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Strategy Log

ELA/WRITING Strategy Name: Power Writing Source: PISD/Mrs. Adams Pinterest/Chelsi Taylor Type of Strategy: Internalization: Brainstorming Procedure: 1. Give the students a writing prompt 2. Tell the students that they have one minute to write as much as they can about the prompt 3. They must use complete sentences and write the paper as if they were writing a second rough draft 4. Stop at the one minute mark and have the students count how many words they were able to write, put the number at the top right corner of the paper, and circle it 5. Ask the students to raise their hand if they wrote 5 words and have them keep their hands up as you call out 10, 15, 20, etc. 6. Repeat the process 2-3 times using the same prompt 7. Point out all improvements Student Thought Process: Students can get most of their thoughts about the prompt on paper quickly and the competition keeps them engaged. (NOTE: Make sure to tell students that this is a self improvement strategy and not a contest) This strategy is not as formal as a typical brainstorming graphic organizer which allows the students to relax and free write. BLOOMS: Knowledge, Comprehension, Synthesis, Application Reflect/Extend: ELA 2-6 Great exercise to get students warmed up for writing. This could be a bi-weekly activity but NOT to replace graphic organizers and formal brainstorming as students will get tired of it.

Strategy Log
ELA/WRITING Strategy Name: The Best Answers Writing Strategy Source: Pinterest/Chelsi Taylor Type of Strategy: Internalization Procedure: The poster should be visible to all students as they will need to refer back to it as they are writing. Student Thought Process Students can see how to improve their writing and have responsibility for finding information on their own. BLOOMS : Knowledge, Comprehension, Application Reflect/Extend ELA K-5 This strategy is used for students who are writing a response or story. It gives them helpful hints for transitioning words and how to form a response that has a topic sentence, evidence, and closure.

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