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Poetry Book

by :Noah Charles

Table of Contents
Found poem #1: Video Games ............................................................. 3 Analysis #1 .............................................................................................. 3 Found poem #2 :Super Mario Brothers ............................................... 4 Analysis #2 .............................................................................................. 5 Found poem #3 : Video Games ............................................................ 5 Analysis #3 .............................................................................................. 6 Found poem #4: Minecraft .................................................................. 7 Analysis #4 ............................................................................................ 10 Found Poem # 5: Untitled .................................................................. 11 Analysis # 5 ........................................................................................... 12 Found poem # 6 .................................................................................... 12 Found poem #7 ..................................................................................... 15 Found poem #8 ..................................................................................... 16 Found poem #9 ..................................................................................... 17 Found poem #10 ................................................................................... 18 Authored Poetry .................................................................................. 20 Reflection .............................................................................................. 21 Glossary ................................................................................................ 22

Found poem #1: Video Games I look into this never-ending sun Left, right, right, left, the score climbing higher. Then, suddenly the sun ends its cold fun, ad we look at our life it seems so dire. Days and weeks slaughtered by the LED. No love life, no friends, no freedom. Just a window, what the screen lets me see. I live in a poorly crafted kingdom. Look before you, at this husk of a man He had such potential, he had a plan. Analysis #1 The title of this poem is video games and the author is Chris, no last name was given. This poem is related to my topic because it is about video games. This poem is about what can happen to a person who puts everything behind video games. The speaker of this poem is someone who has lived their life wasting away playing video games. This poem brings an image of someone who is a poor person asking for money because they spent all their life playing video games and not working to earn that money. The message of this poem is that if you play video games all your life you wont get to experience anything else you might want to. This poem is a free verse. It has one sound device and two other devices. The sound device is rhyme and the two other devices are punctuation and stanzas.

I would recommend this poem to any one that has or is spending most of their time on video games. This poem is in my book because it sends an important message to me and others.

Found poem #2 :Super Mario Brothers Oh fearless plumber, short and fat but brave Whose selfless task to rescue the princess Your adventures, they tell such a story grave That leaves even the greatest men impressed

You crossed the plains of 1-1 to 8-3 Jumped high, stomped countless Goombas in the ground Kicked turtle shells into the cactus beasts But yet, the princess, she is still not found

Raccoon suit, fire flowers and mushrooms Will guide you to the Koopa Kings lair Use all your might to evade certain doom When all seems lost you never fell despair

Analysis #2 The title of this poem is Super Mario Brothers 3 and the author is Chuggsy, no last name was given. This relates to my topic because it is about Super Mario Brothers, which is a series of video games. This poem is about what a player exhibits when playing Super Mario Brothers . The speaker of this poem is someone who has played these games all the way through. This poem puts an image of a path that never ends with a lot of challenges along the road with power ups and bosses. The message of this poem is that if you are constant you will find what youre looking for. There is one sound device and two other devices. The sound device is rhyme and the two other devices are stanzas and punctuation. This poem is a sonnet. I would recommend this poem to anyone that needs something fun and short to read. I chose this poem to go into my book because it something that I thought would go very well with my topic. Found poem #3 : Video Games I'm a gamer The things I do Mapped new worlds Slain a god or two Blown up stars And lead revolutions Gained experience And Increased my Constitution

Drove a tank A star-ship A dragon Killed a zombie horde Drank some mead from a flagon

I've built cities and worlds and life I've ended wars and Famines and strife

I've lived more lives than one can live I've seen the work of hundreds in the span of moments More personal than literature Analysis #3 The title of this poem is video games by Conar McVcker. This relates to my topic because it says what a gamer usually does in their lifetime of playing video games. This poem is about what a gamer goes through when they play a video game. The speaker of this poem is someone who plays video games of all types.

This poem puts an image of someone who has played many video games in their life time. This poems message is that it is telling you what you usually do when you play a video game. This poem is free verse poem. There is one sound device and two other devices. The sound device is rhyme and the other two devices are stanzas and punctuation. I would recommend this poem to any one that says video games are boring to show them that they are not. I chose this poem to go into my book because it is something that I ran across, and I liked it. Found poem #4: Minecraft Roses are red, Lapis is blue, I'd trade in my dog for a pickaxe or two, I love to mine, I'll mine all night Until the creepers come out And I put up a fight The creepers blow up And I go down Off to the village, This small little town I make a new bed To sleep through the night And I dream about zombies That I always fight The next morning I awake

And leave from the town Where I'll find a new home I will search up and down I build a new home With some wood and some dirt When I build the roof I hope I don't get hurt I built a new house. It seemed really nice When I realized I built it next to some ice I broke a few blocks so I could fish When I met a mean squid That wanted me on his dish I killed the squid with a rod and a hook And with its pure ink I made a new book As I read through the pages On How to make a Portal I decided to go there And be the first mortal I went to the Nether If that's what you call it I added some glowstone into my "wallet" I saw a few pigmen

They were swimming in lava I went over and hit one When it turned into drama I escaped just in time Out through the portal Back to the real world Where everything was normal I took down my portal so I couldn't jump back in After that I decided to go for a swim I went to the lake where there was no ice Where I went to catch fishes To eat for the night When I got back to my home I decided to cook All the fish from the brook After a while I got in the mood So I decided to grow some potatoes for food I waited for weeks for everything to grow But I finally gathered it all with my hoe All of them sparkled in the sun light That's when I decided to take the first bite It tasted so delicious until the next bite,

Then I thought this might be my last night It was a poisonous potato, I'd seen this before That's what I said when I fell to the floor I knew I wouldn't make it; I was down to one heart That's when I realized it's time to restart.

GAME OVER!!!! Analysis #4 This poems title is Minecraft Poem and the author is Kyra2020, with no last name given. This relates to my topic because it is about Minecraft a very popular video game. This poem is about Minecraft on more specific terms its about what goes on in Minecraft like trading, crafting, mining. The speaker of this poem is someone who is familiar with Minecraft. This poem gives me an image of a full Minecraft server with people fighting and mining also crafting. The message of this poem is that Minecraft is fun and has a lot of content. There is one sound device and one other device. The sound device is rhyme and the other device is punctuation. I would recommend this poem to anyone that wants to know what Minecraft is about. I chose this poem because it is something I know and I think other people should know because its one of the funnest games out there.


Found Poem # 5: Untitled In graved, a stone staircase, wound around, A deep mine with ore to be found, Is the life, lived, by the miner here, Forever remembered by his mark in the earth.

His life, was his mine, with miles of stone, With enough iron and gold to make a magnificent throne, But nothing, not anything, he ever did, Happened, existed, without his endless work.

And you need coal for your torches and iron for tools, Redstone for wires and gold as a prize, Obsidian for portal and Lapis to dye wool, But diamond, was always, his ultimate goal.


Analysis # 5 This poem is written by llama66613, and this poem is untitled. This relates to my topic because it is about Minecraft a video game. This poem is about the rewards of mining in Minecraft with the gold, coal, iron, and diamond. The speaker of this poem is someone who has an abundant source of minerals in Minecraft. This poem puts an image of a tower with a staircase down with areas cleared out like floors as a basement with chest filled with cobble. The message of this poem is if you keep trying you will succeed in what you want. There is one sound device and two other devices. The sound device is rhyme and the two other devices are stanzas and punctuation. This poem is a free verse. I would recommend this poem to anyone that thinks they cant do something. This poem is in my book because it really helped my make this book because it told me that you can do it. Found poem # 6 When the sun comes up Check my chest I'm low on stuff I need more lava wood and leather Got two diamond but three would be better That's how I know it's time to go Horizon calls through my window Time to go abroad and explore The rough road ahead never stopped me before


So I grab my beat up pick axe and my trusty sword And venture out to find out how far down that these caves go Risky job that I wouldn't drop for all the gold Cause the privilege to mine these blocks is mine and mine alone

Cause from the pigs and to the trees An earth size bed for me to sleep My paradise in cubic feet Just one click and then I see A whole world made for me

With a few strong swings I'm underground can't see a thing Quickly craft myself a torch and I'm off to search for gems to call my own that's When an old familiar hiss Is followed by some explosions Leaves me still deafened on the ground On the floor, shaken up, down but not out So with half a heart I gotta run the trip's postponed Grab my pail and then high tail at a mile a minute home Creepers out and the mobs about but I go on

Live to dig another day because this place is mine to roam

Cause from the pigs and to the trees An earth size bed for me to sleep My paradise in cubic feet Just one click and then I see A whole world made for me

Travel at the speed of light I swear I never moved so fast Slam the door finally home By myself I'm safe at last Gotta store the loot I scored Stowed inside my chest Cause in the morning when the sun comes up I'll do it all again

Cause from the pigs and to the trees An earth size bed for me to sleep My paradise in cubic feet Just one click and then I see A whole world made for me

Found poem #7 How many video games could you play, if you could play every day?

I want to know, I want to try, I want a guy that never dies.

Flying, racing, action games! Look in my head, you'd see a video game brain!

Blurry eyes, all red shot. Playing games and getting hot.

I play video games way too much! But thats my Mom saying such.

I don't agree, thats when I say, "I want to play video games EVERY DAY!"


Found poem #8 Many hours wasted, smashing evil Forces that keep me from high scores. Many controllers defaced, from bashing Buttons and joysticks that control my paws.

Many months disappeared, leveling warlords To destroy and conquer, the mighty tower. Many levels cleared, searching castles Holding princesses, captured by Bowser.

Many years controlled, by newer consoles Feeding my addiction, of box gazing. Many memory cards, missing in action From all the games that said, was not saving.

A whole lifetime spent, playing splitscreen games With all the chums, shooting guns in a foresome. Many more times, I will be popping up At the local shop, saying that game, looks awesome


Found poem #9 Pickaxe Broken Torches out Growls of hunger echo out.

Will I stay? Will I go? Conscience says to, 'Let it go.'

Headed toward the light I seek. A blocky shadow surfaced beneath. A flash of light filled the cave. The smoke had cleared but my ears still rang.

One heart remained. No food left. Home so far away. Spelt certain death...

Zombies Rushed. Skeletons Clanked The creeper creeped.


With no time to think!

The smell of porkshop fills the outside air. Relieving the feeling of hunger and despair.

Home sweet home! Oh, here I come! Almost there! Just run run run!

Arms length reach, to the door. But... Through my chest an arrow bore... So close, so close. I said to myself... As the world grew red and my items fell. Found poem #10 Slime I climbed the highest mountains I dug the deepest mines I built a castle out of iron powered by Redstone lines being king of the land seemed so very sweet

I hunted cows and pigs and ducks and herded many sheep but nothing did astound me because I thought I saw it all until I found my own pet slime and titled him lord goofball He followed me around and wore his straight face He stunned me with his beauty and hopped with so much grace He amazed me with his fortitude Climbing the mountain side Then he pushed me off the cliff Lord goofball committed regicide


Authored Poetry Minecraft Mining is your biggest goal In a world that almost never ends Nor is it safe at night and day Easy you might think to complete this game that never ends Craft to gain stronger tools and weapons, also armor Rated 5 out of 5 stars by me Action of all kinds Fit for all types of players Thousands of players a day

Life is a Video Game Life is a video game The only differences are There is no respawn button There is no pause button There is no new game button One of the similarities are You can find your way through life and sometimes cheat through


Assassins Creed Learn a bit of history It is also fun

Halo Halo Soldier Against the covenant Youre fighting almost non-stop

Reflection My general reflection to writing poetry was not that great seeing that I am not much in to writing in any form. I think I did well. I think I could have used better grammar. My best poem to me is my acrostic poem. I associate happy feelings with my poetry because my topic is nothing I can associate any negative feelings with. I think what changes that have been made in my poetry is that I take my time and do not rush through it. In addition, I make better word choices to make more sense.


Glossary Alliteration: repetition of the same sounds or of the same kinds of sounds at the beginning of words Allusion narrative poetry: any communication resembling poetry in beauty or the evocation of feeling Assonance: repetition of vowel sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases or sentences Connotation: an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning Couplet: a pair of lines of meter in poetry Denotation: a translation of a sign to its meaning Extended metaphor: is when an author exploits a single metaphor or analogy Hyperbole: is the use of exaggeration Imagery: poetry that gives you an image Internal rhyme: rhyme that occurs within a single line Lyric poetry: poetry written as song Metaphor: term or phrase is applied to something that it is not applicable Mood: it creates an emotional setting enveloping the reader Onomatopoeia: resembles or suggests the source of the sound that it describes Personification: giving an object a human trait Quatrain: is a type of stanza, or a complete poem, consisting of four lines Refrain: lines that are repeated in music or in verse


Repetition: repetition of content sounds to create internal rhyming within phrases Rhyme: a repetition of similar sounds in two or more words Rhyme pattern: is the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song Sensory imagery: when a writer uses words that connect to a reader's senses Simile: the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind Stanza: a group of lines in poetry Suspense: developed from an unpredictable, mysterious, and rousing source of entertainment Tone: encompasses the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience Voice: Voice is the author's style


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