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Job Postings are sponsored by the Career Development Center

Date: 4-17-2014

Title of job: Marketing Assistant

Part time or Full Time: Part-time Part time 3- !ours "#eek$ Perfe%t job for e&tra 'o%ket %!ange #it! fle&ibilit( to #ork aroun) (our s%!e)ule$ *)eal for %ollege stu)ents stu)(ing marketing or sta( at !ome 'arents looking for somet!ing e&tra to fill time$ Anti%i'ate !ours #ill in%rease as marketing efforts bring results #e are looking$ Duties: Assist in im'lementing marketing 'roje%ts$ Assist in maintaining on-going marketing an) bran)ing efforts$ +ob #ill 'ro,i)e man( )ifferent 'roje%ts to be in,ol,e) #it!$ -ualifi%ations .ee)e): /a,e some ba%kgroun)"interest in marketing #it! a strong ba%kgroun) in #orking #ebsites ie Fa%ebook0 1inke)in0 et%$ /o# to A''l(: 2en) brief resume or summar( of e&'erien%e along #it! %onta%t information to gatesb743gmail$%om$ * #ill %onta%t (ou for initial '!one inter,ie#$ 2alar(: 10-12" !our 4rian 5ates".M126708807 9aliber /ome 1oans 12800 Met%alf :,erlan) Park0 ;2 <<213

For more job listings, come to the Career Development Center, SC 252, next to Student Success

Job Postings are sponsored by the Career Development Center

For more job listings, come to the Career Development Center, SC 252, next to Student Success

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