Brianna Rattray Teaching Resume2

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213 Memorial Dr. Brantford ON, N3R 5S9 (519) 758- 8!1 "rattra#$la%e&ead'.(a ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) OBJECTIVE * moti+ated and ent&',ia,ti( tea(&er loo%in- for em.lo#ment at t&e intermediate/,enior le+el. ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) EDUCATION Lakehead University, 0&'nder Ba# ON 2 Ba(&elor of 3d'(ation - e4.e(ted 5'ne 2 11 2 Intermediate/Seni r! Bi " #y $ Envir nmenta" S%ien%e &%'i"" University, Montreal 6(. 2 13-2 11

7-2 11

2 Ba(&elor of S(ien(e- Biolo-i(al and 7ife S(ien(e, ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) ) TEAC(IN' $ RELATED E)*ERIENCE St+dent Tea%her Mar -*.r 2 11 8aterdo9n Di,tri(t :i-& S(&ool, 8aterdo9n ON 2 ;n,tr'(ted 3n+ironmental S(ien(e, <eo-ra.&# and =er,onal >itne,, for t&e -rade 12 O't"o'nd =ro-ram. 2 *,,i,ted 9it& t&e .lannin- and im.lementation of o'tdoor ed'(ation a(ti+itie, and tri., in(l'din- a 0o"ermor# &i%in- tri. and *l-on?'in (anoe tri.. 2 *,,e,,ed ,t'dent, on t&eir learnin- t&ro'-& a +ariet# of met&od, in(l'din.erforman(e "a,ed e+al'ation, .re,entation, and (la,, di,(',,ion,. St+dent Tea%her No+ - De( 2 13 *,,'m.tion @olle-e, Brantford ON 2 De,i-ned and im.lemented le,,on .lan, for -rade 11 @olle-e and Ani+er,it# Biolo-# (la,,e, 2 *,,e,,ed ,t'dent, on t&eir learnin- t&ro'-& formati+e and ,'mmati+e a,,e,,ment, and .ro+ided fa,t, effe(ti+e feed"a(% to ,t'dent,,, 2 *,,i,ted in (oa(&in- t&e B'nior -irl, +olle#"all team A%tivity Advis r O(t- Se.t 2 13

@ol'm"ia ;nternational @olle-e, :amilton ON 2 8or%ed 9it& ,t'dent de+elo.ment and at&leti(, de.artment, to (reate and im.lement a?'ati(, and o'tdoor re(reation .ro-rammin- for ,t'dent, 2 *,,i,ted 9it& (omm'nit#, ('lt'ral, and e4tra('rri('lar .ro-rammin- for a "etter o+er all ,t'dent e4.erien(e

Teen % mm+nity servi%e and advent+re tri, "eader! C sta Ri%a 5'ne- *'- 2 11 8e,t @oa,t @onne(tion,, Montreal 6(. 2 S'.er+i,ed and led teen, in (omm'nit# ,er+i(e and ad+ent're a(ti+itie, 2 7ife-'ard and fir,t aid re,.on,i"ilitie, Leadershi, C +nse"" r 2 !-2 1 @am. 8ana%ita, :ali"'rton ON 2 Or-aniCed leader,&i. .ro-ram for fir,t #ear and ,e(ond #ear ,t'dent (o'n,ellor, (15 D 1! #ear old,) 2 S'.er+i,ed and a,,i,ted leader, in t&e or-aniCation of e+ent, and a(ti+itie, 2 =lanned and ,(&ed'led a(ti+itie, t&ro'-& o't t&e ,'mmer 2 S'.er+i,ed, led and ed'(ated (, t&ro'-& (anoe tri.,

VOLUNTEER E)*ERIENCE The Under#r +nd 'ym, 0&'nder Ba# ON 2 13- 2 11 2 =ro+idin- 'nder.ri+ile-ed (&ildren and teen, 9it& after ,(&ool o..ort'nitie, ,'(& a, ,9immin- le,,on,, .iano le,,on,, "a%in- and fitne,, (l'", &%&aster Chi"dren-s ( s,ita", :amilton ON 2 12-2 13 2 8or%ed in t&e (&ild life .aediatri( on(olo-# (lini( .ro+idin- relief to .arent,, (&ildren and teen, t&ro'-& -ame,, art, and lendin- an o.en ear &akin# .aves/ Montreal 6(. 2 =ro+ided ,9immin- le,,on, to (&ildren 9it& e4(e.tionalitie, .0 R ss &a%d na"d S%h 2 2 " 1 r the vis+a""y im,aired, Brantford ON 2 2 8-2 11,ent

S'..ort ,taff on m'lti.le (anoe and &i%in- tri., 34tra ,'..ort for (ro,, (o'ntr# meet, and ,9im meet,

CERTI2ICATIONS $ S3ILLS 2 @om.eten(# in De,ire 2 7earn, Mi(ro,oft 8ord, 34(el and =o9er=oint 2 34.erien(e 9it& .o9er tea(&er and mar% "oo% 2 8:M;S trainin- for ,(ien(e tea(&er, 2 =rofi(ien(# in <rade 1 Braille 2 8ilderne,, >ir,t *id

2 Standard >ir,t *id D @=R @ 2 National 7ife-'ard 2 OR@E* (anoe flat 9ater le+el 1 2 :i%e Ontario- :i%e 7eader ;n,tr'(tor ON7;N3 =OR0>O7;OF &tt.F//"riannarattra#.ortfolio.9ee"l#.(om

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