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2801 University Ave., Des Moines, IA 50311* (224) 578 -1618

Hello, My name is Judy Lee from Wheeling, Illinois and I have a passion for art and promoting personal growth. In May of this year, I plan to graduate from Drake University with a BSE in Secondary Education with an endorsement in Art. I believe that each student is a unique individual that has unlimited potential. However, in order to realize such potential, the student must first come to terms with where they stand in the present. By nature, humans are curious creatures and I seek to facilitate that very behavior. I hope to help my students gain a better understanding of themselves, their deeper feelings, and the world. My focus is to create genuine, knowledgeable, and confident humans. One of the major, ongoing themes in my philosophy is that of self-discovery. Like Erickson, I am a strong advocate of the idea that teens need to develop a sense of self and personal identity. The capability of being able to express ones thoughts mindfully is a life skill that will benefit people for the rest of their lives. It is healthy for students to self-reflect on who they are and what they want to be. School is a setting where students figure out their path, what it means to be alive, and explore endless possibilities. With a constructivists heart, I believe people construct their own understanding of the world. As educators, we must provide our students with the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and relevant to their lives. I believe the best way to produce this is by developing a curriculum around student interest, for this will foster intrinsic motivation and incite their passions. Teaching is a lifelong learning process that is ever changing. I know that I will continue to learn and grow every day in a classroom. I hope for my students to open my mind and heart in ways I would have never imagined before. I am me and I aim to create positive impacts on many lives.

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