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Lesson 1: Treasure Hunt

Lesson Title: Grade Level: Subject: CC/GPSs: Social Studies 20th century time travel to Israel 7th

Description of Learning Goals, Standards, Objectives

Standard SS7H2:
The student will analyze continuity and chan e in Southwest !sia"#iddle $ast% leadin to the twenty &irst century' b'% $()lore the reasons behind Israel becomin a modern state in *+,-' Included the .ewish connection to the land/ the Holocaust/ 0ionism/ and antisemitism' 1hich technolo y standard"s% are you addressin in this activity2

National Technolog Standards:

a. use technology to locate, evaluate, and collect information from available resources. b. use technology tools to report results.

Long!Ter" Learning Goal or O#tco"e: $%CD Objectives or O#tco"es:

Students will be able to understand how the Holocaust/ 0ionism/ and antisemitism in&luenced the creation o& the modern state o& Israel'

Learnin 3bjective: 4sin the iven resources/ students will ain an understandin o& Israel5s journey in becomin a modern state by utilizin resources made available in the treasure hunt'

Description of $ssess"ent
$ssess"ent Plan: 1hat evidence do you have o& students6 understandin 2 How will 7now that they have met the objectives above2 Students will be divided into rou)s o& &our to wor7 on the treasure hunt to ether' They will each turn in their own co)y o& their answers' 3nce students have com)leted the hunt/ they will turn in a one )a e )a)er discussin at least two &actors mentioned in the hunt' Students will be assessed by the iven rubric'

Description of $ctivities &ith Technolog and 'aterials

Lesson 1: Treasure Hunt

$ctivit Design: Class starter and lesson connection: The Treasure Hunt is )ur)osed to hel) students search &or iven 8uestions &rom the hunt' Students are allowed to sur& the internet with credible sites/ as well as use sites I )rovided &or them' The students are allowed to join with others in this hunt/ and )eer hel) one another'

Teacher and st#dent activities:

I will do an informal assessment of the students prior nowledge of the history of Israel. This will be done by as ing various !uestions to pea their memory on the sub"ect. This will ta e place as an introductory activity. #fter this, students will be introduced to the lesson and activity for the day. $nce I e%plain the sub"ect to them, students will be allowed to brea off into groups of four to start the hunt. I would the students to spend the entire period finding the right answers, and thin ing of the structure of their papers.
' To assure learning takes place with children with exceptionalities, I will use short and simple sentences to ensure understanding, repeat instructions or directions frequently, and ask student if further clarification is necessary. I will closely monitor these students, and offer any additional support that is needed. Students will use the Treasure Hunt that is in the &orm o& a 1eebly website' They will also have monitored access to the internet'

Technolog Connection:

Lesson 1: Treasure Hunt

Stor (riting: Treas#re )#nt

Teacher 9ame: *as"ine $da"s Student 9ame: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::


Lesson 1: Treasure Hunt

>irst )ara ra)h has a >irst )ara ra)h has a ! catchy be innin ?@ rabber?@ or catchy wea7 ?@ rabber?@' was attem)ted but be innin ' was con&usin rather than catchy' 9o attem)t was made to catch the reader?5s attention in the &irst )ara ra)h'

The entire story is 0oc#s on $ssigned Topic related to the

#ost o& the story is related to the assi ned to)ic and assi ned to)ic' The allows the reader to story wanders o&& at understand much one )oint/ but the more about the to)ic' reader can still learn somethin about the to)ic' There are no s)ellin There is one s)ellin or )unctuation errors or )unctuation error in the &inal dra&t' in the &inal dra&t' ;haracter and )lace names that the author invented are s)elled consistently throu hout' !ll &acts )resented in !lmost all &acts the story are )resented in the accurate' story are accurate'

Some o& the story is related to the assi ned to)ic/ but a reader does not learn much about the to)ic'

9o attem)t has been made to relate the story to the assi ned to)ic'

Spelling and P#nct#ation

There are 2AB s)ellin and )unctuation errors in the &inal dra&t'

The &inal dra&t has more than B s)ellin and )unctuation errors'

$cc#rac of 0acts

#ost &acts )resented There are several in the story are &actual errors in the accurate "at least story' 70C%'

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