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Lesson Objective(s): What do you want students to know and be able to do?
At the end of this lesson, students will know the pathway blood travels and when it is high in oxygen - HS-LS1-3. Plan and conduct an investigation to provide evidence that feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis. - HS-LS1-2. Develop and use a model to illustrate the hierarchical organization of interacting systems that provide specific functions within multicellular organisms.

Assessment (Traditional/Authentic): How will you know if students have mastered essential learning?

Evaluation of student responses during class discussion as well as the ability to build a drawing of the system.

Ways to Gain/Maintain Attention (Primacy): How will you gain and maintain students attention? Consider need, novelty, meaning, or emotion.
Need novelty

Content Chunks: How will you divide and teach the content to engage students brains? Lesson Segment 1: Focus Question Activities: "What connection can you make between the respiratory system and circulatory system?" This
conversation should ultimately lead to capillaries. A small review of the respiratory system will occur. (10 minutes)

Lesson Segment 2: Modeling the Circulatory System Activities:

Students will then stand up and simulate the flow of blood. Certain students will be labeled certain parts of the system (RL atrium/ventricle, lung, cell) other students will be veins or arteries. Blood cells high/low in oxygen will be passed to travel. Discussion of parts and function will take place.(15 min)

Lesson Segment 3: Draw it out Activities: supplied to them (10 minutes). One student from each table will give a part and what it does to
produce a class diagram on the board (2-3 people from each table will speak). (10 min) First as teams, they will build a diagram of the circulatory system on their white board including words

Brain-Compatible Strategies: Which will you use to deliver content? (Check all strategies to be used.)
Drawing/Artwork Field Trips Games Brainstorming/Discussion Humor and Celebration Technology Visualization Graphic Organizers Mnemonic Devices Movement Music/Rhythm/Rhyme/Rap Metaphors/Analogies/Similes Writing/Reflection Manipulatives/Models Project/Problem-based Instruction Storytelling Roleplay/Drama/Pantomime/Charade Work Study/Action Research Visuals Reciprocal teaching/Cooperative Learning/Peer Coaching

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