t"e information or o#servation& PI 3 State t"e met"od to increase t"e result of t"e experiment or activit$

C5NS6 7C6 (0 SCIEN6IFIC SBI<<S AN+ N5B<E (A<7ES Construct For Assessment B Performance Indicator (PI) Non Investigative Scientific Experiment (arieties) plent$ and relevant& Al%a$s as1 -uestion to o#tain extra information t"an re-uired& Neat) proper and in se-uence& Al%a$s %illing to "elp ot"ers& A#le to accept ot"ers people vie% Practice safet$ measures and cleanliness& Carr$ out tas1 %it"in t"e allocated time&

Instruments PI1

Score Score 3 A#le to ac"ieve all PIs accuratel$ and completel$ %it"out assistance Score 2 A#le to ac"ieve at least * PIs correctl$ Score I A#le to ac"ieve at least 1 PI correctl$ Note0 Student %"o does not give an$ response or una#le to ac"ieve an$ PI %ill #e mar1ed 43;&

Interest and Curiosit$ CCCCCCCC

Folio) scrap #oo1) experimental report) student activities) pro!ects CCCCCC Experimental report) portfolio) pro!ect& CCCCC Folio) student activities) pro!ects& CCCCCCC Portfolio) student activities) scrap #oo1) pro!ects&

PI 2 PI 3 PI 4

S$stematic CCCCCCCCCCCCC Co=operative CCCCCCCCCCCC esponsi#le

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