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Pensacola Island Authority Crisis Communication Plan

Risk Assessment: Our CEO held a time for prayer during an employee event in which one employee did not participate in due to his own religious beliefs. The employee was fired the next day for not participating and our CEO made comments offensive to those who practice other religious faiths. A YouTube video was released showing the events at the employee event further complicating the situation. The employee who was fired has filed a lawsuit against our company and many rights organizations are outraged as well as the public.

Audiences: Internal: board members, part time employees, full time employees Community: Local community members Community/External: Muslim culture & other diverse groups External: ACLU External: Internet users actively posting in regards to our company and situation Objectives: Increase internal/employee awareness to 85% within the first 24 hrs of the crisis Counter any negative YouTube videos with a response video within 2 days of the initial viral video and gain over 5,000 views on our response video by day 4 of the crisis. Increase tourist awareness of crisis and truthful facts to 60% within 1 month of the initial crisis Increase favorable opinion of organization by 15% by the end of the 2nd week

Tactics: 1. Internal Audience: (Employee Relations) Update our Facebook page and other social media sites within the hour Prepare a statement for CEO, including 3-4 main messages to be released at a planned press conference. Share statistics as far as the diversity within our organization 2. External Audience (Media Relations) Release viral video in response to the original leaked video Assign an individual(s) from the PR team to monitor all social media outlets, to address any falsehoods or discrepancies during the investigations Prepare a statement for CEO, including 3-4 main messages to be released at a planned press conference.

3. Community (Community Relations) Schedule and hold a meeting with members from the ACLU and contact people from all surrounding faith based organizations to meet with the PIA; encourage our support and seek their guidance with moving forward from the incident Post a YouTube video about the organization with a statement from CEO Rick Scott, and post to website and all social media outlets and post the message on our social media outlets Provide tours of organization for people interested in seeing how we operate Set up an automated message for our phone lines letting those who call know we can not release any information due to legal concerns and to address our website for information Update our organizations website with the key messages showing appreciation for all of our employees, tourists, and community members Calendar See attachment Budget: Risk assessment Tactics Evaluation Evaluation: Internal audience: o Debrief meeting with crisis communication team discussing pros and cons of implemented plan o Send out company wide survey through email and to be passed out by direct supervisors and completed by 2 weeks External Audience o Monitor and use social media websites to engage in two-way conversations with our publics about their satisfaction with our crisis communication o Hold a board meeting open to the public allowing them to discuss our communication during the crisis Community Audience o Setup call center to follow up with the families of the victims and ask what we can do better to help them through the crisis aftermath. Gauge satisfaction through dialogue with YouTube commenters

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