Lesson Plan 4

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College of Education Lesson Plan Template

Teacher Candidate: Elizabeth Kolb March 25 2!"#$"2:%! p&m& 'chool: Merr()ood Elementar( 'chool 'cience$2nd Date and Time of Lesson: 'ub*ect$+rade Le,el:

Description of Lesson: 'tudents )ill discuss and re,ie) ho) a solid li-uid and gas change their state of matter& 'tudents )ill ma.e predictions about )hat happens )ith the al.a seltzer and the ,inegar )ill do )hen the( are put together& 'tudents )ill also ma.e a ,isual art acti,it( of )here the( could see something else react )ith other states of matter and label the states of matter and their properties& Lesson Title or Essential /uestion that guides the lesson: 0hat are the states of matter1 2o) do their states change1 0hat are some predictions that (ou could ma.e about the e3periment1 0hat are some other e3amples of other things that react )ith other states of matter1 Curriculum 'tandards 4ddressed:

'C Curriculum 'tandard5s6: 'tandard 27#: The student )ill demonstrate an understanding of the properties of matter and the changes that matter undergoes& 5Ph(sical 'cience6

'C 4cademic 8ndicator5s6: 27#&%: E3plain ho) matter can be changed in )a(s such as heating or cooling cutting or tearing bending or stretching&


EED4: 'tudents )ill demonstrate a positi,e attitude to)ard )or. and the abilit( to )or. together& ''C4: 'tudents )ill not put an(one in danger during the e3periment and )ill use their materials in an appropriate )a( that is not distracting or endangering another student&

Revised 1.20.14

'C :isual 4rts: 'tandard 27%: The student )ill e3amine the content of )or.s of ,isual art and use elements from them in creating his or her o)n )or.s& 'tandard % 8ndicator: :427%&2 'elect and use sub*ect matter s(mbols and ideas to communicate meaning through his or her art)or.s& 4ssessment5s6 of the 9b*ecti,es: Pre: 'tudents )ill be as.ed )hat the states of matter and the properties of each of the states of matter& 'tudents )ill also be as.ed ho) the states of matter change i&e& solid to li-uid li-uid to gas& During: 'tudents )ill ma.e predictions about )hat )ould happen if )e put an al.a seltzer tab in regular co.e bottle of ,inegar& 'tudents )ill also be as.ed )hat the properties of both items including the bottle are& 'tudents )ill be as.ed to ta.e out their science noteboo.s and )rite their predictions do)n& Post: 'tudents )ill share their predictions )ith each other& 'tudents )ill illustrate the in,estigation and label their steps&

Lesson 9b*ecti,e5s6: 'tudents )ill illustrate the steps in a chemical reaction )ith an accurac( of ;!<&

Materials$=esources: =egular sized co.e bottle :inegar 4l.a 'eltzer Cra(ons 'cience >oteboo. Construction paper Tape

Revised 1.20.14

Prere-uisites 5Prior Kno)ledge6: 'tudents )ill ha,e to pre,ious .no)ledge of safet( rules for science e3periments& 'tudents )ill also ha,e .no)ledge of the states of matter and ho) the( change their states of matter& 'tudents )ill also ha,e to .no) the properties of solids li-uids and gases& 'tudents ha,e e3plored the concept of changes in .indergarten 5seasons6 and first grade 5the s.(6 but this is the first time the( ha,e learned about changes in matter& Procedures: The ?i,e E@s Engage: "& 'tudents )ill be as.ed pre -uestions 5loo. at bullet points belo)6 on the unit of matter& Things that the( ha,e learned from the unit so far& =e,ie) )ith the students the difference bet)een a li-uid and a solid& 0hat are some e3amples of solids and li-uids1 0hat are some proprieties of a solid or li-uid1 2o) do some of the states of matter change1 2& 8 )ill then as. them to ponder this -uestion of )hat )ould happen to a tab of al.a seltzer mi3ed in )ith a bottle of ,inegar& E3plore: %& 'tudents )ill get out their science noteboo.s and )rite do)n the -uestion of )hat are some predictions that the( can ma.e about the tab of al.a seltzer and the bottle of ,inegar and ba.ing soda& 'tudents )ill be told that the( )ill share their predictions )ith each other about )hether the( )ere right or )rong and )hat )as the same or different& #& 'tudents )ill then be ta.en outside )here the( )ill be placed in a circle& 'tudents )ill ha,e to step a)a( from the e3periment for safet( reasons& 8 )ill sho) the students that )e )ill test their predictions the( made& Aefore )e start remember )e need to be a)a( from the bottle of ,inegar for safet( reasons& Can an(one tell me )hat state of matter is the ,inegar and the tab of al.a seltzer1 5& 8n the middle of the circle )ill be a regular co.e bottle of ,inegar and 8 )ill drop a tab of al.a seltzer in the bottle& B& 'tudents )ill be as.ed to obser,e )hat is going happen& 9bser,e )hat happens to the al.a seltzer and )hat comes out of the bottle& E3plain: C& 8 )ill as. the students to )rite do)n )hat reall( happened underneath their prediction in their science noteboo.s& 0hat reall( happened to the tab1 0hat state of matter did it change to1 0h( did the bottle blo) up1 ;& 'tudents )ill then be as.ed to describe their first predictions in their noteboo.s& 0hat )ere (our predictions1 0ere the( right or )rong1
Revised 1.20.14

0as there an(thing different or the same about (our predictions1

E3tend: D& 'tudents )ill then be bro.en into their indi,idual art acti,it(& "!& 4s. the students if the( .no) from real life e3periences if there are other things that react to other changes in matter& ""& 4s. the students if the( are states of solids li-uids or gases& "2& 4s. the students )hat the properties of those states of matter that react& 8n (our life )hat are some other things that blo) up1 0hat are those states of matter1 4re the( solids li-uids or gases1 0hat are those properties of those elements1 "%& 'tudents )ill then be gi,en construction paper and cra(ons& The( )ill be as.ed to dra) something else that could be a mi3ture of solids li-uids and gases that react together li.e i&e& ,olcano roc.et or a car& "#& The( )ill also label each part of the e3plosion )hether it is a solid li-uid or gas& 'tudents )ill also be as.ed to state those properties of matter as )ell& "5& The pictures )ill taped to their science noteboo.s as part of e3amples of the bottle e3periment&

4cti,it( 4nal(sis: (should show use of TWS 1 data)

Identify at least two activities you plan to use in this lesson and explain why you are planning these specific activities. In your explanation include the following prompts:

Aottle E3periment: The activity is appropriate for the objective because the experiment will apply the previous knowledge of the states of matter and how they change. It will also give them another example of how different states change in different ways. The experiment is appropriate because it will exemplify their previous knowledge of safety issues and what to do when something goes wrong. This activity is appropriate for students who are visual learners and seeing something that blows up will give them a real life visual of how states of matter change. The activity also lets the students do something hands on as well when helping to carry the materials outside. =eal Life Picture: This activity is appropriate for the objective because their art picture will let them connect other things like volcanos, rockets, and cars to states of matter changing because of something else reacting to it. Students will also use art to give them a visual picture of it as well another example of the subject matter.

Revised 1.20.14

This activity is appropriate for students who are visual and kinesthetic learners because it helps them visually with other examples as well as using their fine motor skills to create something to help them remember the lesson and the significance of it. Technology was not used for this lesson because I wanted the students to be more hands on with the activities and to learn from a visual aspect.

Differentiation$4ccommodations$Modifications$8ncreases in =igor (should show use

of TWS 1 data)

Earl( finishers: The( )ill ma.e another picture of something that also blo)s up but the( )ill not label it because of time& Late finishers: The( )ill be gi,en more time and pri,ate instruction& E'9L: M( lo) E'9L student )ill *ust dra) his prediction in his noteboo. because of his )riting s.ills& 2o)e,er he )ill ha,e to e3plain to me his prediction )hile he )or.ing on his art acti,it( picture& =eferences: "6 =ogers = 52!"# ?ebruar( B6& Personal 8nter,ie) 26 Kolb ' 52!"# ?ebruar( B6& Telephone 8nter,ie)

Revised 1.20.14

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