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Rubric for Reviewing EDMT 330 Moodle online learning experiences Your name: Email address: Moodle experience

you reviewed: Jacqueline Hebert How the mitten became a state

Directions: Type the appropriate Attainment Level (Unacceptable Acceptable Tar!et" #or each criterion. The $oodle online e%perience content is well or!ani&ed The $oodle online e%perience content is appropriate #or the intended !rade level The ob'ectives o# the course are clearly stated. The ob'ectives are achievable in the learnin! activities. (t is easy to navi!ate the components o# the course. All lin)s wor) in this course. The course provides multiple activities that help students develop critical thin)in! and*or problem solvin! s)ills. Assessment activities are appropriate #or the content and tar!et audience. +verall how would you rate the $oodle online learnin! e%perience, Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et Tar!et

-./U(-.0 1omments2 3hat did you especially li)e about this e%perience, 3hat did you li)e least, 3hat improvements do you su!!est, This was by #ar my #avorite moodle e%perience. (t was e%tremely easy to navi!ate read and ( love how you did so much o# the teachin!. The only improvement ( have is that some o# the words were cut o## at certain parts but that is very minor. Also ( thin) everyone should have the same amount o# time to prepare their slides. 4reat wor)

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