Costello Final Taxonomy Assessment of Course Objectives

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Assessment Taxonomy

Bloom categories/Revised Taxonomy Knowledge /Remembering (recall, list, define, identify, collect, label) Learning objective verbs Given a list of terms to memorize, the student will match writing vocabulary terms, (such as voice, plot and foreshadowing), with their respective definitions with 90% accuracy. Activity Activity: Quizlet Flashcard practice to learn terms. Activity: Complete the course quiz, repeating as needed until a 90% proficiency is met.

Comprehension/Understan ding (summarize, describe interpret, predict, discuss)

After reading chapter four and discussing it with their assigned group, students will document 2 predictions of upcoming plot developments, accurately citing with at least 80% accuracy no less than two foreshadowing examples from the book text.

Activity 1: Read chapter 4. Activity 2: When you have completed your reading, respond to the prompt and discuss within your small group: In chapter four we learn that Ellen and Annemarie are going to experience a huge life change. How did the author use foreshadowing in chapters 1-3 to make us realize something very important was going to happen to the girls? Activity 3: Time to put on your thinking hat. Using Audacity, record yourself sharing 2 predictions of what you think will happen later in the story. (If youve already read the story, choose two upcoming events.) Remember to use examples from our reading in Chapters 1-4 to support your predictions. (Tip: Where did the author use

foreshadowing to give us a hint of what might be coming?) When you've finished your recording, post the audio file to your blog and comment on at least two of your classmates' predictions.
Hint: Dont worry about whether your predication is right or wrong. Just be sure you support why you made your predictions and youll be fine.

Application/Applying (apply, demonstrate, illustrate, classify, experiment, discover)

Students will discover how the Danes assisted Jews to escape to freedom during World War II.

Activity: Annemarie and Ellens story is set in World War II Denmark. Lets learn more about the world they lived in. Watch the video Rescue in Denmark. Look back over the chapters weve read so far. Share with your group 2 ways the writer taught us about World War II, Denmark, or the Jewish Holocaust in the story. Activity 1: Tell me one new fact you learned from the video you watched and share it with your small group. Activity 2: How do you think the writer wants us to feel about the Danes, who risked their lives to help their Jewish citizens? How do you know that? Support your answer with examples from the story. (Your reasons might include comments on the content, the authors style of writing, word choice, etc.) Hint: Remember to correctly document your sources.

Analysis/Analyzing (analyze, classify, connect, explain, infer)

Watch the video The Rescue of Denmark's Jews - Documentary, created for the Holocaust Museum of Houston and then explain how the author influenced the readers opinion of the Danes.

Evaluation/Evaluating (assess, recommend, convince, compare, conclude, summarize)

Students will complete all assigned readings and activities required to successfully pass this course and then summarize and evaluate techniques the writer used to influence the readers opinion of the Danes.

Activity: Respond to the following prompt in the forum. Do you think the writer was successful in making us sympathetic to the Jews who escaped Denmark? Do you have stronger feelings about World War II than you did before you read this story? The author never gave us a history lesson, but we learned a great deal about how the Jews escaped Denmark and the Lois Lowrys opinion about the Danes. What was the most effective way the authors writing choices affected you as a reader? Do you think you could weave this writing technique into your own writing? How?

Synthesis/Creating (combine, integrate, plan, create, design, formulate)

Students will complete all assigned readings and activities required to successfully pass this course and then the student will share a plan to integrate the authors writing techniques into their own writing.

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