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PATRONATO DE TURISMO DE MADRID rea de Gobierno de Economa, Empleo y Participacin Ciudadana Ayuntamiento de Madrid h Plaza Mayor 27, (Casa de la Panadera) 28012 MADRID

Diseo y Maquetacin: E.M. Promocin Madrid Depsito Legal: Imprime:

If you wish to be kept up to date with the very latest news and events from Madrid, register at www.esmadrid.com/recuerdamadrid. There you can download the form, fill in your personal details and send it to recuerdamadridptm@munimadrid.es.














As well as being the capital city, Madrid is also the economic, social and cultural engine of Spain. It is a city that boasts a rich cultural past, but with its sights clearly set on the future. Proof of this can be seen by the major urban transformation that the city has undergone over recent years, as well as other groundbreaking projects being carried out in a number of fields in order to improve the quality of life for all its inhabitants, to better satisfy the expectations of its visitors, and positioning itself at the forefront of European capitals. At the same time, Madrid is a modern metropolis that has managed to hold on to its traditions and customs; a cosmopolitan capital, which welcomes citizens from all around the world with open arms ; it is pioneering, and focuses on accessibility and sustainability; it is an entrepreneurial metropolis. In conclusion, it is a city where visitors immediately feel at home; being in Madrid is the same as being from Madrid.

In a number of studies, Madrid has been acknowledged as one of the top ten cities to live in, to work in, to invest in and to visit. In fact, it has become one of the most appealing tourist destinations in Europe, as can be seen by the more than seven million tourists who choose to visit Madrid each year. Our cultural activities, shopping, food and drink and recreational activities are wide ranging and constantly evolving. Added to this are its numerous parks and gardens, which position Madrid as the number two capital in the world for the number of green spaces, and the city has a large number of sports centres and facilities where you can enjoy practicing sports. Madrid invites you to discover all this for yourself, to enjoy the multitude of experiences and sensations that this wonderful city has to offer. We are sure that your trip will awaken your desire to return to Madrid in the future. And this is exactly what we hope to achieve. Welcome to Madrid. Alberto Ruiz-Gallardn Mayor of Madrid


Mohammed I (852886), son of Abderramn II, orders the construction of a citadel and the fortification of the hamlet of Mayrit, thus creating a walled town. The site chosen to build the citadel is the same as the later Trastamara Castle, the Hapsburg Palace and the present-day Royal Palace built during the Bourbon dynasty.

This year marks the death of Isidro de Merlo y Quintana who, in the 17th century, was chosen as the Patron Saint of Madrid.

King Fernando III ascribes the citys coatof-arms: a rampaging bear eating the fruit from a strawberry tree, quite a common tree in those times.

Madrid enters the Royal Court. The Town is officially recognized as a municipality with representation in the Spanish Court.

King Henry IV grants Madrid the title of Muy Noble y Muy Leal (Very Noble and Very Loyal) for loyalty shown towards his person.





1172 1202 1222 1346

The drawing up of the Fuero de Madrid, a series of municipal bi-laws and legal and penal regulations. Alfonso XI creates a special Chamber whereby open debate is substituted by 12 town counselors, 2 mayors and a sheriff. It is considered to be the precursor to the presentday City Hall.

1433 1435

1460 1465 1477

Creation of the first permanent Magistrate of Madrid.

King Alfonso VI of Castile captures Madrid as part of his successful campaign to conquer Toledo.

Work begins on expanding the Plaza de San Salvador, the present-day Plaza de la Villa.








Start of the Hapsburg Dynasty (the House of Austria). Charles I is crowned King of Castile.

Madrid surrenders after the defeat of the comuneros in Villalar.

Francisco I of France is held prisoner in the Lujanes Tower.

Charles I confers the title of Imperial y Coronada (Imperial and Crowned) to Madrid on request of Deputy Juan Hurtado de Mendoza.

Philip II orders the construction of a city wall, the third in the history of the city.

Building of the first General Hospital.

Philip III purchases what is now known as the Retiro Park, later adding additional gardens and fountains.

Building work begins on the Buen Retiro Palace. Of the original buildings, only the Saln de Reinos and the Ballroom (The Buen Retiro Villa) still remain.

Playwright Lope de Vega dies at his home in what is currently calle de Cervantes.

(16TH-17TH cENTURy) 1516 1520 1521 1524 1525 1536

1544 1561
Philip II chooses Madrid as the permanent headquarters of the Spanish Court. The city becomes the centre of a vast empire.

1566 1590 1596 1616 1618 1625

Building of the Casa de la Panadera the Bakery. Writer Miguel de Cervantes dies at his home in Madrid. Philip IV orders the construction of the fourth city wall that lasts until the middle of the 19th century.

Culture flourishes in Madrid and city is home to writers such as Gngora, Quevedo, Caldern de la Barca, Lope de Vega and painters such as Velasquez.

1635 1660
Painter Velzquez dies in Madrid.


Madrid joins the Comunero Movement under Juan de Zapata.

Emperor Charles V enters the city.

Charles I orders the reconstruction of the Palace of Madrid, converting it into a royal residence.





The establishment of the Bourbon dynasty. Philip V claims the crown as heir to Charles II.

The former Palace is destroyed in a fire on Christmas Eve. Four years later, construction work begins on the present-day Royal Palace. It is completed in 1764.


Construction of the Puerta de Alcal (The Alcal Gates).

Definitive building work on the Plaza Mayor, giving it its present-day appearance.

Dos de Mayo (2nd of May), the people of Madrid rise up against the invading French army. For 5 long hours, they fight against immeasurable odds, resulting in a thousand dead.


1700 1714 1734 1759

Foundation of the Royal Academy of Language.

1769 1778

1790 1854




1808 -1813

King Fernando VII grants Madrid the title of Muy Heroica (Most heroic) for the actions of its citizens on the Dos de Mayo.

King Charles III of Naples arrives in Madrid, instigator of the urban planning and the construction of buildings such as the Real Aduana (Royal Customs House) (1769), the Royal Post Office (1768), the Office of Natural History, the present-day Prado Museum (1785), the Royal Botanical Gardens (1781), as well as the Cibeles (1782), Neptune (1784), Apollo (1780) and Alcachofa (1782) fountains.

Building of the new San Antonio de la Florida Hermitage.

Jos Bonaparte orders the tearing down of all areas of congestion in the city turning them into squares and public footpaths. He creates the area known nowadays as the Plaza de Oriente.

FERNANDO VII PUERTA DE ALCAL ngel caido - parque del retiro


On the 19th of November, the Prado Museum first opens its doors to the public.

Restoration and extension of Puerta del Sol.

Building work begins on the Bank of Spain on the site of the former Alcaices Palace. Work is completed in 1891.

Opening of the first stretches of tramways between Sol & Serrano and Recoletos & Hipdromo.

Alfonso XIII ofcially launches the project to demolish various buildings in order to widen the Gran Va. Work continues until 1929. This area sees the mergence of the rst department stores / markets, and other specialized sectors such as banks, insurance companies, cinemas and ofces.

The proclamation of the Second Republic at the Puerta del Sol. Building work is completed on the building of the Ventas Bullring. MadridBarajas airport opens.


1851 1858

1857 1861

1866 1884 1892

The Ciudad Lineal urban planning project, the brainstorm of Arturo Soria, is approved.



1910 1929
Building work begins on the Ciudad Universitaria, founded by Alfonso XIII.


Construction of the Elizabeth II Canal and the aqueduct infrastructure to bring water from the river Lozoya to Madrid.

Elizabeth II places the foundation stone of the National Library.

monumento a alfonso Xii - parque del retiro


Building work begins on Nuevos Ministerios on the site of the former Hipdromo (horse-racing track).

The start of the Civil War at which point Madrid is besieged for three long years.

The project to lengthen the Castellana is approved.

Opening of the new Chamartin Station and the tunnel that links it with Atocha. In 1971, Chamartin station was extended.

April 3rd. First democratic municipal elections.

Opening of the National Music Auditorium in Prncipe de Vergara.

Pope John Paul consecrates the Almudena Cathedral.

Reopening of the Royal Theatre for opera productions.

Centenary celebrations of the Gran Va, whose very name evokes the essence and splendour of the shopping, the architecture, the culture, the fun and diversity of Madrid.

1932 1934 1936 1943 1947 1954 1967 1975

Building work begins on the viaduct above calle Segovia that replaces the iron structure built in the 19th century. Founding of the Galeras Preciados. Construction of the Torre de Madrid building in the Plaza de Espaa. Monarchy is restored with King Juan Carlos I.

1979 1980
Start of the movida madrilea (a counter cultural movement), with the emergence of cultural icons such as Pedro Almodvar and Alaska.

1990 1992 1993

Madrid, European Capital of Culture. During the course of the year, the following venues are officially opened: the new Puerta de Atocha Train Station with AVE high-speed trains running from Madrid to Seville; the Reina Sofia Museum and Art Gallery; the Thyssen Bornemisza Museum; the City Museum; the Madrid Theatre, la Casa de Amrica (former Linares Palace); the Arganzuela Greenhouses; the Rodrguez Sahagn park; the Juan Carlos I park; the Lighthouse and the transport hub at Moncloa.

1997 2007
Opening of the new extension to the Prado Museum and the restructuring of the M-30 ring road.


ALMODVAR & McNAMARA edificio telefnica - gran va



01 PUERTA dEl SOl Royal Post Office (Bourbon, 18th century), the Mariblanca sculpture (reproduction of the 17th century origi- 03 PlAZA dE ElIZAbETH II nal), statue of Charles Royal Theatre (ElizaIII on horseback (20th bethan, end of 19th cencentury), the Bear and the Strawberry Tree tury), sculpture of Elizasculpture (20th century). beth II (20th century).

09 PlAZA dE lA VIllA Lujanes Tower (15th 13 05 PlAZA dE ORIENTE century), Casa de 11 CAVA dE SAN Sculpture of Philip IV 07 DE LA VEGA HIll / MIGUEl Cisneros (16th cenPlAZA dE lA (17th century), sculpOlde worlde restauEmIR MUHAmmAd PROVINcIA tury), Casa de la Villa rants, the Botn (1725), I PARK Santa Cruz Palace tures of the Spanish (Hapsburg, 17th centhe Arco de CuchilRemains of the city or former Court Gaol kings and queens (18th tury), sculpture of Don th th th th leros (Hapsburg, 17 walls (9 and 10 (Hapsburg, 17th cencentury), Royal Palace Alvaro de Bazn (19 (Bourbon, 18th century). century). century). century). tury), (19th century).


03 02 01 14 12 11 13

06 07 08



CAllE ARENAl & sURROUNdING AREA San Gins Church (Hapsburg, 17th century), Monastery of the Order of Descalzas th 02 Reales (16 century).

PlAZA dE lA ENcARNAcIN Monastery of the Encarnation (Hapsburg, 04 17th century).

CAllE dE BAIlN: Almudena Crypt and Cathedral (19th and 06 20th century).

CAllE MAyOR the Duque de Uceda Palace. Home to the State Council and the Military Headquarters (Hapsburg, 17th century), the Sacramento Church (Hapsburg, 17th century), remains of the Santa Mara 10 Church (11th and 12th century), Abrantes Palace, present-day Italian Institute of Culture (Hapsburg, 17th century), San Nicols Church (Plaza de San 08 Nicols, 13th century).

CAllE MAyOR House of Caldern de la Barca (Hapsburg, 17th century), Queen Mothers Pharmacy (dating from the 16thcentury, building from the 20th century), San Miguel Market (19th12 century).

PlAZA MAyOR (HAPsbURG, 16TH cENTURy ANd BOURbON, 18TH cENTURy) 14 Casa de la Panadera (the Bakery), Casa de la Carnicera (the Butchers), statue of Philip III on horseback.

PUERTA dEl SOl Royal Post Office (Bourbon, 18th century), Kilometre Zero (20th century).






04 03 01 02


14 13


03 PlAZA dE CIbElEs Cibeles Fountain (Bourbon, 18th century), Buenavista Palace (18th century), Casa 01 PUERTA dEl SOl / de Amrica or Linares CAllE dEl CARmEN Palace (19th century), El Carmen Church Cibeles Palace (20th (Hapsburg, 17th century). century).

07 GlORIETA dEl EmPERAdOR CARlOs V (ATOcHA) Atocha Train Station (19th century), The Reina Sofa Museum and Art Gallery (18th century building, with additions made in both the 20th and 21st centuries).

11 12




CARRERA dE CAllE dE AlcAl 04 CAllE dE AlcAl 08 PAsEO dEl PRAdO SAN JERNImO Royal Customs House Puerta de Alcal (BourRoyal Botanical GarSpanish Parliament or Ministry of Revenue bon, 18th century). dens, Prado Museum Building (19th centh th (Bourbon, 18 cen(Bourbon, 18 century), Sculpture of tury), San Fernando 05 THE RETIRO tury, 20th century exMiguel de Cervantes PARK (17TH-20TH Royal Academy of tension work). 11 (19th century). cENTURIEs) Fine Arts (Bourbon, Monument dedicated CAllE dE PHIlIP IV 18th century), Madrid to Alfonso XII, The Ceth San Jernimo El Real Casino (20 century), cilio Rodrguez GarChurch (15th century), Calatravas Church dens, The Velasquez The Buen Retiro Villa (17th century), MetrpPalace, The Crystal Pal13 CARRERA dE SAN and the Saln de Reiolis Building (20th cenJERNImO ace, The Rose gardens, nos (the Hall of Kingtury), San Jos Church Lhardy restaurant (ElizFountain of the Fallen doms) of the Buen Re(18th century), Circle of abethan, 19th century). Angel, the Duque de tiro Palace (Hapsburg, Fine Arts (20th century), Fernn Nez pathway. th 17 century), Spanish Caritides Building 14 PUERTA dEl SOl Royal Academy of Lan(20th century), Bank of CUEsTA dE 02 Spain (19th century). 09 guage (19th century). MOyANO Mercado de libros de 06 la Cuesta de Moyano.






10 PlAZA dE CANOVAs dEl CAsTIllO (NEPTUNE) Madrid Stock Market (19th century), Monument to the Fallen of Dos de Mayo (19th century), Neptune and Apollo fountains (Bourbon, 18th century), Thyssen Bornemisza Museum (19th century).

12 El BARRIO dE lAs LETRAs (WRITERs QUARTER): Area of taverns, Spanish Theatre or the former Principe Theatre (Plaza de Santa Ana, dating from the 17th century, building from the 19th century), Royal Academy of History (Calle de Len, Bourbon, 18th century), the Trinitarians Convent (Calle Lope de Vega, Hapsburg, 17th century), the Juan de la Cuesta Printing House where Don Quixote was first printed in 1604 (Calle de Atocha, 87), the Lope de Vega House (Calle de Cervantes, 11, Hapsburg, 17th century). Austrias, siglo XVII).

Getting to grips with a city like Madrid, especially one with more than a thousand years of history behind it, is a daunting and often time-consuming task. If your time in Madrid is limited, we have taken the liberty of compiling a list of monuments and places that visitors to Madrid should definitely not miss out on.


The Art Walk is a singular setting that combines art, architecture and nature and is located in one of the most characteristic areas of the city: the Paseo del Prado. It makes for a very pleasant stroll taking you past the Botanical Gardens as well as three of the most renowned museums in the world:

Considered by many to be the best art gallery in the world , the Prado Museum is, if not the best, then one of the most respected art centres and is a must-see on any visit to Madrid. Its walls are decked with the best collections of works of art of the Spanish School from the 16th through to the 18th century. It also houses large collections from both the Flemish and Venetian schools, as well as smaller collections by German, French and English artists. The museum has been recently expanded and, thanks to a technically difficult overhaul by architect Rafael Moneo, now includes the Claustro de los Jernimos (Cloister of the Jeronimos).


h Paseo del Prado f Banco de Espaa / Atocha k Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 8pm. Closed Monday Free entry Tuesday to Saturday from 6pm to 8pm and Sundays from 5pm to 8pm b 902 107 077 +info: www.museodelprado.es

Housed in the Villahermosa Palace, this is the worlds largest private art collection and brings together some 1,000 works of art that cover 700 years of art from around the world, all the way from the 13th century up to the up to the latest tendencies of the 20th century. The addition to the palace, located in the adjoining building, is home to the private collection of the widow of Baron Thyssen, Carmen Cervera, and contains works of art from the 17th century through to the 19th century of both Spanish artists and artists from around the world.


h Paseo del Prado, 8 f Banco de Espaa / Atocha k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 7pm b 91 369 01 51 +info: www.museothyssen.org



This renowned museum, as well as housing Guernica (1937) by Picasso, is home to works of art by some of the most important artists of the latter part of the 19th century to the present-day - mainly Spanish in origin (Dal, Mir, Juan Gris, Julio Gonzlez, Tapies, Chillida...). The museum is located at the site of the former General de San Charles Hospital, designed by Sabatini during the reign of Charles III and restored to its former glory in the 1980s. In September 2005, building work on the latest addition to the museum was completed. The new addition (designed by architect Jean Nouvel) consists of three buildings that house galleries and temporary exhibitions, auditoriums and a library all of which can be accessed directly from the Sabatini building.

The idea of creating a Navy Museum dates back to the 18th Century, and as well as a library, the idea was to have all the natural sciences required for the comprehensive training of the Spanish Navy, housed under one roof. Through the museums galleries, boasting historic artefacts such as the Juan de la Cosa Map, the first map to have included America, visitors can get a glimpse of all the major decisive events from the Catholic Kings and the discovery of the Americas through to the Battle of Trafalgar, with special focus on the 18th Century Spanish ship building. Visitors will learn about the history of Spanish navy, mostly with a military focus, during the crucial times in Spanish history.

Open Mondays


h Paseo del Prado, 5 f Banco de Espaa k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm. Closed Monday. Free entry b 91 523 87 89 +info: www.museonavalmadrid.com

La Caixa cultural centre is also located along the Paseo del Arte and houses some fascinating temporary exhibitions as well as hosting other cultural activities. Built on the site of the former power station one of the few examples of modern industrial architecture to be found in the historic centre of Madrid designed by architectural firm Herzog and De Meuron, entry to the centre is decorated with a breathtaking vertical garden, the work of French artists Patrick Blanc. h Paseo del Prado, 36 f Atocha / Banco de Espaa k from 10am to 8pm. Guided tour of the building Mondays and Saturdays at 1pm and Fridays at 7pm. Advance bookings can be made at the information desk Free entry b 91 330 73 00 +info: www.obrasocial.lacaixa.es


Furniture, pottery, glassware, jewellery, tapestries, oriental art, etc. and up to 30,000 different objects, which over the course of history have been used to decorate houses, palaces and monuments of different cultures. The oldest objects in the collection date back to the 4th Century BC, and go all the way through to the first half of the 20th Century. h Montalbn, 12 f Banco de Espaa / Retiro k Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 3pm and Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 5pm to 8pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Closed Monday. Free entry Thursdays from 5pm to 8pm, Saturdays from 2pm to 3pm and Sundays. b 91 532 64 99 / 91 532 68 45 +info: http://mnartesdecorativas.mcu.es



h C/ Santa Isabel, 52 f Atocha k Monday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm. Sunday from 10am to 2:30pm. Closed Tuesdays. Free entry Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 7pm to 9pm, Saturdays from 2:30pm to 9:00pm and Sundays from 10am to 2:30pm. b 91 774 10 00 +info: www.museoreinasoa.es




The Palace, built in the 18th century on the orders of the first king of the Bourbon dynasty (Philip V), houses treasures comparable to other great European palaces. The surrounding urban landscape is very representative of Madrids colourful history and contains such emblematic buildings as: Plaza de Oriente, Teatro Real (Royal Theatre), Almudena Cathedral, Campo del Moro Gardens, Monastery of the Encarnation, Sabatini Gardens... The gates of the Royal Palace are the venue for the Relevo Solemne de la Guardia Real (the Solemn Changing of the Royal Guard) a re-enactment of a ceremony that used to take place during the reigns of Alfonso XII and Alfonso XIII. It takes place at midday on the first Wednesday of each month (excluding July, August and September, and on days of official acts of state or in inclement weather conditions) with a total of 429 military staff and 105 horses taking part. Every Wednesday from 11am to 2 pm, visitors can also see the Relevo de la Guardia en la Puerta del Prncipe del Palacio Real (the Changing of the Guard at the Princes Gate of the Royal Palace) - excluding days of the Solemn Changing of the Guard and official acts of state or in inclement weather conditions. Regaled in their dress uniform, each post (consisting of 2 foot soldiers and 2 riders on horseback) falls into formation in front of the Puerta del Prncipe (Princes Gate) to the musical accompaniment of fife and drum. The Presentation of Credentials is one of the most solemn acts in the life of a diplomat where the sending Head of State presents the new Ambassador to the King. The ceremony involves 377 members of the Royal Guard. h C/ Bailn f pera k WINTER (October-March) Monday to Saturday from 9:30am to 5pm. Sundays from 9am to 2pm. SUMMER (April-September) Monday to Saturday from 9am to 6pm. Sundays from 9am to 3pm. May be closed for official acts of state. Free entry on Wednesday. b 91 454 88 00 +info: www.patrimonionacional.es

This spectacular porticoed square has been the focal point of the city since Philip II settled on Madrid as the official residence of the Spanish Royal Court in 1561. In its lifetime it has been used for a variety of purposes: theatre, civic centre, market, etc., the focal point being the Casa de la Panadera (the Bakery). It stands opposite the Casa de la Carnicera (the Butchers) and both buildings can be easily recognized by their characteristic towers. Over the course of history, the square has suffered three fires, the last one in 1790 that resulted in it having to be rebuilt by Juan de Villanueva. Where the streets joined, the square was walled in with half-point arches, and dwellings were built above them. The only condition for owners of the properties was that they were required to rent out their balconies (presently 237 in total) during celebrations. The higher the balcony, the higher the rental price. In the centre of the square stands the statue of Philip III on horseback, work of Flemish sculptor Juan de Bologna and Pietro Tacca that dates from the 17th century. It was placed here in 1848, having been moved from its former home in the Casa de Campo. h Plaza Mayor f Sol



Located in an area of the city popularly known as Hapsburg Madrid, it is home to buildings from the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries, namely the Casa de la Villa, the Lujanes Tower and the Casa de Cisneros. In the centre of the square stands the statue by Mariano Benlliure of lvaro de Bazn, Marquis of Santa Cruz, who was Admiral of the Spanish Armada during the reign of Philip II. The Casa de la Villa, designed by architect Juan Gmez de Mora, is a twostorey building with towers on each of its four corners, and has changed little since it was first built. The only exception is the balcony that now faces onto calle Mayor that was built in the 18th century by Juan de Villanueva so that the Queen would be able to see the Corpus Christi Processions. The building still has two of its original doors that date back to the days when it was first the town hall and later the city gaol. Linked to the Casa de la Villa by a small passageway built at the beginning of the

20th century is the Casa de Cisneros, built in the first third of the 16th century (1537), a great example of plateresque architecture and commissioned by the nephew of Cardinal Cisneros. On the left as you enter the square stands the Lujanes Tower (15th century) in Mudejar style (Spanish/Moorish). It is one of the oldest civic buildings still standing in the city and according to legend King Francois I of France was imprisoned there after being taken prisoner in the battle of Pavia in 1520. h Plaza de la Villa f Sol / pera k Guided tours of the Casa de la Villa available on Mondays (excluding public holidays) at 5pm. Advance bookings at the Madrid Tourism Centre (Plaza Mayor, 27). Free entry +info: www.esmadrid.com

Open Mondays




Built in the 17th century during the reign of Philip IV, this is the most important (historically and artistically speaking) of all the parks in Madrid and is one of the most beautiful city parks in the world. The park was originally home to a set of buildings that comprised a large palace, and a garden with a host of features: hermitages, grottos, covered paths, ponds etc. Its most attractive and unrivaled features are the Cecilio Rodrguez Gardens, the Alfonso XII Monument, the Retiro Lake, the ruins of the San Isidro Hermitage, the Velasquez Palace, the Crystal Palace, the Fuente del ngel Cado (Fountain of the Fallen Angel), the Ciprs Calvo trees (Bald Cypress), the Alcachofa Fountain, etc. f Retiro k WINTER (from October to March): from 7am to 10pm (gates start to open at 6am, with all gates open by 7am and closing starts at 9:30pm, with all gates closed by 10pm). SUMMER (from April to September): from 7am to midnight (closing starts at 11:30pm, with all closed by midnight). Guided tours Saturdays at 11am. Advance bookings on 911 273 988. Free entry. +info: www.madrid.es



Birthplace of the very first edition of Don Quixote and home to the major figures of Spanish literature, this traditional Madrid neighbourhood is today one of the nerve centres of the historic centre of Madrid being both the focal point of theatres, restaurants, hotels and stores, as well as for its well-preserved streets, squares and historic buildings. This unique setting in the very heart of Madrid is of historical, cultural, tourist and economic significance and is often a rendezvous point for nighttime revelers. f Antn Martn / Sevilla / Atocha



The Teatro Real was opened in 1850, coinciding with the birthday of Queen Isabel II, on the site of the former open-air theatre that specialised in Italian opera and was called Caos del Peral. It was torn down in 1817. It was designed by architects Antonio Lpez Aguado and Custodio Moreno, who were commissioned to build a magnificent, irregular-shaped, hexagonal building. Its size is breathtaking, and it is estimated that in the stage area, which is some 60 metres high, you could fit the Telefonica building on Gran Va. After a major refurbishment, in 1997 it was reopened as an opera house. h Plaza de Oriente f pera k Guided tours Monday to Friday, excluding Tuesdays and days when, for technical or artistic reasons, they can not take place, from 10:30am to 1pm, and Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays from 11am to 1:30pm, subject to change. b 91 516 06 60 / 91 516 06 96 +info: www.teatro-real.com

Open Mondays
The Puerta del Sol is the nerve centre of Madrid par excellence. There is probably no other spot in Madrid that best reflects both the blend of cultures and the welcoming and cosmopolitan nature of the city. There are many icons that have been associated with the square over the years: the clock that rings in the New Year, the celebrated statue of the Bear and Strawberry Tree (symbol of Madrid), Kilometre Zero the epicentre of the Spanish road network, and the last survivor of the neon advertisement boards that once covered the rooftops, that of To Pepe. In its early days, in around the 15th century, this was one of the access points through the large wall that surrounded the city. h Puerta del Sol f Sol In the popular La Latina district, Sundays and public holidays are the opening days of this famous open-air flea market that has been going strong for more than 400 years. The main street of this incredibly popular bazaar is the Ribera de Curtidores that starts at Plaza de Cascorro and continues through to the Ronda de Toledo. On Sundays, sellers set up their stalls on the pavement to sell the most diverse array of wares. And the variety of goods is mindboggling: from valuable antiques to small objects that at first glance would appear to serve no purpose at all! h C/ Ribera de Curtidores and surrounding area f La Latina / Tirso de Molina / Puerta de Toledo k Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 3pm.




Designed towards the latter part of the 19th century, building building work began in 1910. It represented a major accomplishment in city planning and was envisaged to modernize the Madrid by linking the citys historic centre with the neighbourhoods that had sprung up thanks in part to the citys growth (Argelles, Salamanca, Chamber). Throughout its construction, which continued through to the middle of the 20th century, this was the home to some of the most contemporary architectural projects in the capital and became a veritable storefront of architectural styles. This grand avenue, of almost one and a half kilometres in length, has become one of the most emblematic thoroughfares of Madrid, not only from the city planning point of view, but for the social, economic and cultural role it has played in the life of the city - over the recent years, it has become the home to opening nights for both national and international musicals and is popularly known as the Broadway of Madrid. h Gran Va f Banco de Espaa / Gran Va / Callao / Santo Domingo / Plaza de Espaa k Guided tours Sundays at 12pm. Advance bookings at the Madrid Tourism Centre (Plaza Mayor, 27). b 91 588 29 06 +info: www.esmadrid.com





On the Bernabu Stadium Tour, visitors can access all areas of the stadium: the pitch, the Presidential Box, the players tunnel, the players benches and the changing rooms. And the pice de rsistance, a visit to the Trophy Room Exhibition, the best way to fully appreciate the legend that is the Real Madrid football club. h C/ Concha Espina, 1 (Santiago Bernabu Stadium, gate 20) f Santiago Bernabu k Monday to Saturday from 10am to 7pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10:30am to 6:30pm. On match days, tours available until 2 pm. b 902 311 709 +info: www.realmadrid.com


This is one of the most beautiful, most centrically located and the most renowned plazas of Madrid, a fusion of both ancient and modern, and is flanked by four monumental buildings built during the 19th and 20th Centuries: the Linares Palace, the Cibeles Palace (home to Madrid City Hall), the Bank of Spain, and the Buenavista Palace. In the very centre stands the iconic Cibeles Fountain. Together with the Apollo and Neptune Fountains, these are the decorations per se of the Paseo del Prado and are the brainchild of King Charles III (18th century). You may be interested to note that the Cibeles Fountain and the immediate surrounding area is the traditional meeting point for fans of Real Madrid football club when celebrating their championship titles. h Plaza de Cibeles f Banco de Espaa k Guided tours of the Linares Palace Saturdays and Sundays at 11am, midday and 1pm. For ticket reservations, please call: 902 400 222.

Architecturally speaking, 20 and 21 century Madrid can for the most part be found on the flanks of this sprawling boulevard, namely the Paseo de la Castellana that, along with its characteristically huge buildings, has grown to become the citys financial district. Some of the major city planning projects of the past century have sprouted up along the length of the Castellana, such as the Colonia del Viso, AZCA, the Puerta de Europa Towers, the new Cuatro Torres Business Area (CTBA) on the Castellana, with a height of between 223 and 250 metres, or the future International Convention Centre.
th st

The Bullring, with a neo-Mudejar design (Moorish/Spanish), and with a crowd capacity of 25,000, is the work of architects Jos Espeli and Muoz Monasterio, and first opened its doors to the public in 1931. There is bullfighting each Sunday from March until October, but the highlight of the year in the renowned San Isidro Festival, during the month of May. Inside there is a bullfighting museum that bares testament to some of the incredible moments in the art and history of bullfighting. A guided tour of the bullring is available to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 2pm, with Tauro Tour Las Ventas (information and reservation number 91 556 92 37). h C/ Alcal, 237 f Ventas b 91 356 22 00 +info: www.las-ventas.com

Open Mondays

The deep electric blues skies that generate beautiful sunsets almost every day of the year are characteristic of Madrid. Might we suggest that you watch the sun go down from one of the many great vantage points around the city: the Debod Temple, in the Parque del Oeste (Western Park), from the dome of the Almudena Cathedral or from the Vistillas Park or from one of the low hills in the Cerro del To Po Park. f Ventura Rodrguez / pera 141 (para llegar al Cerro del To Po)


h Paseo de la Castellana f Gregorio Maran / Nuevos Ministerios / Santiago Bernabu / Plaza de Castilla / Begoa




You decide the day and the subject matter. Simply contact us via email (descubremadridptm@munimadrid.es) or by phone on 914802036, and tell us what type of tour you are looking for.


THE HANds-ON LEcTURE SERIEs offers detailed, comprehensive information about specific aspects of the history, the art, customs, traditions and ways of life of the City of Madrid. Activities are divided into two halves: 1sT HAlF. LECTURE: focusing on the specialized subject matter. 2Nd HAlF. EDUCATIONAL TOUR: guided tour that brings participants face to face with the places and monuments referred to in the preceding lecture.

+info:www.esmadrid.com/descubremadrid Ticket sales: Madrid Tourism Centre h Plaza Mayor, 27 k Winter schedule (16th Sep-14th Jun) Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 8:30pm. Saturdays from 11am to 5pm. Sundays from 9:30am to 3pm. Summer schedule (15th Jun-15th Sep): Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 8:30 pm. Sataurday: 12 noon to 5 pm. Sunday 9:30 am to 14:30 pm Tele sales: 902 221 424 Caja Madrid ATM network www.entradas.com


FROM lEss THAN 5!*



2011 estimate rates

Throughout the year, and as a great way to discover the city, the Madrid Tourist Board and its Discover Madrid Programme offers visitors a great selection of fascinating tours that are available in a variety of languages (Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese).






Choose between: BIcyclE TOURs

STORy TImE A one-hour playtime activity for children between the ages of 5 and 10 aimed at getting them to use their imagination to discover the secrets of an enchanted Madrid. Story time is a one-of-a kind experience that can be carried out both indoors and outside and that tells the story of Madrid in terms that a child will fully understand, appreciate and enjoy.




LOPE dE VEGA HOUsE & MUsEUm The house was purchased by Lope de Vega in 1610 and it is where he lived out the remaining 25 years of his life (16101635). The different rooms give a pretty clear picture of 17th century life in Madrid - home life, society, religion and culture of the times - in a spot that, almost 400 years after his death, is still very much identified with this writer from Madrid. h C/ Cervantes, 11 f Antn Martn k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 3pm. Closed Monday Free entry. Due to the characteristics of the house tour, group tours, with a maximum of ten people, are available upon prior request and these will be accompanied by a guide. Tours begin every 30 minutes and last approximately 45 minutes. b 91 429 92 16 +info: www.madrid.org MONAsTERy OF THE ORdER OF DEscAlZAs REAlEs This royal monastery was founded in the 16th Century by Princess Juana de Austria, daughter of Emperor Charles I, whose tomb lies in one of the Monastery chapels. Inside visitors will discover a rich collection of works of art, many of them donated by noble families whose daughters entered into the order to dedicate themselves to a life of contemplation. Of special note amongst the works of art are the frescos on the stairway of the Capilla del Milagro (Chapel of Miracles), Brussels tapestries, numerous masterpieces, etc.


THE MONAsTERy OF THE ENcARNATION It was commissioned by Queen Margarita of Austria, wife of Philip III, to architect Juan Gmez de Mora and was built between 1611 and 1616. Of special note is the church, with a beautiful Escorial faade finished off with a very simple pediment and is the basis for the architectural style often termed Madrid Baroque. The walls are home to an important collection of 17th and 18th century painting and sculptures, and it is well worth paying a visit. One of the highlights is a mysterious secluded Baroque treasure chamber that houses a large collection of brass engravings, hard woods, ivory and coral. It is also home to a vial containing the blood of San Pantalen, which, according to tradition, turns to liquid on the anniversary of the death of the saint. h Plaza de la Encarnacin, 1 f pera k Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10:30am to 12:45pm and from 4pm to 5:45pm. Firdays from 10:30am to 12:45pm. Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 1:45pm Free entry on Wednesday b 91 454 88 00 +info: www.patrimonionacional.es

Exhibition of archaeological, colonial art, and ethnographic collections brought to Spain between the 16th and 20th centuries. An anthological approach that breaks down the collections into themes of special note are the Treasure of the Quimbayas, Shellwork from the Conquest of Mexico and the oldest European collection on the Prairie Indians. h Avenida de los Reyes Catlicos, 6 f Moncloa k Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 3pm and Thursdays from 4pm to 7pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Closed Monday. Free entry on Sunday b 91 549 26 41 / 91 543 94 37 +info: ttp://museodeamerica.mcu.es

Located beneath the flyover that links calles Juan Bravo and Eduardo Dato, the museum houses an excellent collection of Spanish abstract sculpture. Civil engineers Jos Antonio Fernndez Ordez and Julio Martnez Calzn, who designed the bridge, and artist Eusebio Sempere came up with a concept to successfully bring the citizen face to face with the very latest tendencies in modern art. The other interesting characteristic of this museum is that it is part of an urban landscape where the functional elements the bridge, approaches, pedestrian walkways, etc., - create a sense of unity where the sculptures on exhibit and their setting are at one with each other. h Paseo de la Castellana, 41 f Rubn Daro k Unlimited access Free entry b 91 588 86 72 +info: ww.esmadrid.com/museosdemadrid

Open Mondays Open Mondays

The museum aims not only to illustrate the artistic value of the artifacts, but also their didactic qualities, this being the underlying theme of the exhibit. Through the use of these artifacts, it is hoped to explain the ritual of Catholic mass, its origins and evolution, up to its present-day format. Of particular interest are the recently opened Chapter House and Vestry by renowned artist P. Marco Rupnik, S.J., creator of the famous Redemptoris Mater Chapel in the Vatican. After the tour, visitors can climb to the top of the Dome where they will get an incredible panoramic view of Madrid. h Plaza de la Almudena (access through the main Cathedral entrance) f pera k Monday to Saturday from 10am to 2:30pm. Closed Sundays as well as on religious festivals or special mass. b 91 559 28 74 +info: www.archimadrid.es The collection of Jos Lzaro Galdiano (1862-1947) is one of the best examples of private collections in a country where these are quite rare. The Museum is housed in the former residence of the collector, the so-called Florido Park, in honour of his Argentinean wife, Paula Florido. The collection includes some wonderful ornamental pieces and an outstanding art gallery, which includes masterpieces from the Spanish School such as Murillo, Goya, Ribera..., the Flemish masters such as Van Eyck, Mabuse or Bosch, a piece that has been attributed to Leonardo da Vinci ,as well as a large public library with a fascinating collection of antique books and manuscripts. h C/ Serrano, 122 f Nez de Balboa k Wednesday to Monday from 10am to 4:30pm (Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, the third floor closes at 2pm). Closed Tuesday b 91 561 60 84 +info: www.g.es



h Plaza de las Descalzas, 1 f Callao / Sol / pera k Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10:30am to 12:45pm and from 4pm to 17:45pm. Friday from 10:30am to 12:45pm. Sunday and public holidays from 11am to 13:45pm Free entry on Wednesday. b 91 454 88 00 +info: www.patrimonionacional.es



Henry IV, in the first half of the 15th century, commissioned the construction of a small castle that Charles I later rebuilt in 1553, and was finally finished in 1558 during the reign of Philip II. The Pardo Royal Palace inherited the general structure of the medieval castle, flanked by towers and surrounded by a moat. The main feature of the interior dcor are the tapestries, woven at the Royal Tapestry Factory, based on compositions painted by Bayeu, Castillo, and especially those of Goya, who was commissioned by the Palace to paint five of his most renowned series. Amongst the works of art are the renowned Portrait of Elizabeth the Catholic by Juan de Flandes and the Portrait of Don Juan Jos de Austria on horseback by Ribera, as well as important pieces of furniture from the 18th and 19th century. h C/ Manuel Alonso 601 k WINTER (October-March) Monday to Saturday from 10:30am to 4:45pm. Sundays from 10am to 1:30pm. SUMMER (April-September) Monday to Saturday from 10:30am to 5:45pm. Sunday from 9:30am to 1:30pm. May close for institutional or official acts. Free entry on Wednesday. b 91 376 15 00 +info: www.patrimonionacional.es

ROyAl AcAdEmy OF FINE ARTs MUsEUm Just metres from the Puerta del Sol stands a building that is home to the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, founded in 1744 by King Philip V. Its primary focus was on perfecting and studying of the three noble arts - namely painting, sculpture and architecture. The building was constructed between 1724 and 1725 by architect Jos Benito Churriguera as a house / palace for banker Juan de Goyeneche. Inside is the Academy Museum that is home to a major collection of paintings, sculptures and works of art from different European schools. The thirteen works by Goya on exhibit in the Museum are the main focus of the collection. h C/ Alcal, 13 f Sol / Sevilla k Tuesday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. Saturdays from 9am to 3pm. Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 2:30pm. Closed Monday. Free entry Wednesday (excluding public holidays) b 91 524 08 64 +info: http://rabasf.insde.es MUsEUm OF ROmANTIcIsm The former palace of the Marquis de Matallana, built in 1776, is home to a fascinating collection of 19th Century paintings, furnishings and decorative art, which give us a better understanding of the cultural and political goings on of daily life in Madrid during the Romantic period. Works of art by Goya, Esquivel, Madrazo, Alenza and the Bcquer, pottery by Sargadelos and Svres, jewellery made of ebonite, lava or natural hair,

a collection of porcelain dolls, 15 pianos, imperial and Elizabethan furniture and the pistol, which Larra used to commit suicide, all go to recreate the age of Romanticism, a cultural movement, which coursed through the veins of young artists, intellectuals and politicians alike during the first half of the 19th Century. h C/ San Mateo, 13 f Tribunal / Alonso Martnez k SUMMER (May-October): Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 8:30pm.Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. WINTER (November-April): Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 18:30pm.Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Closed Monday. Free entry Saturdays after 2pm and all day Sundays. b 91 448 10 45 +info: http://museoromanticismo.mcu.es SAN ANTONIO dE lA FlORIdA SHRINE The Shrine, dedicated to Saint Anthony of Padua, was designed by Italian architect Philip Fontana, neoclassical in design, and built between 1792 and 1798 with frescoes painted by Francisco de Goya in 1798. It is a small museum but it holds a two-fold special significance - the artistic value of the murals that decorate its walls, and the commemorative value as it has housed the mortal remains of the artist since 1919. In order to conserve the paintings, in 1929 the services were relocated to a replica hermitage built next door, allowing the original building to be used purely as a museum.

h Glorieta de San Antonio de la Florida, 5 f Prncipe Po k Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 8pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. Free entry b 91 542 07 22 / 91 701 18 63 +info: www.esmadrid.com/museosdemadrid THE SAINT FRANcIs THE GREAT BAsIlIcA A large convent complex built in the 18th Century to replace the then existing medieval Franciscan monastery. A large dome crowns the circular central floor some 58 metres high with a 38-metre diameter, and is one of the largest in the world. There is an exhibition of paintings that date from the 17th to the 19th century. Special mention should be made of the frescos on the inside of the dome. h Plaza de San Francisco f La Latina / Puerta de Toledo k Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 12:30pm and from 4pm to 6:30pm. Saturdays from 11am to 1:30pm (if there are no religious services). In the month of August from Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 12:30pm and from 5pm to 7:30pm b 91 365 38 00

SOROllA MUsEUm The Museum is housed in the actual residence-studio of painter Joaqun Sorolla y Bastida, donated by his widow so that it be turned into the museum, and surrounded by a small garden with strong Andalusian influences, designed by the painter himself. The main floor and studio have been left in their original state. The museum houses the best Sorolla collection in the world with sculptures, ceramic ware, furniture and jewelry that were typical of a 19th century bourgeois household. h Paseo General Martnez Campos, 37 f Iglesia / Rubn Daro k Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 8pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm Free entry on Sunday b 91 310 15 84 +info: http://museosorolla.mcu.es THE COsTUmE MUsEUm The fundamental aim of the Costume Museum is to promote information about the historical evolution of the clothing industry and of the rich ethnological heritage exemplified by the different regional cultures of Spain. For this reason the exhibition is broken down chronologically into a series of smaller exhibits that date from the 18th to the 20th century. h Avenida Juan de Herrera, 2 f Moncloa / Ciudad Universitaria k Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 7pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm Free entry on Saturdays after 2:30pm and on Sunday. b 91 550 47 00 +info: http://museodeltraje.mcu.es



Although it has changed its name various times over the years, it is still popularly known as Casa de San Isidro, because according to tradition this was the residency of the Vargas family (for whom San Isidro worked) and also the palce where the Saint lived and died. The permanent exhibition illustrates this history of Madrid from prehistoric times up to the 17th century, using numerous archaeological remains found in the city. The Museum also boasts a large collection of scale models and a selection of artwork linked to the tradition of San Isidro and Santa Mara de la Cabeza. h Plaza de San Andrs, 2 f La Latina k Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 8pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. Free entry b 91 366 74 15 +info: www.esmadrid.com/museosdemadrid

Open Mondays


Madrid, with its more than 3,000 restaurants, offers visitors an unforgettable dining experience with a choice of restaurants from the five continents. Not only is there international cuisine, but also a wide selection of regional dishes, as well as the local cuisine with its undisputed influence of the cooking styles from both Castile regions, the result of a fusion between the cooking habits of the Royal Court and the commoners. The dish synonymous with Madrid is the cocido madrileo that comprises a three-course meal with a soup to start, followed by greens and vegetables, and finished of with a meat dish. In Madrid, seafood and fish dishes are also part of the staple diet: 1,000 tonnes of seafood products arrive each day to its renowned fish market, the biggest in Europe and the second biggest in the world only to Tokyo. The traditional desserts are quite conventional with things such as rosquillas tontas y listas (a type of donut coated with either icing sugar or ground almonds), buuelos de viento (cream puffs), chocolate with churros (fritters) or bartolillos de crema (egg custard tart). And these are just some of the great selection of delicious desserts.


Another of the specialties in Madrid is the tapas that comprises a bite-size portion, hot or cold, that is served with wine, vermouth, beer or a refreshment. Although tapas can be enjoyed anywhere in the city, there are particular areas of the city which, due to circumstances or geographical area, have their own particular style of tapas. The centre of Madrid is considered to be the best area for having tapas simply for being in the very heart of the city. The area in and around Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor, popularly known as Hapsburg Madrid, is an area where you can enjoy having tapas in a great atmosphere. Other busy areas for tapas are the Latina and the so-called Writers Quarter where you can find traditional taverns where tapas form the cornerstone of an excellent dining experience. During the summer months, the specialties whether they may be, fish, tapas or international cuisine, can be enjoyed on one of the many open-air terraces, especially at dinnertime, and in all areas of the city.




Caf Gijn (1888) h Paseo de Recoletos, 21 fColn / Banco de Espaa b 91 522 37 37 / 91 521 54 25 La Casa del Abuelo (1906) h C/ Victoria, 12 f Sol b 902 02 73 34 +info: www.lacasadelabuelo.es Casa Alberto (1827) h C/ Huertas, 18 f Sol / Antn Martn b 91 429 93 56 / 07 06 +info: www.casaalberto.es Casa Ciriaco (1887) h C/ Mayor, 84 f Sol / pera b 91 548 06 20 Casa Labra (1860) h C/ Tetun, 12 f Sol b 91 531 00 81 +info: www.casalabra.es Casa Pedro (1702) h C/ Nuestra Sra. de Valverde, 119 (Fuencarral) b 91 734 02 01 +info: www.casapedrorestaurante.com Los Galayos (1894) h C/ Botoneras, 5 f Sol b 91 366 30 28 +info: www.losgalayos.net Lhardy (1839) h Carrera de San Jernimo, 8 f Sol / Sevilla b 91 521 33 85 / 91 522 22 07 +info: www.lhardy.es Taberna Malacatn (1895) h C/ Ruda, 5 f La Latina b 91 365 52 41 +info: www.malacatin.com Taberna Oliveros (1857) h C/ San Milln, 4 f La Latina b 91 354 62 52 +info: www.tabernaoliveros.com

Ten of the best restaurants in Madrid offering diners a mouth-watering cuisine with a great variety of dishes in an unbeatable setting. All ten are located in the same area, namely the Casa de Campo showground, although each one is unique and has their own particular charm. Housed in very distinctive buildings manor houses, palaces and ancestral homes -, the restaurants comprising the Paseo de la Gastronoma combine their finely honed culinary skills with a pleasant ambience. Discover this culinary walk, located in the very heart of the citys green zone, and enjoy a delicious meal seated in their dining rooms, or on their open-air terraces, beneath the stars of the Madrid skies. Telephone reservations are required and information is available regarding group bookings. More information available at www.madridespaciosycongresos.es. A Casia b 91 526 34 25 / 91 526 32 61 +info: www.acasina.com Colonial de Mnico b 91 479 37 33 / 91 479 26 86 +info: www.grupomonico.es Casa de Burgos de Araceli b 91 464 40 77 +info: www.grupoaraceli.es La Masa de Jos Luis b 91 479 86 15 +info: www.joseluis.es La Pesquera b 91 464 16 12 +info: www.lapesquera.com Restaurante Currito b 91 464 57 04 +info: www.restaurantecurrito.es Restaurante Guipzcoa b 91 470 04 21 / 91 470 25 47 +info: www.restauranteguipuzcoa.com El Bosque Sagrado b 91 526 78 17 +info: www.elbosquesagrado.es El Pabelln de Ondarreta b 91 479 97 79 +info: www.ondarreta.es El Palacio de la Misin b 91 464 77 77 +info: www.palaciodelamision.com

a short, wide-bottomed wine glass.


More information is available on the following web page www.restaurantescentenarios.es. Bodega La Ardosa (1892) h C/ Coln, 13 f Tribunal / Gran Va b 91 521 49 79 +info: www.laardosa.com La Bola (1870) h C/ La Bola, 5 f Santo Domingo / pera b 91 547 69 30 +info: www.labola.es Botn (1725) h C/ Cuchilleros, 17 f Sol b 91 366 42 17 / 30 26 +info: www.botin.es

a roll sliced in two lengthways served with a variety of fillings.

MEN dEl dA

A fixed-price menu offered by hotels and restaurants, with a limited selection of dishes.


a small roll.

a small serving of food usually to accompany a drink.



a serving of traditional food, normally larger in size than a tapa, and normally served with a drink.


The century-old restaurants in Madrid are an example of the professionalism of successive generations that can clearly be seen in the uniqueness of each establishment. Diners who come to these restaurants can enjoy traditional dishes that will never go out of style and can savour some of their mouthwatering dishes that represent more than a hundred years of the history of Madrid.

draft beer served in a cylinder-shaped glass.


a refreshing drink made from a sweet soda, red wine, sugar, cinnamon, lemon and/or other liquors or fruits.





ta del Sol and Plaza de Oriente, is full of small traditional stores, many of which have not changed in appearance in the last 100 years: pharmacies, cake shops, stores selling religious relics, haberdashers, antique book stores, hat shops or ceramic workshops. Many of these establishments sell traditional Spanish articles such as fans, shawls, guitars or capes. Within the Plaza Mayor Tourism Centre, is the Madrid Shop store that sells theMadrid! brand merchandising that include guides and books or DVDs about history, architecture, the Madrid museums, as well as t-shirts, stationary, the single Siempre en Madrid or tickets to the main events and shows going on in the city of Madrid. f Sol / pera / Callao / Gran Va k Open all year round



The city of Madrid is a must-see for anyone planning a shopping trip. From the exclusiveness of some of the greatest designers and the showrooms of the most select names in international fashion, to traditional products from Madrid and the most avant-garde, visitors to Madrid will find thousands of excuses to go shopping A full day is required to get the most out of the Madrid shopping experience, as the citys shopping areas are very popular throughout the year with residents of Madrid and visitors alike.

The centre is considered to be the artistic and historic heart of Madrid. This area has been witness to many events in the life and history of Madrid. As you shop along calles Mayor, Arenal, Preciados, Carmen or Gran Va, you will discover a variety of fashion stores (clothes, shoes and accessories) and some of the typical department stores. The area surrounding Plaza Mayor, Puer-

01 02

The Barrio de las Letras (Writers Quarter), is the birthplace of the first edition of Don Quixote and home to some of the key figures of Spanish literature. Nowadays it is the citys nerve centre where you will find many theatres, hotels, terrace bars and the area still conserves many of the more traditional stores such as silver smiths, antiquities and book stores, side by side stores offering the very latest in the artistic avant-garde. It is worth

mentioning that this district takes you from the Paseo del Prado all the way to the Royal Palace, which makes for a very pleasant walk. f Sol / Sevilla / Antn Martn



should be made of Triball, located between calles Ballesta and Corredera Baja de San Pablo, an area that has seen a sharp increase in popularity with the opening of art galleries, restaurants, clothes stores and is a great area for shopping in general. f Gran Va / Tribunal



shopping district that has its own particular feel, with stores offering a wide range of labels with Spanish designs of both fashion and household accessories. f Chueca / Gran Va / Alonso Martnez



Disponer de al menos un da libre para dedicarlo a las compras por la ciudad es indispensable, ya que sus zonas comerciales atraen durante todo el ao el inters de madrileos y visitantes.



These streets are considered to be the most progressive and ulvtramodern shopping areas of the city, and in recent years have become point of reference for Spanish modernism. On them you can find the boutiques of young fashion designers, accessories, arts and crafts Special mention

Known as the Barrio de Chueca, its unbeatable location has facilitated its transformation into an urban catwalk for independent fashion labels, characterized by its Design. Calles Conde de Xiquena, Almirante and Piamonte together form a

The streets of this multicultural neighbourhood are home to traditional Madrid stores as well as many others that sell traditional goods from different countries, from food products to art and crafts. f Lavapis








In and around the remodelled calle Serrano, top-notch businesses and services set up shop, turning the area into the chic district of Madrid. Major Spanish and international designers, delicatessens,

(see Must-see Madrid) h C/ Ribera de Curtidores and surrounding area k Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 3pm f La Latina / Tirso de Molina / Puerta de Toledo


h Avenida de Felipe II k Monday to Saturday from 10am to 8pm f Goya

h Plaza de San Miguel (San Miguel Market) k Open every day from 10am to 10pm f Sol / pera +info: www.mercadodesanmiguel.es

f Serrano / Velzquez / Goya / Nez de Balboa

The shopping area of Argelles can be found in and around calles Princesa and Alberto Aguilera, where you will find the major clothes chain stores as well as shops selling accessories and gifts, as well as the major department stores. fArgelles / Moncloa


h Plaza Mayor k Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 2pm f Sol / pera The AZCA business district, and calle Orense in particular, a very busy shopping area, provide visitors with a variety of stores ranging from the most popular clothes chains, to major department stores, home to boutiques selling major labels by both Spanish and international designers. f Nuevos Ministerios / Cuzco / Santiago Bernabu



Developed in the middle of the 19th Century, the Barrio de Salamanca or Salamanca District, is located between Paseo de Recoletos and the El Retiro Park. This orderly network of wide, straight and tree-lined streets was designed by Carlos Mara de Castro, and instigated by the Marquis of Salamanca. It very soon became the area chosen by the fledgling Madrid middle-classes to set up home. Faced with the gloomy and old-fashioned dwellings available in other areas of the centre of Madrid, the Barrio de Salamanca made an

ideal setting for a more modern way of life.

luxury hotels, classy restaurants, art galleries and antique stores have turned the streets (calles) such as the aforementioned Serrano, Ortega y Gasset, Claudio Coello, Lagasca or Jorge Juan, into a shoppers paradise.







In the centrally located Sol district, shops are open all year round.


All visitors to Madrid who are not residents of the European Union can request the refund of the IVA (equivalent to VAT) on all purchases greater than 90.16. At the entrance to all stores you will see the name of the company that emits refund cheques. To be reimbursed, you should follow these steps: Every time you make a purchase, ask for a refund cheque. This is required for your taxes to be later refunded. desk of the nearest Tax Free Office or at any other of the international offices. You can also send your refund cheques via mail, these must be duly stamped by Customs, indicating the account number of your credit card and the tax refund will be credited to your credit card in the currency of your choice.

h Plaza del Conde de Barajas k Sundays from 10am to 2pm f pera / Sol

h Plaza de Tirso de Molina k Open every day from 11am to 6pm f Tirso de Molina

h Cuesta de Claudio Moyano k Monday to Friday from 10am to 2:30pm and from 4:30pm to 7pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 2:30pm f Atocha

Participating Tax Free Companies: Tax Free Shopping Global Refund www.globalrefund.com | b 900 435 482 Tax Free Shopping Premier www.premiertaxfree.com | b 915 756 497 Tax Free Spain Refund www.spainrefund.com | b 915 237 004

During 2010, shops are allowed to open on a total of 22 Sundays and public holidays: 3rd and th 10 January; 7th February; 7th and 19th March; 4th April; 2nd May; 3rd and 6th June; 4th July; 1st and 29th August; 5th September; 3rd and 12th October; 7th and 28th November; and 5th, 8th, 12th, 19th and 26th December.

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h Paseo de las Delicias, 61 (Railway museum) k first Sunday of each month from 10am to 3pm (excluding August) f Delicias

Stores in Madrid are free to open at whatever time they choose but generally speaking, stores open between 9:30am and 2pm, and then again between 5pm and 8:30pm from Monday to Saturday. The major shopping centres do not close at lunchtime and stay open to 10pm from Monday to Saturday. Stores also open their doors on the first Sunday of each month, as well as other Sundays that are considered of high demand, as well as on some public holidays.

Travelers to Madrid probably already know that this is one of the most vibrant and animated capitals in the world, both during the day but especially at night. Until the early hours, discos, jazz lounges, pubs, bars playing live music, flamenco theatres, taverns, cocktail bars and eccentric venues that are virtually impossible to categorize, open their doors especially on weekends to a pleasure-seeking public looking to have a good time. And when the spring arrives, the party atmosphere moves to the streets that become peppered with terraces and open-air cafs.







A large selection of cocktail bars and restaurants. Given their close proximity to the university, they are often frequented by students.


Each year on the last Saturday of June or the first Saturday of July, the streets play host to the Gay Pride Celebrations and for a whole week the neighborhood is filled with a party atmosphere, full of colour and celebrations.


The Plaza de Alonso Martnez is home to a variety of bars and terraces. In the surrounding area you can also find pubs and discos and these are mostly frequented by the younger generation.



Madrids nightlife is one of its great appeals, and is renowned world-wide. A contributing factor to the citys reputation is the Association of Live Music Venues, under the working name La Noche en Vivo (Live Nights), which includes more than 45 venues from both the city and the Madrid region. Not to be missed live sessions where all types of musical styles, and audiences can be found, where you can listen to the rising stars of the future, as well as to groups and singers who have already made a name for themselves but who nevertheless have not forgotten the venues that first launched their careers. +info: www.lanocheenvivo.com

In and around calles Toledo, Mayor, Segovia and Cava Baja, in addition to the great selection of restaurants, there are also a good number of quiet bars where you can enjoy a peaceful chat and a drink before starting your night. Those who are into having a good time will not be disappointed either given that this area is home to an endless array of cocktail bars and discos.






Plaza de Santa Ana is home to some of Madrids most traditional bars and pubs. Calle Huertas and the surrounding area has the highest concentration of cocktail bars, pubs and discos of anywhere in Madrid, and is therefore one of the most lively areas of the city. This enclave is frequented by all kinds of people, but especially by tourists and foreign students.

07 06


On the ground floor of the Europe Tower and along the Avenida de Brasil there are pubs and discos that are frequented by people from all walks of life. This particular area as well as the Paseo de la Castellana is renowned for being home to some of the most exclusive bars and restaurants that Madrid has to offer.

People from all walks of life meet in the Plaza del Dos de Mayo and the surrounding area where there are various live music venues, especially of the rock variety. During the 1980s, this area was the home to the infamous movida madrilea.

Behind calle Fuencarral and as a natural progression of the street life, both day and night, Chueca is one of the most genuine and cosmopolitan neighbourhoods in the centre of Madrid: The Madrid Soho. In recent years, this neighbourhood has become a point of reference for the gay and transsexual collective and is one of the most vibrant and entertaining neighbourhoods of the Madrid nightlife.

04 03

ANGEl NIETO MUsEUm Madrid is proud to have a museum dedicated to this formidable motorbike racer who won three world titles. This is a must-see for all motorbike acionados. h Avenida del Planetario, 4 f Mndez lvaro k Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 6pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10:30am to 2:30pm. Closed Monday and throughout August. g Free entry for children b 91 468 02 24 +info: www.motocra.com/museoangelnieto.htm


THE MUsEUm OF AVIATION (Aeronautic and Astronautic Museum) The Museum houses over 100 planes as well as uniforms, medals, engines, model airplanes and other aviation artifacts, and amongst its collection you will also find some rather unique pieces: the Vilanova-Acedo, the oldest plane in Spain; the Jess del Gran Poder, with which captains Iglesias and Jimnez crossed the South Atlantic in 1929; the German bomber Heinkel He 111 E-1 and the C-19 autogyro (precursor to the modern helicopter), designed by Juan de la Cierva, that first took to the skies in 1932. h Autovia A-5, km.10.5 518 / 521 / 522 / 523 k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 2pm. Closed Monday and throughout August. g Free entry b 91 509 16 90 +info: www.ejercitodelaire.mde.es

ANdN CERO (PlATFORm ZERO) Platform 0 ho uses an essent of Madrids ial part history of theindustrial heritage: the Madrid metro and its importa sy stem the economy nt role in stimulating change withinand a catalyst for social the advances the city. It also shows technology an in civil engineering, as the start upd architecture, as well vertising indus of the design and adtry. h Chamber Tra (Plaza de Cham in Station f Iglesia / Bi ber) lbao h Engine Yard (C/ Valderribas, f Pacfico 49) k Tuesday to 7pm. Saturday Friday from 11am to holidays from s, Sundays and public 10am to 2pm Monday . Closed g Free entry b 902 444 40 +info: www.es 3 www.metrom madrid.com/anden0 adrid.es


Home to collections from different ethnic groups from the five continents, as well as a physical anthropology collection. These are artifacts that reflect the economic activities, clothing and ornaments, domestic life, their belief system... The major part of the permanent collection comes as a result of expeditions and trips by Spanish explorers and scientists in the 19th and 20th centuries. h C/ Alfonso XII, 68 f Atocha / Atocha Renfe k Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30am to 8pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 3pm. Closed Monday g Free entry Saturdays from 2pm to 8pm and all day Sunday. b 91 539 59 95 / 91 530 64 18 http://mnantropologia.mcu.es

h Paseo de la Virgen del Puerto, 67 (Vicente Caldern Stadium, gate 23) f Pirmides k Tuesday to Sunday from 11am to 7pm. On match days from 11am until the start of the match. b 91 365 09 31 / 902 260 403 +info: www.clubatleticodemadrid.com

The museum houses artifacts relating to the National Librarys history, its functions, and its major collections, complemented by a tour through the history of literature and writing and the spreading of knowledge thanks to the written word. h Paseo de Recoletos, 20 f Coln / Serrano k Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 9pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 2pm. Closed Monday. g Free entry b 91 580 77 59 / 78 23 +info: www.bne.es

MUsEUm OF VINTAGE AIRPlANEs IN FlIGHT A collection of historic planes that was started in 1984 and includes 23 examples of 17 different models of plane that represent 60 years of Spanish aviation history and are in perfect flying condition.

h Cuatro Vientos Airport, hangar n 3 483 / 486 / 487 k Tuesday to Saturday from 11am to 2pm. Closed Mondays. Air display of vintage planes on the first Sunday of each month, excluding the months of January and August. g Free entry b 91 508 08 42 +info: www.fio.es




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ATlTIcO dE MAdRId MUsEUm The Atltico de Madrid Museum is recognized as one of the top-five football museums in the world. A trip to this museum allows visitors to discover in greater depth the legendary history of one of the major century-old clubs in the world.


NATIONAl MUsEUm OF ScIENcE ANd TEcHNOlOGy MUNIcIPAl FIRE BRIGAdE MUsEUm Opened in 1982, the museums aim is to conserve and exhibit the machines and materials (modern and not so modern) that have been used over the course of history by the different departments of the Fire Brigade. h C/ Boada, 4 f Buenos Aires k Monday to Friday from 10am to 1:30pm. Closed throughout August. g Free entry b 91 478 65 72 The museum houses an important collection of gadgets and devices that date back to the Renaissance period and illustrate the history and evolution of science and technology, with special focus on what was happening in Spain.



The museum is home to wax replicas of major celebrities both past and present. It also recreates famous historic events and settings. h Paseo de Recoletos, 41 f Coln k Monday to Friday from 10am to 2:30pm and from 4:30pm to 8:30pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 8:30pm b 91 319 26 49 +info: www.museoceramadrid.com

Open Mondays

The National Museum of Natural Science administers a large collection of specimens, and runs a series of exhibits and educational activities aimed at the general public. The common goal is to heighten the publics awareness the great diversity of the natural world.

h C/ Jos Gutirrez Abascal, 2 f Gregorio Maran k Tuesday to Friday from 10am to 6pm. Saturdays from 10am to 8pm (excluding July and August open from 10am to 3pm). Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 2:30pm. b 91 411 13 28 +info: www.mncn.csic.es

h C/ Prncipe de Vergara, 140 f Cruz del Rayo k Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 8pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. g Free entry b 91 588 65 99 +info: www.esmadrid.com/ museosdemadrid COsmOCAIxA MAdRId h C/ Pintor Velzquez, (Alcobendas) f Marqus de la Valdavia k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm. Closed Monday (excluding public holidays). g Free entry b 91 484 52 00 +info: www.fundacio.lacaixa.es/ centros/cosmocaixamadrid_es.html

Located inside one of the oldest Train Stations in Madrid, the museum houses one of the most comprehensive collections of railway objects and artifacts in Europe, comprising steam, diesel and electric engines, passenger carriages, as well as articles related to the history of the railways.

h Paseo de las Delicias, 61 f Delicias k Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 3pm. Closed throughout August. b 902 228 822 +info: www.museodelferrocarril.org

THE GEm ANd MINERAl MUsEUm The goal of the Gem and Mineral Museum is to conserve, research, and promote the richness and diversity of Spains geological, paleontological, and mineralogical heritage through its major collections of minerals, rocks and fossils from around all regions of Spain and from the former colonies, as well as mineral deposits of special significance.

h C/ Ros Rosas, 23 f Ros Rosas k Monday to Sunday and public holidays from 9am to 2pm. g Free entry b 91 349 57 59 +info: www.igme.es

Open Mondays




h Paseo de las Delicias, 61 f Delicias k Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 2pm and from 4pm to 6pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 2:30pm. July and August: Tuesday to Saturday from 9am to 3pm. Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 2:30pm. Closed Monday. g Free entry b 91 530 31 21 +info: www.muncyt.es

THE CITy MUsEUm The City Museum allows visitors an indepth look at the evolution of Madrid from a historical perspective from its early days right up to the 20th century with urban planning design, monuments, customs and traditions, etc.

Open Mondays

Madrid has a number of great places where the whole family can have fun together.

Open Mondays

MAdRId ZOO & AqUARIUm This comprehensive zoo has some 500 species of animal from the 5 continents with 6,000 samples; but it also has a large aquarium that specializes in tropical marine life. There is also a dolfinarium that puts on some incredible displays by these very intelligent mammals.

ImAx MAdRId The worlds most advanced movie projection systems (Imax, Omnimax and Imax 3D). Incredible screens that literally envelope viewers and make them the star of the show. h C/ Meneses f Mndez lvaro k Open all year round with morning, afternoon and evening sessions. b 91 467 48 00 +info: www.imaxmadrid.com

WARNER THEmE PARK MAdRId Five different themed areas with rides, shows, games, restaurants and shops, with characters from the world of Warner. h San Martn de la Vega (A-4 dual carriageway, exit 22) f C3 to Aranjuez, getting off at the Parque de Ocio stop (trains leave from the Atocha Train Station) 412 (departs from Plaza de Legazpi) k Open from March until January. Opening and closing times vary depending on the time of year. b 902 024 100 / 91 821 12 34 +info: www.parquewarner.com


Um HOUsE & MUsE RATN PREZ ther Cory house where Fa Located in the ve toncito Prez (the Spanish loma, author of Ratooth-fairy) based the stoequivalent of the s and beloved character. ries of this famou h C/ Arenal, 8 1 day to f Sol 5pm to 8pm. Tues k Mondays fromam to 2pm and from 5pm Saturday from 11 nday mornings, Sundays to 8pm. Closed Mos. Free entry for children. and public holiday b 91 522 69 68 museoratonperez.com +info: www.casa
THE DEbOd TEmPlE State in A gift to Spain from the Egyptian in the 1968 in appreciation for the help given les. Consalvaging of the Abu Simbel temp the 2nd struction on the temple began in t both century B.C. and continued throughou the Ptolemaic and Roman times. h P del Pintor Rosales a f Ventura Rodrguez / Plaza de Espa

MAdRId FUNFAIR Rides, shows and street entertaine rs. The facilities also include a kids zone with rides specially designed with smal ler children in mind. h Casa de Campo f Batn k Open from midday. Closing time pendent on available daylight so this devary depending on the time of year. may b 91 463 29 00 / 902 345 001 +info: www.parquedeatracciones.es

h Casa de Campo f Casa de Campo k Open all year round. Closing time dependent on available daylight so this may vary depending on the time of year. b 902 345 014 / 91 512 37 70 / 91 512 37 80 +info: www.zoomadrid.com

MAdRId PlANETARIUm The main goal of the Planetarium is to reconnect visitors with the Cosmos and to strengthen the bond by educating individuals on the fundamentals of astronomy in an easy to understand format that is suitable for all ages. h Avda. del Planetario, 16 (Enrique Tierno Galvn Park) f Mndez lvaro k Tuesday to Friday from 5pm to 7:45pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 1:45pm and from 5pm to 8:45pm. Summer (June 23rd September 23rd) Tuesday to Friday from 11am to 1:45pm and from 5pm to 7:45pm. b 91 467 34 61 / 91 467 38 98 +info: www.planetmad.es FAUNIA (MAdRId BIOlOGIcAl PARK) A nature and biodiversity them park divided into different themed areas, the most notable being the largest polar ecosystem in Europe. h Avenida de las Comunidades, 28 f Valdebernardo k Open all year round from 10am. Closing time dependent on available daylight so this may vary depending on the time of year. b 91 301 62 10 +info: www.faunia.es

to k Tuesday to Friday from 10am 2pm and from 4:30pm to 6:15pm. Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to 2pm. g Free entry b 91 366 74 15 +info: www.esmadrid.com/ museosdemadrid




The Bernabeu Stadium Tour allow s visitors to access some of the traditionally restri areas of the stadium: the trophy room cted pitch, the Presidential Box, the playe , the nel, the benches and the changing rs tunrooms. h C/ Concha Espina, 1 (Santiago Bernabu Stadium, gate 20) f Santiago Bernabu k Monday to Saturday from 10am to 7pm.Sundays and public holidays 10:30am to 6:30pm. On match days from , tours are stopped 5 hours prior to the sche duled kick-off. b 902 311 709 +info: www.realmadrid.com

MAdRId CAblE-cAR The cable-car is a great opportunity to get a very different view of Madrid. The crossing takes visitors 40m off the ground and reaches speed of 3.5 m/s. h Paseo del Pintor Rosales f Argelles k Opening and closing time dependent on available daylight. b 91 541 11 18 +info: www.teleferico.com CARlOs SAINZ CENTRE (KART & BUsINEss) DREAms IcE PAlAcE 1,800m2 ice rink. h C/ Silvano, 77 f Canillas k Skate rink (closed for the summer): Wednesday and Thursday from 8:45pm to 10pm. Friday from 5pm to 11:30pm. Saturday from midday to 3pm and from 5pm to 11:30pm. Sundays and public holidays from midday to 3pm and from 5pm to 10pm. b 91 716 01 59 +info: www.palaciodehielo.com A 3,000m2 racetrack, technically very advanced and safe, with a built-in realtime timekeeping system. h C/ Seplveda, 3 (Barrio Art Dec Recreational Centre) f Puerta del ngel k Monday to Thursday from 6pm to 11pm. Fridays from 6pm to midnight. Saturdays from 11am to midnight. Sundays from 11am to 11pm. Junior drivers (8-14 years, minimum height 1.30m): Monday to Friday from 6pm to 8pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 5pm. Drivers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. All drivers 15 years old and above must show ID. b 902 170 190 +info: www.kartcsainz.com ROwbOAT RENTAls On the lakes at the Retiro Park and at the Casa de Campo, visitors can enjoy a peaceful row or a trip on a small launch, and on many weekends it is the perfect venue for most water sports. The Retiro Lake h El Retiro Park f Retiro k Open every day from 10am until sunset. b 91 574 40 24 +info: www.madrid.es Casa de Campo Lake h Paseo Embarcadero, 8 (Casa de Campo) f Lago k Open every day from 10am until sunset. b 91 464 46 10 +info: www.madrid.es


A multidisciplinary cultural arena that is suitable for hosting performances not only linked to the circus, but also to music, theatre, art, in short, any kind of event. A place where the whole family can have fun throughout the year. h Ronda de Atocha, 35 f Atocha / Embajadores b 91 527 98 65 +info: www.esmadrid.com/circoprice

MAdRId SNOwZONE This is the only indoor ski slope in Spain and the largest in Europe. Located at the Madrid Xanad Shopping and Recreational Centre. h Madrid Xanad Shopping Centre. A-5 dual carriageway exits 22 and 25 (Arroyomolinos). 528 / 534 (departs from Prncipe Po) f Batn k Sunday to Thursday from 10am to 10pm. Fridays and Saturdays from 10am to midnight. b 902 361 309 +info: www.madridsnowzone.com

MIcROPOlIx Recreational park for boys and girls with more than 30 themed areas where children can experience a hundred different professions through games that are supervised by specially trained staff.

h Alegra Shopping Centre. A-1, exit 20. C/ Julio Rey Pastor, 17 (San Sebastin de los Reyes). f Hospital Infanta Sofa 152B k Fridays from 5pm to 9pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 11am to 8pm. b 91 799 00 00 +info: www.micropolix.com

WATER PARKs Aqupolis San Fernando de Henares ares (A-2 dual-carriah San Fernando de Hen 5) 15. . km ay, gew from midday to 7pm. July k June to September to 8pm. and August from midday b 91 673 10 13 s +info: www.aquopolis.e Aqupolis adA Villanueva de la Ca a, (Villanueva de la hes De la de a nid Ave h Caada) from midday to 7pm. July k June to September to 8pm. day mid and August from b 91 815 69 11 s +info: www.aquopolis.e

THE RETIRO THEATRE MUNIcIPAl PUPPET can enjoy a Throughout the year, you in this fulltime es anc form per of iety var both children puppet theatre, wheret in some truly and adults can deligh magical characters. cess via the h The Retiro Park (ac ncia) Plaza de la Independe f Retiro b 91 792 41 12 om +info: www.tittirilandia.c www.madrid.es






Madrid is city full of culture, with wonderful monuments, entertainment and great food; but at the same time, it is an ecological and environmentally friendly city. A stroll through the Retiro or Oeste parks, or the Sabatini or Campo del Moro gardens is a pleasurable experience that should not be missed out on. El RETIRO PARK (see also Must See Madrid) CAmPO dEl MORO GARdENs It owes its name to the fact that on a number of occasions, it was chosen as the place to set up camp by the Muslim armies when besieging the city. It was Queen Isabel II, in 1844, who commissioned the creation of a park/garden on the west wall of the Royal Palace, which was when it became the gardens as we know them today. It boasts two famous fountains, the Newts Fountain (Tritones) and the Shell Fountain (Conchas), that mark the two ends of the gardens, intertwined with sweeping, rolling paths. h Paseo de la Virgen del Puerto, 1 f Prncipe Po

k WINTER (October to March): Monday to Saturday from 10am to 6pm. Sundays from 9am to 6pm. SUMMER (April to September): Monday to Saturday from 10am to 8pm. Sundays from 9am to 8pm. b 91 454 88 00 +info: www.patrimonionacional.es


ROyAl BOTANIcAl GARdENs Located next to the Prado Museum, it was commissioned by Charles III in 1781, and designed by architect Juan de Villanueva and botanist Gmez Ortega. The gardens currently occupy some 8 hectares of land and are divided into three terraces, the two lower ones, Neoclassical in style (the Square Terrace and the British Schools Terrace) and the upper one, Elizabethan Romantic in style (Plan of the Flower Terrace). Also worth mentioning, are the functional structures such as greenhouses, the Villanueva Pavilion, the Linneo Pond or the Research and Laboratory building. The gardens are surrounded by magnificent iron railings and can be accessed by either of the two gates: the Murillo and the Kings Gate, both of which were the work of Villanueva.

The Botanical Gardens are one of the largest in Europe, and received the first specimens of American flora, collected from a herbarium and which included plant specimens from a number of scientific expeditions carried out in the 18th and 19th Centuries. It is a spectacular garden, located in the very heart of Madrid, where you can browse, stroll, learn and delight in nature any time of the year. h Plaza de Murillo, 2. f Atocha k Monday to Sunday opening time 10am. Closing time depends on the month: January-February 6pm, March 7pm, April 8pm, May-June-July-August 9pm, September 8pm, October 7pm and NovemberDecember 6pm. b 91 420 30 17 +info: www.rjb.csic.es






CAsA dE CAmPO King Philip II purchased the Casa de Campo in 1553 and began to develop the large estate that would stretch from the Palace to the Royal Hunting Lodge in El Pardo, until reaching its current size of 1,800 hectares. This huge park has not lost any of its woodland features, still wooded for the most part, the veritable lungs of the city of Madrid. In the 20th Century during the 2nd Republic, it was handed over to the city of Madrid, and it has been used ever since for recreational purposes thanks to its size, proximity and easy access. f Lago / Batn / Casa de Campo b 91 479 60 02 (Casa de Campo Environmental Information Centre) +info: www.esmadrid.com

SAbATINI GARdENs These classicistic gardens with their neatly trimmed hedges are located outside the northern walls of the Royal Palace. They were created in about 1930 on the spot of the former Royal Stables, built by Francisco Sabatini and part of the service of the Royal Palace. h C/ Bailn, 2 and 4 f Plaza de Espaa / pera k WINTER (October to April): from 9am to 9pm. SUMMER (May to September): from 9am to 10pm. +info: www.esmadrid.com FUENTE dEl BERRO PARK This former recreational farm is an excellent example of naturalistic gardening. Currently, it is home to some unique woodland specimens, as well as monuments by Becquer, Iniesta and Puskin. h C/ Enrique DAlmonte, 1 f ODonnell k WINTER (October to March): from 6am to 10pm. SUMMER (April to September): 6am to midnight. +info: www.esmadrid.com

PARqUE dEl OEsTE A park designed at the start of the last century by Cecilio Rodrguez, replete with monuments, landscaped and with English garden traits, with its steep slopes and winding paths, and naturalist in style. The park later grew to include, in a south-easterly direction, the Debod Temple Gardens and the Ferraz Gardens, that link the park as a whole with the Carmelitas Descalzas Church and Plaza de Espaa. It is home to a number of commemorative monuments. The Madrid cable car links this edge of the city with the Casa de Campo. It was built in 1906, an initiative of the then Mayor of Madrid, Alberto Aguilera. h Paseo del Pintor Rosales with Paseo de Moret f Argelles / Moncloa / Ventura Rodrguez k RAMN ORTIZ ROSE GARDENS: Monday to Sunday from 10am to 8pm. Opening times are extended during the summer months 9am to 9pm. b Rose Gardens: 91 548 95 12 / 91 548 95 13 / 91 548 95 14 +info: www.esmadrid.com

JUAN CARlOs I PARK This park, the largest green space in Madrid, second only to the Casa de Campo, is located in the Campo de las Naciones complex on the site of the century old Hinojosa olive grove, and is considered to be a puerta de la ciudad or city gate. The overall design of the park can only be appreciated from the sky and the proximity of Madrid-Barajas Airport means that its general design can be seen from the air. Its design is reminiscent of the growth of a city around an estuary, surrounded by a symbolic wall. It is home to some stunning spots such as the Labyrinth, the Three Culture Garden, the Holocaust Monument, the Anne Frank Tree, or the 19 sculptures that have converted the park into a kind of open-air museum. At the parks Estufa Fra , visitors can appreciate a plant collection comprising some 220 varieties, divided into 12 different zones, each with its own ambience and feel, such as the river bank woodlands

El CAPRIcHO PARK The origins of the Capricho Park in the Alameda de Osuna district of the city, date back to the latter part of the 18th Century, when the Duke and Duchess of Osuna decided to build their country home on the outskirts of Madrid. This is possibly the most interesting of all Madrid parks, as it is a fusion of three classical types of design (Italian, French and landscape), conserving each of their most appealing and characteristic traits, thus fully warranting the name of El Capricho (the whim). The park is also home to a palace, a ball room, a chapel, a stream, a lake, island and small dock, a shrine to Baco (Dionysus), a greenhouse, a 6,000m2 labyrinth made of plants and even has its own beekeeper. h Paseo Alameda de Osuna f El Capricho 105 / 151 k WINTER (October to March): Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 6:30pm. SUMMER (April to September): Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 9am to 9pm. b 91 588 01 14 +info: www.esmadrid.com



THE MOlINOs GARdENs The Molinos Gardens date back to the start of the 20th Century. The gardens are well preserved, a shady stream with an almond plantation that boasts a variety of species, protected by deciduous and coniferous woodlands, through which the main paths cross. It still has its two windmills, after which it was named, cellars, a rationalist mansion (architecturally one of a kind in Madrid), the Casa del Reloj with courtyards and other farm buildings and a lake. h C/ Alcal, 527 to 531 f Suanzes k from 6:30am to 10pm +info: www.esmadrid.com

or the Japanese garden. Another highlight, although outside the park this time, is the indigenous Mediterranean garden. h Glorieta Don Juan de Borbn. f Campo de las Naciones k Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pm. Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 10am to 7pm (information and bike rentals at the information buildings are the entrance to the Park). b 91 721 00 79 +info: www.esmadrid.com

MAdRId RO The new Madrid stretches out past the banks of the Manzanares river. There, the riverside has been reclaimed and it can be used and enjoyed by both visitors and inhabitants as a huge green space suitable for long walks and bike rides, and where, in the future, there will also be an area for canoeing and other boating activities. The numerous footbridges over the river, such as the one designed by Dominique Perrault, make it easy to cross from one bank to another, almost without realising it. Madrid Ro is one of the most ambitious city planning projects in the world, following the rerouting of the Madrid ring road underground. It is a part of the city that has been reclaimed, and now hosts a variety of events, as well as being home to one of the leading cultural venues, Matadero Madrid.


PRNcIPE dE ANGlONA GARdENs The garden, as we know it today, was commissioned by the Marquis of Romana to Javier de Winthuysen, painter and garden designer, in 1920. Even with the recent remodelling, it still conserves its original structure. It comprises a series of brick-lined paths that go to create four separate quadrants, and a central intersection where there is a fountain. Small and elegant, the garden is a fusion of neoclassicism elements and Andalusian courtyard, but the main feature being its suspended structure, located on a raised embankment, with the exception of the slope along calle de Segovia, which borders it. h C/ Prncipe de Anglona, 1 f La Latina k WINTER (October to February): from 10am to 6:30pm. SUMMER (March to September): from 10am to 8:45pm. +info: www.esmadrid.com ATOcHA STATION GREENHOUsE In the very centre of Madrid is a tropical garden, which, due to its characteristics, its location and its plant life, is the only one of its kind in the world. We are talking about the Atocha Station Greenhouse, which currently comprises 4,000m2 of greenery, and home to a total of 7,200 plants from 500 different species from the Americas, Australia, Asia and Africa. For these reasons, the greenhouse is no longer merely a place that passengers simply pass through, it is a place where visitors can stop to have a rest, read, or simply chat, in a characteristically tropical setting. h Glorieta del Emperador Carlos V f Atocha RENFE / Atocha

SAN IsIdRO CEmETERy The San Isidro Cemetery, built in 1811 alongside the San Isidro Chapel, is the oldest one in Madrid. From inside, you get a breathtaking panoramic view of the city with the Royal Palace as a backdrop. The cemetery surprises visitors with its spectacular beauty thanks to its amazing cypress trees and the 19th Century funeral architecture, designed by the greatest architects of their time, with some mausoleums being veritable shrines that contain carved elements designed and created by some of the greatest sculptors. h Paseo Quince de Mayo, 62 f Marqus de Vadillo b 91 365 08 41





PAlAcIO dE CRIsTAl dE ARGANZUElA GREENHOUsE The greenhouse is built using a metallic structure, rectangular in shape, and covered with panes of reinforced glass, resulting in a totally glassed-in building, with an overall surface area of 7,100m2, more than five times the area of the Palacio de Cristal in the Retiro Park. The greenhouse boasts a modern, computerised climate control system and houses more than 1,200 species of plants, most of which are exotic. h Paseo de la Chopera, 10 f Legazpi k Tuesday to Sunday from 9:30am to 5:30pm. b 91 588 61 37 / 40 +info: www.madrid.es

In Madrid, you can watch top class football throughout the year. Real Madrid and Atltico de Madrid, both clubs being over one hundred years old, play in the first division of the Spanish Football League. The other Madrid football teams are Rayo Vallecano and Getafe. The Spanish Football League starts in early September and ends in June. Matches are played on Saturdays and Sundays with European competition and the Copa del Rey (the Kings Cup) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays. REAl MAdRId Santiago Bernabu Stadium h C/ Concha Espina, 1 f Santiago Bernabu Ticket sales: 902 324 324 and from the stadium ticket-sale counters on match days from 11am onwards (depending on availability of tickets). b 91 398 43 00 / 70 +info: www.realmadrid.com ATlTIcO dE MAdRId Vicente Caldern Stadium h Paseo de la Virgen del Puerto, 67 f Pirmides Ticket sales: 902 530 500 and from the stadium ticket-sale counters on match days from 11am onwards (depending on availability of tickets). b 91 366 47 07 / 91 365 09 31 +info: www.clubatleticodemadrid.com RAyO VAllEcANO Teresa Rivero Stadium h Payaso Fof f Portazgo b 91 478 56 72 / 91 478 22 53 +info: www.rayovallecano.es GETAFE ClUb dE FTbOl Coliseum Alfonso Prez h Avda. Teresa de Calcuta, (Getafe) f El Casar b 91 695 97 71 +info: www.getafecf.com

REAl MAdRId Madrid Caja Mgica Vistalegre Sports Palace (Manzanares Park) h Avda. Plaza de Toros f Vistalegre b 91 422 07 80 +info: www.realmadrid.com
hipdromo de la zarzuela

Horse racing at the racetrack takes place every Sunday during the spring and autumn season. It is located nearby the Monte del Pardo, and is a prefect way to do something a little different with your Sunday mornings. During the summer months of June and July, there are also evening races on Thursday nights. ZARZUElA RAcEcOURsE h Corua Dual-carriageway (A-6), km. 8 k Open Sundays from 10am to 3pm. Races start at 11am. b 91 740 05 40 +info: www.hipodromodelazarzuela.es

telefnica madrid arena




EsTUdIANTEs Community of Madrid Sports Arena (Palacio de Deportes) h Avenida de Felipe II f Goya b 91 258 60 17 +info: www.clubestudiantes.com

There is bullfighting each Sunday from March until October, but the highlight of the year in the renowned San Isidro Festival, during the month of May when there is bullfighting every day with some of the great bullfighters in Spain. Other bullfighting festivals worthy of note are the ones during the La Feria de Invierno (Winter Festival) in February, the Feria de la Comunidad (Festival of the Community of Madrid) during the first days of May and the Feria de Otoo (the Autumn Festival) at the start of October. Tickets can be bought at the Plaza de Toros ticket counters on the very day. For the San Isidro Festival it is best to buy tickets beforehand.
Plaza de toros de las Ventas

VIsTAlEGRE PAlAcE BUllRING h Avda. Plaza de Toros f Vistalegre b 91 422 07 80 +info: www.palaciovistalegre.com BUllFIGHTING MUsEUm This museum, opened in 1951, serves as a witness to the great moments in the art and history of bullfighting. h C/ Alcal, 237 (Las Ventas bullring) f Ventas k Bullfighting season (March to October): Tuesday to Friday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Sundays, public holidays and festivals from 10am to 1pm. Off-season (November to February): Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 2:30pm. Free entry. b 91 725 18 57

CAF dE CHINITAs h C/ Torija, 7 f Santo Domingo b 91 547 15 02 +info: www.chinitas.com LAs CARbONERAs h Plaza del Conde de Miranda, 1 f Sol / Opera b 91 542 86 77 +info: www.tablaolascarboneras.com CARdAmOmO h C/ Echegaray, 15 f Sol b 91 369 07 57 +info: www.cardamomo.net

CORRAl dE lA PAcHEcA h C/ Juan Ramn Jimnez, 26 f Plaza de Castilla / Cuzco b 91 353 01 00 / 91 353 01 02 +info: www.corraldelapacheca.com El ClAN h C/ Ronda de Toledo, 20 f Puerta de Toledo b 91 528 84 01 +info: www.salaclan.com



PlAZA dE TOROs dE LAs VENTAs A guided tour of the bullring is available to the public from Tuesday to Sunday from 10am to 2pm, with Tauro Tour Las Ventas (information and reservation number 91 556 92 37). h C/ Alcal, 237 f Ventas b 902 193 166 +info: www.las-ventas.com

Although Madrid is not the birthplace of flamenco, the capital of Spain is considered by many to be the showcase of flamenco and any artist wishing to make a name for themselves on the international stage must first succeed here. The city has a number of tablaos flamencos (flamenco theatres). From time to time the city plays host to flamenco festivals or you can enjoy one of the shows performed by some of the great flamenco artists at one the citys major theatres. CAsA PATAs h C/ Caizares, 10 f Antn Martn / Tirso de Molina b 91 369 04 96 / 91 369 33 94 +info: www.casapatas.com LAs TAblAs h Plaza de Espaa, 9 f Plaza de Espaa b 91 542 05 20 +info: www.lastablasmadrid.com TORREs BERmEjAs h C/ Mesonero Romanos, 11 f Callao b 91 532 33 22 +info: www.torresbermejas.com CORRAl dE lA MORERA h C/ Morera, 17 f La Latina b 91 365 84 46 / 91 365 11 37 +info: www.corraldelamoreria.com


MAdRId TOURIsm CENTRE h Plaza Mayor, 27 (Casa de la Panadera) f Sol / pera k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm CENTRO dE TURIsmO COlN h Plaza de Coln (pedestrian passageway between calles Gnova and Goya) f Coln k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm PlAZA dE CIbElEs h Plz de Cibeles, on the Paseo del Prado f Banco de Espaa k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm PlAZA dE CAllAO h Plaza de Callao f Callao k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm PAsEO dEl ARTE / ART WAlK h Calle Santa Isabel on the corner of Glorieta del Emperador Carlos V (Atocha) b Atocha k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm MAdRId-BARAjAs AIRPORT (TERmINAl 4) h Arrival Halls 10 and 11 f Aeropuerto T4 k Monday to Sunday from 9am to 8pm MAdRId-BARAjAs AIRPORT (TERmINAl 2) h Arrivals foyer between arrival halls 5 and 6 f Aeropuerto T1-T2-T3 k Monday to Sunday from 9am to 8pm REmOTE AccEss: b 91 588 16 36 | F: 91 480 20 41 www.esmadrid.com @ turismoptm@munimadrid.es k Monday to Sunday from 9:30am to 8:30pm FOREIGN TOURIsT AssIsTANcE SERVIcEs (SATE) This service aims to provide personalised assistance to foreign tourists who, having been the victim of a crime or having suffered some other traumatic experience. Such assistance is provided by specially trained staff from the Madrid Tourist Board and the National Police Force. h Calle Leganitos, 19 (Central Police Station) f Santo Domingo / Plaza de Espaa / Callao b infosate: 91 548 85 37 / 91 548 80 08 b 24 hour crime line: 902 102 112 k every day from 9am to midnight. @ satemadridptm@munimadrid.es +info: www.esmadrid.com/satemadrid

68 Centro de Turismo de Madrid




The Madrid Card offers cardholders a series of services by establishments participating in the tourist pack promotion, including free access to 40 museums (including the Prado, Reina Sofa and Thyssen) as well as discounts in shops, restaurants, recreational centres and car rentals. Points of sale: Madrid Tourism Centre. h Plaza Mayor, 27. Madrid-Barajas Airport. Terminal 4 Hotel Reservations, Viajes Aira. Madrid-Barajas Airport. Terminal 2 Arrivals. Metro Madrid Passenger Service Centre. Main hotels and travel agencies. Madrid Visin buses and ticket desk. Calle de Felipe IV, next to the Prado Museum. Wax Museum. Paseo de Recoletos, 41. Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum. Paseo del Prado, 8. Telesales: b 902 088 908 / 91 360 47 72 (Monday to Friday from 10am to 2pm and from 3pm and 7pm, and Saturdays from 10am to 2pm, excluding public holidays). On-line sales: www.madridcard.com / www.neoturismo.com

Madrid Visin offers a variety of panoramic bus tours around Madrid with stops at the major museums and monuments. The average length of each tour is 75 minutes and tickets are valid for 24 or 48 hours, depending on the type. Passengers can get on and off the bus at any stop along the route. Recorded commentary is available in a number of languages. i Madrid Visin Ticket Kiosk in Calle Philip IV, next to the Prado Museum f Banco de Espaa b 91 765 10 16 / 91 779 18 88 +info: www.madridvision.es

The following companies organize tours of Madrid and the surrounding areas: i Juliatravel h Plaza de Espaa, 7 b 91 559 96 05 c www.juliatravel.com i Pullmantur h Plaza de Oriente, 8 b 91 541 18 05 c www.pullmantur-spain.com i Trapsatur h C/ San Bernardo, 5 b 91 541 63 21 c www.trapsatur.com

STATION Avenida de Amrica Transport hub f Avenida de Amrica Estacin Sur Bus Station b 91 468 42 00 / 45 11 f Mndez lvaro

DESTINATION Alcal de Henares, 32 Km k 40

TELEPHONE b 902 422 242

Aranjuez, 47 Km k 45 vila , 115 Km k 95 Cuenca, 167 Km k 2h 30 (N) y 2h (E) Salamanca, 212 Km k 3h 5 (standard bus) y 2h 30 (express bus) Chinchn, 45 Km k 55 El Escorial, 56 Km k 55

b b b b

902 198 788 902 020 052 902 020 052 902 020 052

h Avenida del Mediterrneo, 49 f Conde de Casal Moncloa Transport hub f Moncloa Prncipe Po Transport Hub f Prncipe Po Plaza Elptica Transport Hub f Plaza Elptica

b 91 409 76 02 b 91 896 90 28

Segovia, 87 Km k 90 La Granja, 99,2 Km k 120 Toledo, 71 Km k 75

b 915 598 955 / 915 413 283

b 902 422 242








Madrid presently has two main Train Stations: Atocha and Chamartn. All major intercity routes depart and arrive at one or the other. ATOcHA TRAIN STATION This is the arrival and departure station for the AVE (High Speed Train) that presently has routes to the following Spanish cities: Cordova, Seville, Toledo, Saragossa, Lleida, Tarragona, Barcelona, Huesca and Malaga. h Glorieta del Emperador Carlos V f Atocha Renfe Information and ticket reservations: 902 320 320 International information: 902 243 402
CHAmARTN TRAIN STATION h C/ Agustn de Fox f Chamartn Information and ticket reservations: 902 320 320 International information: 902 243 402 +info: www.renfe.es

PUblIc HOlIdAys
The major celebration in Madrid falls on May 15th, San Isidros Day, the Patron Saint of the city, but it is not the only one. Different neighbourhoods have their own celebrations, the most traditional and typical being those of San Antonio de la Florida (June 13th), San Antn (January 17th) or the Virgen de la Paloma (August 15th), during which both the men and women don their traditional chulapos and chulapas. Other major celebrations are those of Christmas, Carnival and Easter. During the course of the year there are 14 ofcial public holidays*: d January 1st: New Year (E)

* (E) Estatal, (A) Autonmica y (L) Local. d January 6th: Epiphany or Day of the Three Wise Men (E) d March-April: Easter Thursday and Good Friday (E) d May 1st: Labour Day (E) d May 2nd: Day of the Community of Madrid (A) d May 15th: San Isidro (Patron Saint of Madrid) (L) d August 15th: Asuncin de la Virgen (E) d October 12th: Spanish National Holiday (E)

d November 1st: All Saints Day (E) d November 19th: Virgen de la Almudena (Patron Saint of Madrid) (L) d December 6th: Day of the Constitution (E) d December 8th: Inmaculada Concepcin (E) d December 25th: Christmas Day (E)

+info: www.renfe.es


In the Taquilla ltimo Minuto (or Last Minute Tickets), something unique to Madrid, there is a great selection of theatre tickets that can be purchased just a couple of hours before the start of the performance, with discounts of up to 50%. h Plaza del Carmen, 1 f Gran Va / Sol k Wednesday to Sunday from 5pm to 10pm. +info: www.taquillaultimominuto.com Other points of sale for theatre, cinema, exhibition, concert tickets etc. Localidades Galicia. h Plaza del Carmen, 1. b +34 91 531 91 31 c www.bullfightticketsmadrid.com c www.elcorteingles.es b 902 400 222 c www.entradas.com b 902 221 622 / 902 488 488 c www.fnac.es b +34 91 595 61 90 c www.servicaixa.com b 902 332 211 c www.telentrada.com b 902 101 212 c www.teatro-real.es b 902 244 848 c www.ticktackticket.com b 902 150 025 c www.topticketline.es b 902 888 788

Although Madrid has a comprehensive network of banks that are located throughout the city, the most practical way to take money out is to use a cash dispenser / ATM as these are available 24 hours a day. Most cash dispensers offer services in a variety of languages. Generally, if you use a cash dispenser / ATM that is part of a bank other than your own you must pay a small commission. Practically all commercial establishments, hotels and restaurants accept credit cards, but it is always best to carry some cash on you. The older and more traditional taverns and bars only accept payment in cash.

In the case of theft, loss or retention of the card by a cash dispenser, it is best to cancel the card immediately: 4B b +34 91 362 62 00 American Express b 902 375 637 Servired b 902 192 100 Euro-Card/Master-Card b 900 971 231 Visa 900 991 216 6000 b 902 206 000 Visa Japn 900 988 142




CITy TRANsPORT Visitors to Madrid are always advised to take advantage of the comprehensive public transport system, especially the metro that offers a cheap and quick way to get around. The underground network, one of the most comprehensive networks in Europe, consists of 12 metro lines, an additional stretch between Opera and Prncipe Po, as well as 3 Metro-Light lines. The all-year operating times are from 6am to 1:30am (there are certain stations that operate a special timetable). Madrid also offers a comprehensive network of city buses (207 lines in total) that are operational between 6am and 11:30pm. The cheapest way of getting around the city is to buy what is called a metrobs, a single ticket that is valid for 10 journeys either on metro or bus that must be validated before the start of each journey. These can be purchased in metro stations, tobacconists and at certain newspaper stands. Single tickets can be purchased at metro ticket counters or directly from the bus drivers. 2011 Rates Single ticket: 1.00 Metrobs (valid for 10 journeys): 9.30

POINTs OF sAlE OF THE TOURIsT TRAVEl PAss: All metro stations Traveler Assistance Centre at the Barajas-Airport Metro station T1-T2-T3 Offices of the Regional Transport Consortium (www.ctm-madrid.es / 012 / 91 580 42 60) In designated tobacconists and newspaper stands in Madrid In tourism offices: - Madrid Tourism Centre (Plaza Mayor, 27) - Community of Madrid Tourism Office (C/ Duque de Medinaceli, 2) - Atocha Train Station (in the AVE foyer) At/near tourist attractions On-line purchases: www.neoturismo.com 2011 RATES Days 1 day 2 days 3 days 5 days 7 days Zone A 6.00 10.00 13.00 19.00 25.00 Zone T 12.00 20.00 25.00 36.00 50.00

Taxis in Madrid are white with a diagonal red stripe across their front door that also sports the citys coat-of-arms. There are taxi ranks throughout the city. A green light appearing on the roof of the taxi tells clients that the taxi is available. Supplementary charges are added for pick-ups from Madrid-Barajas Airport, bus and train stations as well as from the Juan Carlos I Trade Fair complex. 2010 RATEs StaRt OF tRiP (StaRtiNg tHE MEtER): Every day of the week from 6am to 10pm: 2.05 Monday to Friday from 10pm to 6am the following day: 2.20 Saturdays and public holidays from 10pm to 6am the following day: 3.10 SUPPlEmENTARy cHARGEs: Journeys originating or terminating in Madrid-Barajas airport, includes anywhere within the airport boundaries: 5.50 Journeys originating in bus and Train Stations, from the specially reserved taxi ranks that are clearly signed: 2.95 Journeys originating or terminating in the Juan Carlos I (IFEMA) Trade Fair complex: 2.95

Journeys on December 24th or 31st that terminate between 10pm and 6am the following day: 6.70 NO-cHaRgE SERvicES aNd ObLigatiONS OF tHE taxi:


The airport metro is line 8 and is the quickest service. It takes just 45 minutes to get to the city centre from the airport. The airport has two metro stations: Aeropuerto T4, in Terminal 4, and Aeropuerto T1-T2T3 that serves the remaining terminals. Tickets cost 1.00 and the service runs from 6am to 1:30am. The EMT buses (express service) that connect the airport with the city center, departs every 15-20 minutes and take passengers to Cibeles and Atocha. The service runs 24 hours every day and has a especial fare of 2 . Passengers will also find a notable fleet of taxis at the airport and these take approximately 30 minutes to reach the centre. b 902 404 704 +info: www.aena.es

TOURIsT TRAVEl PAss The Tourist Travel Pass allows you to use all public transport networks within the Community of Madrid, as often as you like during a designated number of days: 1, 2, 3, 5 and 7 days. Travelers have the choice of two travel areas:
Zone A: to be used within the city


Guide dogs or any other pet in a travel cage. Receipt (hand-written or printed) showing the NIF, amount, date, license number and number plate. Choice of route. Eurotaxis are specially adapted vehicles that are suitable for all publics and are particularly used by the handicapped. b 91 540 45 03 / 91 371 21 31 TAxI cOmPANIEs Radio Taxi Asociacin Gremial. b 91 447 51 80 / 91 447 32 32 Radio Taxi Independiente. b 91 405 55 00 / 91 405 12 13 Radio Taxi Madrid. b 91 547 82 00 / 85 00 / 86 00 Tele-Taxi. b 91 371 21 31 / 902 501 130 Radio Telfono Taxi. b 91 547 82 00 / 85 00 / 86 00

limits and comprises the services of Metro, EMT de Madrid (buses), Metro Light ML1 and any suburban rail networks falling within this area.

transport services within the Community of Madrid, as well as prolongations of the network to Guadalajara and Toledo, although it not valid on RENFE regional service trains.

Zone T: comprising of all public


50% discount for children under 11.

Rates as of December 14th 2009.


Baggage, as long as it fits in the boot/ trunk or roof rack.

As far as getting around on bike is concerned, Madrid offers more advantages than disadvantages: little rain, relatively flat terrain, many pedestrian areas, etc.



Passengers are allowed to travel on the Metro with their bicycles on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays throughout the day and evening. This service is available on all lines; and during the week (Monday to Friday) from 10am to 12:30pm and from 9pm until the service terminates. The Cercanas RENFE suburban train network also allows passengers to travel with their bicycles every day of the week, excluding rush hour. Passengers are recommended to check rush hour travel restrictions on the internet (www.renfe.es/cercanias). Bikespain h Plaza de la Villa, 1 b 91 559 06 53 c www.bikespain.info Bravo Bike h C/ Juan lvarez Mendizbal, 19. b 91 758 29 45 / 607 44 84 40 c www.bravobike.com By Bike h Avda. de Menndez Pelayo, 35. b 902 876 483 c www.bybike.info Ciclos Otero h C/ Segovia, 18-20. b 91 547 32 25 c www.oterociclos.es Motos & Bikes. h C/ Prncipe de Vergara, 24 b 645 267 180 c www.motosandbikes.es Pangea h C/ Melilla, 10. b 91 517 28 39 c www.rutaspangea.com 27 Bikes h C/ Alcalde Sainz de Baranda, 16 b 91 573 06 92 cwww.27bikes.com Trixi h C/ Jardines, 12. b 91 523 15 47 c www.trixi.com UrbanMovil h Plaza de Santiago, 2. b 91 542 77 71 c www.urbanmovil.com

The best and most pleasant way to discover Madrids most characteristic areas such as Hapsburg Madrid, or equally interesting areas but off the beaten track is to stroll through its streets and squares. You will discover some of Madrids many secrets, and when we say Madrid, we mean the many facets of this charming city: happy and caring, dynamic and modern, cosmopolitan and welcoming; a single city with a multiplicity of characters. And to make things even easier, the Madrid Tourist Board, through its Discover Madrid Programme, has put together a variety of guided tours that will allow visitors to discover the city in a host of different languages (Spanish, English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Japanese). h Plaza Mayor, 27 (Madrid Tourism Centre) f Sol / pera k Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 8:30pm. Saturdays from 11am to 5pm. Sundays from 9:30am to 3pm. @ descubremadridptm@munimadrid.es +info: www.esmadrid.com/descubremadrid




h Plaza Mayor, 27 f SOL c www.esMADRID.com

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