Geometrylessonplan Meb

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Geometry Lesson Plan

Teacher Name Subject Grade level Time duration Materials needed Morgan Brooks Mathematics - Geometry 7th 45 minutes Each pair of students need: An iPad The free GeoGebra application Access to the online class website Teacher needs: SmartBoard An iPad The free GeoGebra application Access to the online class website
SOL 7.8 - The student, given a polygon in the coordinate plane, will represent transformations (dilations) by graphing in the coordinate plane. By the end of this lesson the student will know what it means to dilate a polygon on a coordinate plane and, given a polygon, the student will be able to perform the transformation. This knowledge will help ease the transition into the later lessons when the students will learn the other types of transformations (reflections, rotations, and translations) by giving them the base knowledge of what a transformation is and how it works. This knowledge will also be beneficial to the students in the 8th grade when they must apply transformations to plane figures and identify applications of transformations (SOL 8.8). At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher will describe what a transformation is and how to perform dilations on a polygon. While explaining how to preform the transformation the teacher will engage the students by asking them questions and providing interactive examples on the SmartBoard. The SmartBoard will be connected to an iPad with the interactive GeoGebra application open. The students will be able to come to the board and help plot the polygons and their dilations. Once the students have a handle on how to perform dilations they will be put into groups of two. Each pair will be assigned five problems, each with a different polygon and a dilation to be preformed on said polygon. They will have already learned about different polygons they will be using (quadrilaterals) during the lessons covering SOL 7.7. From there, the students will open the GeoGebra application on one of their iPads and construct their first assigned polygon. Once the students construct their polygon they will work as a team to manually construct their polygons dilation. Once the students believe they have the correct dilation they will enter a command in the application that will

Lesson Objective Purpose of this lesson


automatically produce the correct dilation. The students will then screen capture their result, clear the screen, and repeat the process for numbers two through five. Once the students have finished they will upload their five screen captures to the class website. Then, as a team, each pair of students will write a brief summary of how to preform dilations. The teacher will check to see if the learning objectives have been met by reviewing the students submissions on the class website. The teacher will check to see that the students were able to perform the transformations of the polygons correctly. Also, the teacher will check the students summaries to make sure the students show a clear understanding of the material. From this information the teacher will be able to determine what students still need assistance with the material and will continue to work with these students until they are able to master it.


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