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Title: Recorder lesson plan.

Date: Spring 2014 Artifact Description: The following artifact is a lesson plan for fourth graders made by myself while pre-student teaching with Debra Weckerly. These students attend Empire Elementary School in Freeport, IL. It includes different modes of learning, options for gifted and talented learners, options for adaptive learners, and addresses many different state and national standard. Wisconsin Teacher Licensure Standard Alignment: This lesson plan best aligns with Standard Three: Diversity: Teachers understand that children learn differently. The teacher understands how pupils differ in their approaches to learning and the barriers that impede learning and can adapt instruction to meet the diverse needs of pupils, including those with disabilities and exceptionalities. This lesson plan provides evidence of my knowledge of how students function differently and that there is not a Text Book student. I was able to identify an objective, the grade level it is designed for, what tools and previous experiences that are needed, what state and national standards are being addressed, a point-by-point sequence, and assessment tool, options for adaptive instruction, and options for gifted learners. This lesson plan template is an example of how I would do my future lesson plans as it involves all of the points needed for an effective lesson. I am more experienced in this standard because I was able to meet the needs of all the different students in my classroom. Each student has a different personality, thus each student learns differently. This fundamental principle is one that is often overlooked because the target student is generally the average one. However, the gifted learners and adaptive learners need to be taken from their own personal point A to point B. Planning a lesson like this reminds me that it sets the students up for success if multiple options are available, all of which can be positive. UW-Platteville School of Educational Knowledge, Skill, Disposition Statement Alignment: This experience best aligns with KSD2.a. Creates an environment of respect and rapport. The candidate demonstrates genuine care and respect for students while the students exhibit respect for the teacher. The students also display genuine care and respect for one another as individuals and as students, and are aware of cultural, social, intellectual and physical variations among their peers This experience best aligns with this KSD because I create an environment of respect and rapport by adhering and planning for the needs of each and every student. The provided artifact shows evidence of careful consideration for each student, and this is done only by a genuine care and respect for my students. Each state, city, school, classroom, and student has

different cultures, intellectual understandings, and social process set in place and this lesson plan shows that each of these things were thought of and addressed. I am more competent and aware of this KSD because I believe that I am able to process how to plan and teach students of all learning levels. I feel that planning for and teaching for the student, is more effective than planning for the class. By doing this, I understand that it would be very easy to just plan for the average student and have just one way of teaching each concept. However, I will avoid this path as it is one that is taking advantage of students. The path I choose is one that will have options for all types of learners, cultures, and students. In the simplest of terms, people are different, so I will teach people, not classrooms. Secondary KSDs: KSD1.a. Demonstrates knowledge of content and pedagogy KSD1.f. Assesses student learning KS3.a. Communicates clearly and accurately Reflection: What I learned about teaching/learning: From this lesson plan I learned that teachers have a large amount of factors to consider when planning any given lesson. There are a vast array of learning styles, environmental concerns, questions on how to assess, and more. This put things into perspective in that I need to continue to think in a way that addresses each students needs. This also helped me consider how it was as a student myself. I recall being bored with certain classes and feeling behind in others. By having different options and ideas, these issues have potential to be resolved. What I learned about myself as a prospective educator: By taking the time to plan a lesson for all the students needs, I learned that it is very easy to plan for the average student. This is a path I do not plan on taking for several reasons. I will, however, adopt a train of thought that will help each and every student get from point A to point B. Previous to this experience I found myself having a better time remembering to think of the adaptive learners and providing options for them, as opposed to the gifted learners. Thanks to this experience and many classes at the University of Wisconsin Platteville I am making a conscious effort to think of the gifted learners and ways to keep them interested in class and help them continue to learn and improve.

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