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Literature Template Post to Weebly Bibliographic Information (APA Formatting): Author(s) Affiliation: Type of Resource:

(Scholarly article presenting a study; Trade article presenting a teaching strategy or methodology or other; Website describing a curriculum package, etc)

Heller, M.F.(2006). Telling stories and talking facts: First graders' engagements in a nonfiction book club. Reading Teacher, 60(4), 358-369. Mary F. Heller was a First grade teacher in a Title I Elementary school in the Midwest. Trade article presenting a teachers study within her First grade classroom that evaluated the effectiveness of student-led book clubs integrated into a studentled literacy block.

Summary of essential information:

This author of this article presented and discussed a case study she conducted in her classroom. She stated that after reviewing many theories that cover the concept of student-led activities she implemented a nonfiction book club which had a very specific plan of action for the students. Withing her discussion of the findings she highlighted that oral language is key component in the development of students' reading comprehension. She noted that according to the data collected in her study she could conclude that a book club encourages teacher to listen to students' voices. The author also implied that the use of book clubs during the literacy block improved students' reading, writing and nurtured the social nature of learning withing those disciplines. This source highlighted that the use of book club as a strategy to teacher reading and writing proved to be effective. This source also discussed that teachers can use this strategy in their classroom in order to nurture the development of oral language, reading and writing This source states that book clubs can help create an environment where children's voices are actively being heard while playing to their creative nature.

Way in which this source influences the field of Early Childhood Education or related fields:

Potential relevance to your research topic and study:

This source is gives me another component to add to my student centered activities that my students can engage in during my reading instruction time.

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