Stations of The Cross 2

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Stations of the Cross

By Ebony, Jennifer and Jason

1. Jesus Is Condemned
This is where Jesus is condemned. He had the crown of thorns placed on his head.

2. Jesus receives the Cross

This is where Jesus is given the cross. It is heavy and he feels pain.

3. Jesus falls for the first time

This is where Jesus falls for the first time. He falls because it is heavy.

4. Jesus meets Mary (His Mother)

This is where Jesus meets his mother. It is a special time for Mary and himself because they hadn't seen each other in many years.

5. Simon helps Jesus carry the Cross

This is where Simon helps Jesus carry the cross to the mountain where Jesus was crucified. This was helpful to Jesus because the cross was heavy.

6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus

This is where Veronica wipes Jesus face. His face needed wiping because he was carrying the cross for so long.

7. Jesus falls for the second time

This is when Jesus falls for the second time. He falls because he cant stand the pain and needs to stop to regain his strength.

8. Jesus meets the woman of Jerusalem

This is where Jesus finally meets the woman of Jerusalem. This is a privilege for the woman of Jerusalem because she was touching the hands of Jesus.

9. Jesus falls for the third time

This is where Jesus falls for the third time. He fell because the cross was just getting heavier and he couldnt take the pain any longer.

10. Jesus is stripped of his garment

This is where Jesus was stripped of his garment. Jesus had to be stripped of his garments because when they nailed him to the cross, the garments would get in the way.

11. Jesus is nailed to the Cross

This is the sad time when Jesus was nailed to the cross. Just before Jesus was nailed to the cross, they put a sign on the cross that said, INRI , which means Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews.

12. The Crucifiction

This is when Jesus was crucified. Jesus died on the cross to free us from our sins.

13. Jesus is taken down from the Cross

When Jesus was dead, the people took him off the cross and covered him in white cloth and removed the crown of thorns from his head.

14. Jesus is laid in the tomb

This is when they laid Jesus in the tomb. Jesus eventually resurrected and surprised Mary when she had gone to the tomb and the stone had been rolled away.


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