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Shelby McCann

Miss McCanns Classroom Plan

Seeking Adventure

Dear Parents,

Hello! My name is Shelby McCann (Miss McCann) and I hope
you had a wonderful summer! As your childs 2
grade teacher, I have
the pleasure of spending the next school year with your son/daughter. I
am really excited about the upcoming year and I look forward to
meeting you soon! Please read and discuss the following classroom
procedures with your child, then sign and send it with him/her

Planners- This year the students will be using planners. I ask that you
check and sign your childs planner daily. Students are required to
record assignments in the planner. Planners are great ways to keep the
children organized. Please expect these to come home at night, this
will help you as the parents, and myself the teacher, to communicate.
This planner will be used to record your childs at home reading. I am
encouraging the students to read 75 minutes weekly. However, some
students will find themselves reading more than that. I recommend that
the students break this time down to 10-15 minute reading increments.
Your child may read out of class material like an independent book or
short stories. The goal is to develop a love and excitement for reading,
so eventually the reading is done for pleasure or enjoyment. Please
keep track of your childs reading, record the number of minutes read
and sign it. I will check their planner every Friday.

Homework-Students are given time in class to work on daily
assignments, projects or other classroom activities. However these
assignments will not always be completed in class, therefore the child
will be asked to finish the work at home and returned the next day,
unless otherwise noted. Also I encourage my students to make
corrections on any homework assignments at home as well.

Binders- In addition to the planners the students will be taking home
their binders each night. Please check it daily for unfinished
work/homework, school notices, or notes home from me. Each binder
has pocket folders that are designated for each of his/her subjects.

Snack time- In the afternoon students will be allowed to have a
nutritious snack in the classroom. Please feel free to send a snack with
your child, but I ask that the snack is healthy and school appropriate.
Also, water bottles are allowed in my classroom so please feel free to
send one, with your childs name labeled clearly on it.

Cubbies- Students will be assigned a cubbie alphabetically by their last
name. This is where they will keep their backpack, books, and outdoor

Grading Policy- I will be using a standards based report card this year. I
will be implementing the Common Core Standards in all subject areas.

Discipline Policy-My goal, as your childs teacher is to ensure a proper
learning atmosphere. Therefore I will be making certain that rules,
procedures, consequences and rewards are made clear. I believe that
class time should not be wasted on discipline matters.

If a student does not follow the classroom rules:

Step 1
-warning (may be verbal or written)
- recorded name in their binder

Step 2
-recorded name and a check mark=ticket

Step 3
-recorded name and two check marks= refocus form and loss of recess
**a refocus form holds the student accountable for their choices, and it
makes note of poor choices to help students make better choices in the

Step 4
-students are sent to the principal for major infractions or repeated

-classroom privilege, positive comments, notes home and phone calls

In conclusion, I have grand expectations for my students. It is my goal
to push and guide each student toward his/her fullest potential. Parental
involvement in a childs education cannot be overemphasized. I will be
in contact with you on any questions, concerns, or accomplishments.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns
that you may have. My e-mail is, or my
school phone number 406-945-7022 ext 217. Now lets all work
together to have a successful learning experience and enjoyable year

My Best,
Shelby McCann Miss McCann.

Student Signature-

Parent Signature-

Parent email address-

Fiist Bay of School Intiouuctoiy Sciipt.

"uoou moining class, my name is Shelby NcCann anu I am going to be youi
teachei foi the iest of the yeai! I woulu like foi you to call me Niss NcCann. I am
ieally exciteu to get to know all of you, but fiist I'm going to tell you all a bit about
myself. I am 22 yeais olu. I have one uog, a chocolate lab nameu Chailie. Ny favoiite
coloi is yellow. Some things to uo is fly-fish, backpack anu take photos when I'm not
busy teaching you all! Ny fiist expeiience teaching in a classioom was in Alaska in a
small iemote village! Lastly, I want to shaie with you all a sliueshow of photos fiom
my past teaching expeiience in Alaska, as well as my summei to give you a bettei
iuea about a few auventuies I have been on. Then aftei the sliueshow, I want to heai
all about eveiyone else's most iecent auventuies!"

First Day Activities

Go over the days schedule- I will go over how each days routine will go. I
will explain jobs, assign tasks, and explain when recess, lunch, snack time
is, etc.
Make some art for the classroom- We will make some abstract watercolor
art to decorate our classroom with, as well as they will make their drawings
of their favorite memory from the summer. I will then take the students
artwork and begin creating our art wall.
Create a buddy system- I will explain the buddy system to the children. I
will explain when we use it and why we use it? Finally, we will practice the
buddy system as a class.
Read an exciting first day book- I will read them an exciting first day book
during circle time.
Goal Setting- I will broadly explain goals to them and why we should make
goals? Lastly, we will set 3 goals for the school year in the classroom.
Line up procedure- I will go over the correct way to line up for recess,
lunch, library, and fire drills. I will emphasize where they are to line up
every day by marking the floor with a piece of tape. I will then show them
what a bad line looks like (loud, out of order, disruptive) and then what a
good line looks like (facing forward, quiet, straight line).
Drink procedure- I will go over the procedure of when it is appropriate to
get a drink, how the students are supposed to get a drink, and explain that
one child at a time is allowed to get a drink during class, unless instructed
Classroom layout- I will go over the classroom with the children, explaining
what area of the classroom is used for what, reading circle, science station,
Go on a school tour- As a class we will go on a tour of the school, and I will
show the children important places like, the library, gym, bathrooms, etc.
Introduce the students to important people in the building- When Im
giving my class the school tour I will make sure to reintroduce them to
people they may have met already such as, the principal, the librarian, front
desk secretary, etc.

After my first day introduction and the showing of my photo slideshow to
my students. I will ask them, What are a few things they remember from my
photos and if they have any questions about me? Next, I will explain to them that I
love drawing and art. I will then ask them to draw a picture of something either
about themselves, or something they did that summer. After the students have
drawn a memory from their summer or picture about themselves I will have the
students pair up and share their drawings with each other, and then rotate to the
next student clockwise after two minutes of sharing with each other to avoid the
kickball effect. After everyone has shared with one another I will bring the class
back together and collect the artwork. Finally, we will build a mosaic wall of
everyones drawings to display each students drawings.

Miss Ms Clasroom Rules
desire to inspire

Listen with your whole body.
Be polite and respect others
Work hard and play fair
DREAM BIG!! (find a way to make it happen)
Tell the truth (honesty is the best policy)
Follow directions and listen carefully
Stay clean and organized
Raise your hand before you speak
Use kind words

Miss McCann s Philosophy of
Classroom Management

I believe learning takes place best in a positive environment filled with love
and laughter. In order for this to take place I will fill my classroom with
reminders/posters of encouraging positive words, like create inspire dream
treat others the way you wanted to be treated, no question is a wrong question
this classroom only has room for positive energy and laughter and so on I also
will go over with my class at the beginning of the year of my expectations of them
as students and as our classroom as a whole. For an example: I will not tolerate
bullying, negative attitude, or put-downs. By modeling a positive, encouraging,
high-energy classroom and behavior I will represent my mantra and philosophy.

To make the room visually appealing, and feel more home-y than just a
classroom with desks and books, I will decorate it with bright materials,
educational posters, examples of other students work as well as my own art and
photography. I will get to know all of my students names and interests right away
so the students know that I care about them and I want them to feel welcome and
comfortable in my classroom. Having such a passion of art and photography, I plan
on integrating these into any lesson I can and using art projects as extension
activities, (Ive found that often art is something children look forward to doing, and
one child may take more from a lesson by doing a project then simply doing a
basic reading or math problem). Lastly, I want to prevent my students from
becoming sidetracked and bored (which was my struggle as kid), therefore I will
have activities that will help a lesson keep flowing so there will be little room for
free time. My goal is to combine all of these things to create a positive place
where students are comfortable to be themselves and look forward to laughing and
learning together.

How I will address:

Appropriate Behavior

-What ever the appropriate behavior may be I will strive to be consistent with my
responses. I will praise and recognize appropriate behavior through rewards,
verbal, and non-verbal cues. I will avoid giving too much attention to negative or
inappropriate behavior and rather focus on giving attention to positive behavior or
appropriate behavior. This will let the students know that the way that they will
receive attention is, by behaving appropriately. When praising students I will make
sure that I tell them exactly what they are doing that is the appropriate behavior
instead of just saying good job.

Inappropriate Behavior

- Students speaking or interrupting classroom instruction- If Im speaking I
will stand closer to the student who is being disruptive in order to get his/her
attention. If this doesnt work I will get his/her attention by calling his/her name. If
another student is speaking and is being interrupted by another classmate I will ask
the student who is being disruptive if he/she can repeat what his/her classmate said.
Finally, I will ask the student that interrupted to please apologize to whom ever
they interrupted and wait their turn to speak.

A recipe for a successful classroom calls for a teacher
- gives clear directions
- asks authentic questions
- keeps students busy
- balances activities
- 3:1 ratio (one negative statement for every three positive statements made)
- tells kids what to do and what not to do
- is clear about expectations
- is consistent
- uses interesting materials
- is proactive and teaches the skills students need
- catches students being good
- keeps wait times to a minimum
- has fun!

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