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Student Name: ____________________________________________

Date: _______________________

Heart and Soul Kadir Nelson Writing Response Rubric: THEME Points $ Theme Statement Creates a meaningful theme statement that reflects the text as a WHOLE. ' Creates a theme statement that is s!me*hat reflecti$e !f the entire text. ( -heme statement reflects !nl) a !rti!n !f the text. ) -heme statement is missing !r n!t clear. Su !rts are insufficient !r missing. N! ex lanati!n !f h!* the elements ch!sen su !rt their theme statement. Identification: Supports Elements! and "e#elopment Identifies 3 su !rts "elements# that are rele$ant t! his%her theme& includes str!ng facts' c!ncrete details% and &uotations' as exam les. (ull) ex lains h!* the elements ch!sen su !rt theme statement. Identifies 3 su !rts "elements# that are ade+uatel) rele$ant t! his%her theme and includes facts' details' and &uotations' as exam les. ,de+uatel) ex lains h!* the elements ch!sen su !rt theme statement. Identifies ./3 su !rts "elements# that are s!metimes rele$ant and does not include &uotations as exam les. 0artiall) ex lains h!* the elements ch!sen su !rt theme statement.

* Points: 1 2 3 !ints 5 2 6 !ints 4 !ints 7 2 3 !ints

+#erall ,rade: 4 3 7 .

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