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The impact of CCSS and Teacher Evaluation on Students (taking away time to work with students, taking away

planning time which is bad for lessons and students, focus on testing as bad for students, etc. see what else you find)

Q9: personal planning time/staff collaboration benefits, CCSS/other standards/teacher eval negative Q10: responses 1,2,5,10,13,19,32,33,34,40,45,53 2: The Teacher Evaluation system, while based in good ideas, usurps so much of my time that I have little to spend on planning the lessons that would make me a better teacher. 5:The collection of data is very time consuming and takes a way time from planning engaging and creative lessons. 40: New teacher evaluation system and related scheduled meetings has taken away the ability to meet with students after school. Q12: Teachers want more planning time Responses 2,5,8,9,11,14,15,20,25,35,44,48,58,66 5: There needs to be more time for teachers to lesson plan, collaborate, and meet with students. Too much time is spent on data and paper work and/or study hall assignments. 35: many of the new requirements take away from teacher planning time. Evaluations are held during planning period, SRBI meetings are held during planning time- the unspoken message is that lessons are not valued, but the paperwork is. 66: I need more individual planning time and more professional development time. The workload I am being asked to complete is severely impacting my ability to plan for instruction in a negative way. -Teachers want more time to work on and develop activities and *stuff* that are employed in their classrooms and will benefit students. -CCSS, other reforms, and teacher evaluation are taking time away from classroom planning time.

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