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"#$%&'($) 0sing essay wiiting stiategies they alieauy know, stuuents will wiite
an infoimational essay that teaches otheis about a topic they know a lot about.
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1. Tell stuuents that when we wiite infoimational pieces, oui goal is to '+6/-7
2. Ask, what uoes it mean to '+6/-78 What aie some othei woius that can mean
the same thing. Collect iueas on whiteboaiu.
S. Tell stuuents that touay they have the chance to wiite an infoimational essay
about a topic they aie tiuly an expeit on.
4. uive stuuents silent time to consiuei what they may want to wiite about. Say,
"Show me a thumbs up when you have an iuea."
S. Bo a whip-aiounu shaie (each stuuent just says theii topic oi says pass) so that
stuuents having tiouble can heai what othei stuuents aie wiiting about.
6. Reminu stuuents that a pie-assessment is not high stakes- it is a chance foi
them to 'get into the gioove' of the infoimational wiiting genie, anu a chance foi
me to see how they'ie uoing so that I can plan the best lessons possible.
7. Senu stuuents to theii assigneu seats, hanu out pie-assessments.
9. Because my stuuents have a lot of anxiety aiounu assessments, I chose to take
the pie-assessment with them. This helpeu cieate moie of a collaboiative
enviionment anu gave me time to wiite an infoimational mentoi text.

Stuuents will wiite an essay that !"#$%"& ieaueis about theii topic.
Stuuents will wiite objectively anu incluue facts in theii wiiting.
Stuuents will follow essay-wiiting conventions.
Stuuents who finish eaily will be piompteu to ievise anu euit.
If they aie feeling entiiely uone, they can woik on publishing theii 'choice piece'
oi ieau inuepenuently until the assessment block is ovei.
Class set of Infoimational Wiiting Pie-assessment piompt page anu lineu papei

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Bate: _____________________________________________________________

<-/74&) Wiite an infoimational essay on a topic you
know a lot about. Youi essay shoulu incluue tiue facts
anu infoim ieaueis about the topic you choose.

Infoimational Wiiting Pie-Assessment

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